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Chapter 18

Chapter 18. Splitter Windows and Multiple Views. The Splitter Windows. An object of class CSplitterWnd represents the splitter window. As far as Windows is concerned, a CSplitterWnd object is an actual window that fully occupies the frame window (CFrameWnd or CMDIChildWnd) client area.

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Chapter 18

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 18 Splitter Windows and Multiple Views

  2. The Splitter Windows • An object of class CSplitterWnd represents the splitter window. • As far as Windows is concerned, a CSplitterWnd object is an actual window that fully occupies the frame window (CFrameWnd or CMDIChildWnd) client area. • Like RichText did

  3. View Options • SDI application with splitter window, single view class • SDI application with splitter window, multiple view classes • SDI application with no splitter windows, multiple view classes • MDI application with no splitter windows, single view class • MDI application with no splitter windows, multiple view classes • MDI application with splitter child windows

  4. Dynamic and Static Splitter Windows • The user can split the window at any time by choosing a menu command or by dragging a splitter box. • The panes are pre defined and can not be changed, However the user can move the split changing the size of them.

  5. Ex18a Example: A Single View Class SDI Dynamic Splitter • the user can dynamically split the view into four panes with four separate view objects, all managed by a single view class. • You create an SDI project and select Split Window on the User Interface Features page (That was hard  ) • MFC Application Wizard adds code to your CMainFrame class. You can also add this code to a current project.

  6. 18 A

  7. Ex18b Example: A Double View Class SDI Static Splitter • Defines a second view class and allowing a static splitter window to show the two views. • The splitter is initialized with two panes each with it’s own view class. (Hex and String code in text)

  8. 18 B

  9. Ex18c Example: Switching View Classes Without a Splitter • Ex18c is an SDI application that switches between the CStringView and CHexView with commands from the View menu. • Button / check menu handlers are needed to switch the views used. • E.G. GetActiveView()->IsKindOf(RUNTIME_CLASS(CStringView)));

  10. 18 C

  11. Ex18d Example: A Multiple View Class MDI Application • Ex18d, creates a multiple view class MDI application without a splitter window. • This example uses the CDocTemplate object and code hooks in both the application and main frame classes

  12. 18D

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