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1983 A Nation at Risk

1983 A Nation at Risk. Elizabeth Angeloff. Objectives. What was A Nation at Risk ? Who was behind A Nation at Risk What were the indicators of risk? What were the recommendations for improvement?. What was a Nation at Risk?.

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1983 A Nation at Risk

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  1. 1983 A Nation at Risk Elizabeth Angeloff

  2. Objectives • What was A Nation at Risk? • Who was behind A Nation at Risk • What were the indicators of risk? • What were the recommendations for improvement?

  3. What was a Nation at Risk? • The 1983 report from the National Commission on Excellence in Education • Compiled over 18 months • Purpose • Define the problems afflicting American Education • Provide Solutions. Not scapegoats.

  4. Who was behind A Nation at Risk? • President Ronald Reagan • T.H. Bell • Secretary of Education • National Commission on Excellence in Education • 18 members • Private Sector • Government • Education

  5. Ronald Reagan’s Speech • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmQXx-DEBRM

  6. What were the Indicators of Risk • Low rankings on academic tests compared to other industrialized nations • SAT scores declined from 1963-1980. • Verbal fell 50 points • Math fell 40 points • Nearly 40% of 17 year olds could not draw inferences from written material • Increase in remedial math courses at 4 year colleges

  7. Indicators of Risk cont… • Average tested achievement of students graduating from college is lower. • Business and military leaders complain that they are required to spend millions of dollars on costly remedial education

  8. Recommendations for Improvement • Five Categories • Content • Standards and Expectations • Time • Teaching • Leadership and Fiscal Support

  9. Content • Specific standards of learning in: • Math • English • Science • Social studies • Computer science. • High School curriculum should include: • Fine arts • Performing Arts • Vocational Education • Revising, updating, improving and making available new divers curriculum

  10. Standards and Recommendation • 4-year colleges should raise admission requirements • Inflated grades • Standardized tests administered at major transition points • Textbooks and tools of learning upgraded • New instructional materials should reflect current applications of technology

  11. Time • Instruction in effective study and work skills • 7 hour school days • 200 day school years • Improved classroom management and organization • Grouping students based on academic progress, not age

  12. Teaching • People preparing to teach should meet high educational standards • Salaries increased • Performance based • Master teachers involved in designing teacher prep programs

  13. Leadership and Fiscal Support • State/local officials have primary responsibility for financing • Federal government have primary responsibility to identify national interests in education • Educators, parents and public have the responsibility to assist in bringing about the reform

  14. Discussion • Are we still “A Nation at Risk”? • What are recommendations for improvement that can be implemented now?

  15. References • Gardner, David. (1983). A Nation at Risk. Retrieved from http://datacenter.spps.org/ uploads/SOTW_A_Nation_at_Risk_1983.pdf • Oliver, Kent. (2013, May 17). A Nation at Risk Clip [video file]. Retrieved from http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmQXx-DEBRM

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