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CTE in Community Schools Update

CTE in Community Schools Update. Dwight Anstaett and John Taracko OACTE Conference August 31, 2014. Serving CS/STEM Students in CTE. Revised Q & A Document is posted

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CTE in Community Schools Update

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CTE in Community Schools Update Dwight Anstaett and John TarackoOACTE Conference August 31, 2014

  2. Serving CS/STEM Students in CTE Revised Q & A Document is posted Outline of current law (ORC 3314) regarding Community School participation in CTE programs within the student’s resident district

  3. Access • Community School students have access to CTE in the same way as other students residing within the CTPD. • The CTE additional funding follows the student.

  4. HB 59, Community Schools and CTE All grades 7-12 Community and STEM Schools are assigned to a CTPD Location, Location, Location! CTPD “Lead District” – responsible for approval of all CTE Programs within the CTPD

  5. CTE Program Approval New programs ODE Consultants available to assist Local approval criteria

  6. Approval Criteria Demand for the career-technical education program by industries in the state Quality of the program Potential for a student enrolled in the program to receive the training that will qualify the student for industry credentials or postsecondary education

  7. Approval Criteria Admission requirements of the lead district Past performance of the district or school that is offering the program Traveling distance Sustainability

  8. Approval Criteria Capacity Availability of the program within the career-technical planning district In the case of a new program, the cost to begin the program.

  9. Timeline • Oct. 1, 2013 – HB 59 Sec. 3317.161 took effect • Community Schools and STEM Schools were assigned to Career-Technical Planning Districts (CTPD).

  10. FY15 Timeline By March 1, 2015 – All CTE programs operated by Community or STEM schools newly assigned to a CTPD will be approved or disapproved by the CTPD lead district. Collaboration and communication with your assigned lead district is critical!

  11. Timeline By March 15, 2015 – Any appeals generated by programs not approved or not acted upon by the CTPD lead district must be received at ODE.

  12. Timeline By May 15, 2015 – All appeals must be decided by ODE for programs that seek design and funding approval for the 2015-16 school year (FY2016).

  13. FY2015 and Career-Based Intervention Per HB 59 Sec. 265.500,all Career-Based Intervention programs shall be reviewed using the quality program standards developed by ODE.

  14. FY2015 and Career-Based Intervention ODE will decide based on this review whether to approve or disapprove the program for funding for the following five fiscal years, and shall notify each district, community school or STEM school of its decision by May 15, 2015.

  15. FY2015 and Career-Based Intervention Any ODE approved Career-Based Intervention program subject to review in FY2015 shall retain its approval status during that fiscal year.

  16. HB 59 Funding

  17. HB 59 Funding

  18. CTE Middle School Expansion • Grades 7-9 • Includes Community and STEM Schools • Funding available • If a new program, a CTE-26 and Program of Study is required • Contact your ODE Career Field Consultant for guidance on program development

  19. Questions?

  20. For More Information Dwight Anstaett Dwight.Anstaett@education.ohio.gov John Taracko John.Taracko@education.ohio.gov

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