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Present Continuous

Present Continuous. Present Continuous. Formação: No tempo progressivo ou contínuo utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar to be a todas as pessoas junto com o gerúndio -ing do verbo principal. Ex.: The climate is gett ing warner. (get) That child is grow ing bigger every day. (grow)

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Present Continuous

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  1. Present Continuous

  2. Present Continuous Formação: No tempo progressivo ou contínuo utiliza-se o verbo auxiliar to bea todas as pessoas junto com o gerúndio -ing do verbo principal. Ex.: The climate is gettingwarner. (get) That child is growingbigger every day. (grow) The Universe is expanding, and has been since its beginning. (expand)

  3. Present Continuous Usos: 1) Utilizamos o present progressive/continuous para expressar atividades que estão ocorrendo normalmente no momento em que se fala. Ex.: Please don’t make so much noise. I’m working. “Where’s Margaret?” “She’s having a bath”. Let’s go out now. It isn’t raining anymore. I’m very tired. I’m going to bed now. Good night! 2) Usamos o progressive/continuous quando falamos sobre coisas que estão acontecendo no período em que se fala, não necessariamente no exato momento. Ex.: John and Sarah are talking in a Café. John says: – I’m reading an interesting book at the moment. I’ll lend it to you when I’ve finished it. (John isn’t reading the book at the time of speaking.)

  4. Present Continuous 3) Para fazer referências a ações futuras planejadas ou previstas. Ex.: Next year, we are spending our vacation at Nottingham. Janice and Fred are leaving for Paris tomorrow. 4) É utilizado, ainda, para descrever ações que ocorrem com freqüência ou que se repetem. É comum o uso do advérbio always, que é posicionado entre o verbo auxiliar e o verbo principal. Ex.: I’m always doing something. I’ve lost my key again. I’m always losing my things. Ney is always telling the same jokes.

  5. Present Continuous • Cuidado: • Os verbos a seguir não são usados no tempo progressivo. • like, love, hate, want, prefer, believe, see, know, realise, suppose, need, understand, remember, taste, belong, contain, consist, depend, seem, hear, smell

  6. Present Continuous Lembrando que na forma negativa basta acrescentar o not junto ao verbo to be, ou abreviá-lo. Ex.: I am not working now She is not (isn´t) playing baseball. We are not (aren´t) eating pizza.

  7. Present Continuous Já na forma Interrogativa basta inverter a ordem do sujeito com o verbo to be, e acrescentar o ponto de interrogação no final da pergunta. Ex.: Is she studing English now ? Are they going to Fred´s farm ?

  8. Present Continuous Thank you very much !!!

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