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Clinical Summaries

Configuring RPMS-EHR for Meaningful Use R esource P atient M anagement S ystem. Clinical Summaries. Presenters: Chris Lamer, PharmD, MHS Nashville Area Office. Core MU Objective. “Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit.” - 42 CFR Part 495.6,(d)(13)( i ).

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Clinical Summaries

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Configuring RPMS-EHR for Meaningful Use Resource Patient Management System Clinical Summaries

  2. Presenters: Chris Lamer, PharmD, MHS Nashville Area Office Clinical Summaries

  3. Core MU Objective “Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit.” - 42 CFR Part 495.6,(d)(13)(i) Clinical Summaries

  4. Applicability • Eligible Professionals (EP) Clinical Summaries

  5. Training Objectives • Provide clinical summaries for patients for each office visit through the EHR. Clinical Summaries

  6. MU Measure Type of Measure: Rate Clinical Summaries

  7. Threshold Clinical summaries provided to patients for more than 50% of all office visits during the EHR reporting period within three business days. Clinical Summaries

  8. RPMS Reporting Logic Denominator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient face-to-face visit with a provider (Service Category of A, S, O, or M) WHERE: the visit occurred on or after the first day of the EHR reporting period AND WHERE: the visit occurred on or before the fourth business day prior to the end of the EHR reporting period Clinical Summaries

  9. RPMS Reporting Logic Numerator Inclusions: COUNT: each patient face-to-face visit in the denominator WHERE: a Patient Wellness Handout (PWH) was generated on or after the visit date/time but within 3 business days of the visit Clinical Summaries

  10. RPMS Reporting Logic Measure Exclusion: • EPs who have no office visits during the EHR reporting period are excluded from this measure. Clinical Summaries

  11. Configure RPMS Create a Patient Wellness Handout using the VA Health Summary. Clinical Summaries

  12. Configure EHR During our how-to session we will: • Create the Health Summary button. Clinical Summaries

  13. Evidence of Functionality During our how-to session we will: • Produce a Clinical Summary in EHR. Clinical Summaries

  14. How-to SessionQuestions & Discussion Clinical Summaries

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