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MCAT Installation Procedures for SRB version 2.0 Wayne Schroeder, SDSC April, 2003. MCAT Install 2.0 Improvements. Rewritten README.MCAT.INSTALL New README.databases (DB orientation) Postgres examples Files that had been kept in two places are now links to one ( MdasConfig, metadata.fkrel)
MCAT Installation Procedures for SRB version 2.0Wayne Schroeder, SDSC April, 2003
MCAT Install 2.0 Improvements Rewritten README.MCAT.INSTALL New README.databases (DB orientation) Postgres examples Files that had been kept in two places are now links to one (MdasConfig, metadata.fkrel) Use of configure, not editing mk/mk.config Use of new Java mcatAdmin for some setup Some script use simplification
Prerequisites Need a DBMS instance for MCAT For Oracle, need userid/password For Postgres, review MCAT installation before installing Postgres to configure and run it as needed.
Step 1: Configure ./configure --enable-oramcat or ./configure --enable-pgsmcat or ./configure --enable-db2mcat or ./configure --enable-symcat Specifies that you are building an MCAT enabled SRB and the type of Data Base Management System being used.
Configure Some more extensive examples: ./configure --enable-oramcat --enable-oraver=815 --enable-oraconn=TNS --enable-mcatver=20 --enable-orahome=/usr/local/apps/oracle --enable-javagui --enable-jdkhome=/usr/local/apps/jdk1.4.1 And: ./configure --enable-psgmcat --enable-psghome=/scratch/slocal/pgsql --enable-installdir=/scratch/slocal/SRB_Install --enable-javagui --enable-jdkhome=/usr/local/apps/jdk1.4.1
Step 2: MCAT Information File – MdasConfig, and mcatHost, hostConfig In data directory, modify the file 'MdasConfig' For Oracle MCAT: MDASDBTYPE oracle MDASSCHEMENAME OracleUserName. ( with a dot at the end of OracleUserName) MDASDBNAME yourOracleInstance MDASINSERTSFILE /your_SRB1_1_8rel/data/mdas_inserts METADATA_FKREL_FILE metadata.fkrel DB2INSTANCE db2v2 DB2PASSWORD OraclePassword DB2USER OracleUserName DB2LOGFILE /your_SRB1_1_8rel/data/db2logfile DBHOME /yourOracleHome/oracle/product/8.1.7
Step 3: gmake gmake at top source directory gmake at MCAT level
Step 4: Run Install Script For Oracle: sqlplus user/pass@DBName @catalog.install.ora >& myinstall.results.ora Or Postgres: psql mcatTest < catalog.install.psg > & myinstall.results.psg Diff results and make sure differences are explainable.
Step 5: Run Test Script cd MCAT/bin ../data/test.catalog >& ../data/mytest.results diff with supplied results file of DB type
Step 6: Create Your SRB Admin ID Use “bootstrap” user/password % setenv srbUser srb % setenv srbAuth CANDO % setenv mdasDomainName sdsc Create your domain: % bin/ingestToken Domain YOURDOMAIN gen-lvl4 And then create the admin user account: % bin/ingestUser YOUR_ADMIN_NAME A_PASSWD YOURDOMAIN sysadmin '' '' '' % unsetenv srbUser srbAuth mdasDomainName
Step 7: Update SRB User’s Env Using the username and password for the sysadmin account you have just created, update the ~/.srb/.MdasEnv and ~/.srb/.MdasAuth files for the Unix user under which the SRB server will run.
Step 8: Install and Run SRB Server ‘gmake install’ at top level cd to install directory, ‘runsrb’ See README.INSTALL
Step 9: Run mcatAdmin Tool Start up mcatAdmin cd MCAT/java gmake run Create resources Add Users, etc Once All Is Verified Operational, Delete ‘bootstrap’ srb user See README.MCAT.ADMIN
Options from main window. Each (except Exit) brings up a new window.
Future 2.0 MCAT Installation Is Improved But Still Needs Work Additional Simplification More Automation Feedback From User Sites