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Every Child, Every Day. A Conversation about Attendance in Washtenaw County August 19, 2014 Scott Menzel , Superintendent Naomi Norman, Executive Director Achievement Initiatives Washtenaw ISD. The Importance of Being in School. How are absence rates determined?.
Every Child, Every Day A Conversation about Attendance in Washtenaw County August 19, 2014 Scott Menzel, Superintendent Naomi Norman, Executive Director Achievement Initiatives Washtenaw ISD
How are absence rates determined? • Any absence from school or from a class period • excused or unexcused • examples: illness, skipping class, participating in school-sponsored activity, family vacation • Calculated as a percent present of total time possible • Example 1 • Student misses 2-3 days per month = 18-27 days (80-85% attendance) • Example 2 • Student is late once a week and misses half a day = 18 days (85% attendance)
What is chronic absence? • Michigan Department of Education • Missing 10 days a year or more (5% or more) • Attendanceworks.org defined as • missing 10% of a school year for any reason • Missing 18 days a year (or more) • Severe chronic absence • Missing 20% of the school year or more • Missing 36 days or more
13,981 Students in Washtenaw County missed 10 or more days in 2012-13 Source: MiSchoolData.org
Who is missing school? • Which subgroups of students are impacted most? Average White student in Washtenaw County attends 171 days of school Average Black student attends 160 days of school Source: MSDS 2013-14 Attendance Data Washtenaw County
Suspension Patterns for Students with IEPs (Special Education) Type of Disciplinary Consequence Students with IEPs in Washtenaw County 2013-14 Approximately 6,100 students with disabilities with 1400 discipline consequences 1037 out-of-school suspensions 352 in school suspensions 11 expulsions Source: MSDS 2013-14 Discipline Data Washtenaw County
County Average Source: MSDS 2013-14 Discipline Data Washtenaw County
In Washtenaw County 2013-14: 1037 out of school suspensions for an average of 3.6 days each 3743 days of school missed Source: MSDS 2013-14 Discipline Data Washtenaw County
For More Information • Attendance Works: http://www.attendanceworks.org/ • Chronic Absenteeism Report: http://new.every1graduates.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/FINALChronicAbsenteeismReport_May16.pdf • Attendance data for all districts and schools in Michigan: http://mischooldata.org • For more information about this presentation and its data, please contact: Naomi Norman, Washtenaw ISD, nnorman@washtenawisd.org, 734-994-8100 ext. 1263