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Basic Mold Functions. Professor Joe Greene CSU, CHICO. Basic Mold Function. Shaping the Product Product Shape Ducting the Plastic from Machine Cavities Runners Venting the Plastic Cooling the Plastic Ejecting the Product Economical Considerations Mold Type and Number of Cavities.
Basic Mold Functions Professor Joe Greene CSU, CHICO
Basic Mold Function • Shaping the Product • Product Shape • Ducting the Plastic from Machine Cavities • Runners • Venting the Plastic • Cooling the Plastic • Ejecting the Product • Economical Considerations • Mold Type and Number of Cavities
Shaping the Product • Slides versus Lifters • Slides move in die direction to slide a piece of tooling away from part that is used for holes, slots, or openings • Lifters move in die direction to lift the part and free an undercut or “in-turn” flange
Shaping the Product • Product Shape • Plain utility shape • Plastic parts for plain containers, lids, toys, tool handles • Generous tolerances and radii, design changes to mold easy to make • Simple gate and runner system with inexpensive materials • Concerns include very flat areas (top of lids), undercuts, finishing (texturing or polishing or engraving) • Artistic shape • Simple designs are similar to utility shape except that design change approvals are more difficult if it involves cosmetic appeal. Molds may be more expensive to accommodate. • Concerns include changes to “free-hand” artwork with no CNC but models • Engineering (functional) shape • Function of product is key with tight tolerances and accurate dimensions • Parts include computer housing, cassette box, car lamps, fascia, fender • Changes to part design (ribs or bosses) affects other quality areas, e.g., surface finish and sink marks.
Ducting the Plastic from Machine • Cold runners • Cost is less than hot runner due to no controls, heaters • Shot volume is more since more material is injected • Regrinding is done to reuse runner material • Labor is more due to handling of runners for regrinding • Power is more since more resin is injected. • Note: Some runners on small parts are 80% of part wt. • Examples • Sprue gate: sprue feeds directly to part which is trimmed • Cold runners used for small and medium sized parts in two or more cavities. • Small (short) as possible and small cross section otherwise get a long cooling time. Caution against too small and high pressures
Ducting the Plastic from Machine • Cold Runner Examples • Two Plate molds- • Runner is in the parting plane of the mold and is ejected together with the products. • Mold is simple and selected where mold cost is paramount. • Typically edge, fan, or diaphragm gated requiring trimming. • Tunnel or submarine gates are self-degating when mold opens. • Three plate molds- • Runner is in a different plane than the parting plane of the mold and is ejected separately from the products as the molds opens. • Gating is usually Outside Center Gated where gating is provided anywhere into the product except into the rim or side wall. Inherently self-degating. More expensive than 2-Plate • Inside Center Gated (ISCG) are used for cup-shaped products.
Ducting the Plastic from Machine • Hot Runner • Cost is more than cold runner 2-Plate and about the same as 3-plate mold • Shot volume is less since all of the plastic is injected. • Regrinding is not done since no runners exist. • Labor is less since no gates are removed. • Power is less due to no sprues, runners, or gates. • Sensitivity to dirt is more since any dirt lodged in a gate will stay there since it isn’t molded in the part. Valve gates tend to be less sensitive to dirt. • Start-up from cold usually takes 10 to 15 minutes • Color changes are easy and fast • Multicavities are possible from 2 to 96 cavities.
Ducting the Plastic from Machine • Hot Runner Examples • Hot sprue is gated directly into cavity of single cavity • Multicavities are possible from 2 to 96 cavities. • Insulated runner molds are a different type of hot runners • Single cavity is similar to a hot sprue • Multicavity molds have a max of 12 to 16 cavities • Used with commodity plastics (PE, PP, and PS) • Disadvantage is difficult start-up procedure • Advantages are • simple construction, low cost, and high efficiency • Molds for PE do not have heaters as do PP and PS molds • Caution in some hot runners may get dead spots and stagnant plastic areas where resin can decompose and decontaminate
Removing Air from The Cavities • Single Gate • In a well-designed mold with tight parting-line the air in the mold is trapped as plastic replaces it. • As resin is injected, the sir can be compressed in pockets within the cavity, causing the air to heat up rapidly and then burning the plastic and leaving voids in part • Need vents to relieve the air • Natural locations: ejector pins, sleeves in the core • Especially in deep ribs and recesses • Uneven Walls • Plastic flow faster along heavier section or rib than in a narrow section and will double back toward gate, trapping air • Vent with vent pins, ejector pins, or vent slots • Multiple Gates • Flow fronts can combine to form a weld line and trap air
Cooling the Plastic • Mold is a Heat Exchanger • Most of the energy from the plastic must be removed • Plastic enters hopper at room temp, TR (25°C) • It is heated to just below melt temperature, TM (150°C to 250°C), in the barrel and then sheared to temperature above TM to the operating temperature, TO (TM+10°C). • Plastic is injected into mold, cools to 25°C below TG where it is ejected at TE • Keys to a good mold is quality and efficiency of the cooling layout. The more efficient the cooling layout the faster heat is removed and the shorter the cycle time. • Design choices for the cooling channels are the number, the diameter, the mold material thermal conductivity, and the location of the channels_ distance from surface and spacing between channels.
TIN Mold TOUT Cooling the Plastic • Measurements of efficiency • Temperature difference, T, between incoming plastic and ejected product • Temperature difference between plastic and the cooling water • Temperature difference between the IN water supply to mold and OUT water return from the mold. • If no rise in temperature in the cooling water upon exit, then the channel diameter is too large or the flow is too slow (laminar flow). • Typical rise is temperature is 3°C to 5°C rise in temperature.
Ejecting the Product • Key to ejecting the product is reliability • Mold must function 100% of the time without getting a part stuck • Cost of 1 part in 10,000 failing can be substantial • Assume, 16-cavity mold with 10-second cycle time and 1 part per 10,000 fails • 3,600 sec/hr ÷ 10 sec/shot = 360 shots/hour x 16 parts/shot= 5,760parts/hr • Failure of 1part in 10,000 pieces where the machine stops. The it will stop every 10,000pieces/5,760 parts/hr = 1.74 hours machine stops. • Failure causes • Catastrophic failure of mechanical components of machine or mold • Maintenance problems with power, water, or air service to machine • Breakage of under-sized (too small) ejector pins, • Misalignment of ejector and stripper plates causes bending of pins or wear of ejector pin holes. • Blocked air circuits for vacuum or air system • Even distribution of air flow with air actuated ejectors • Insufficient stroke of mechanical ejectors • Undercuts or insufficient mold stoke during setup
Economically/Suiting Requirements • Mold Type and Number of Cavities • Production requirements of the mold • Concept mold (test mold) where 10 or 20 parts are required. • Shape is important, but mold function, and surface finish are not. Short lead time is important so shortcuts can be made in the construction by not having cooling lines and automatic ejector system. Can be soft steel, aluminum, epoxy molds or rapid prototype molds. • Prototype molds where a couple of thousand are required. • Shape is important, fast timing on mold is important, function should be demonstrated with cooling lines and ejector systems • Surface finish and cycle time can be relaxed as a requirement. • Assume machine is used 90% of the time or 5,400 hours per year • Would require at least three cavities, though 4 cavity would be better
Economically/Suiting Requirements • Mold Type and Number of Cavities • Production mold where 1 million parts are expected in life of mold • Shape is important with tolerances on dimensions, function is critical to achieve low cycle time with the use of cooling lines, ejector system, surface finish • Example to find number of molds or cavities • 4 million pieces required per year for 3 years at 10sec-cycle • 3,600 sec/hr at 10 sec/part = 360 parts/hr • 4 million parts at 360 part/hr = 11,110 hours • Assume a year has 5,400 hours by 24 hrs/day x 5 days per week x 50 weeks per year = 6,000 hours per year • Assume machine is used 90% of the time or 5,400 hours per year • Would require at least three cavities, though 4 cavity would be better
Economically/Suiting Requirements • Machine Hour Time • Multicavity molds maximize the output of a mold and a machine • Molds cost less than a machine, thus, choose as many cavities as possible as the machine throughput (Use the 80% rule for machine capacity) • Example, • As the number of cavities increase, the incremental savings become smaller and will slowly approach zero. • With a 4-cavity tool at a 10-sec cycle, the mold produces: 1,440 pieces/hr • 3,600 sec/hr ÷ 10 sec/shot x 4 pieces/shot = 1,440 pieces/hr • Machine cost = $100 / hour ÷ 1,440 pieces/hr = $0.0694/piece • With an eight cavity mold, 2,880 pieces/hr at $0.0347/piece • With a 16-cavity mold, the piece cost would be $0.0174/part • Advantage of Multicavity molds • Reduces piece cost of parts, reduces time required to use molding machine, requires fewer molding machines to be used • Disadvantage of Multicavity molds • Risk of having production on fewer number of molds, which might break-down • Cost of 8-cavity is about twice the cost of a 4-cavity
Economically/Suiting Requirements • Multicavity on big molding machine versus single cavity on smaller sized (Table-top) molding machines • Trade-offs • Compare costs of a multicavity tooling on one big machine versus single or dual cavity on smaller machines. • Compare floor space, part costs, labor costs, etc… • High Productivity within Short Time • Same product as previous example is required as a promotional item, for a “one-shot deal” and is needed ASAP. • Required 4 million pieces in 6 months instead of 12 months • Use two 4 cavity molds on two machines or get an 8-cavity mold • Piece cost is most affected by part eight (50% to 70% of total costs) • Thinning the wall is common to reduce part cost.
Molding Different Shapes • Rule of thumb: • Mold should be made for one type of product • Different shapes have different molding characteristics • Exception • Some products, e.g., toys and some engineering products_ which require the same or multiple quantities of a number of different shapes of the same plastic and the same color, may be produced in a family mold. • Advantage: Economical • Volumes aren’t big enough for a multi-cavity mold for 1 part, so several different parts are combined in one mold using the same material. • Molding cycle is same for all parts • Parts can be assembled after molding • Disadvantage • All parts from mold must use same plastic, even if it is not the best material for some of the parts. • One cavity may produce bad parts and need repair causing downtime
Multiple Color or Material Molds • Molds consist of 2 or more cavities and cores which are fed from 2 or more injection units. • Over-molding of one material over another • One resin is injected into a cavity and core, then the mold is rotated and the second resin is injected in the new cavity with an identical core. • Example, • Toothbrush handles with 2 types of plastic on them • Typewriter keys with the letters or numbers molded in the plastic.