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Official Muon talks at 2006 Conferences. 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors – 1-5 October – Siena G. Cerminara –Torino – Drift Tube Talk IEEE 2006 – 29 October - San Diego G. Pugliese – Bari - RPC Talk (RPC performances)
Official Muon talks at 2006 Conferences 10th Topical Seminar on Innovative Particle and Radiation Detectors – 1-5 October – Siena G. Cerminara –Torino – Drift Tube Talk IEEE 2006 – 29 October - San Diego G. Pugliese – Bari - RPC Talk (RPC performances) S. Bianco – Frascati - RPC Talk (gas system) 6th International Conference of the Balkan Physical Union – August 22-26, in Istanbul L. Letov – Sofia - The CMS experiment at LHC B. Pavlov – Sofia - RPC Talk Workshop on LHC electronics 25-29 September Valencia F. Loddo – Bari -RPC technical trigger talk Please submit your paper as CMS conference note http://cms.na.infn.it/conference/muon_2006.html Pierluigi Paolucci - INFN of Napoli
New rules for the next Muon Conferences • A new set of rules has been approved by the muon IB during the July 2006 CMS week • The goals are: • improve the “quality” of the talks and of the papers 2 referees + talk-paper • have a better control of what (results, plots…) we are showing and publishing official repository and talk/papers • have a better control of who is going to talk proposed by someone else and approved by the muon IB • NO last minute submissions approved in CMS week Pierluigi Paolucci - INFN of Napoli
New rules for the next Muon Conferences • Set of talks (arguments) (proposed by anyone) • List of speakers for conference (proposed by anyone) Must be approved by the muon Institution Board • Abstract has to be approved by IB muon (via mail) • 2 referees per talk will be assigned • Talk has to be sent to the referees and to the muon people at least 2 weeks before the conference. • Paper has to be sent to the referees and to the muon people at least 2 weeks before the deadline. Pierluigi Paolucci - INFN of Napoli
Talk and Speaker list • Talk List: • The CMS muon system (talk) • The MTCC muon system preliminary results (talk) • CSC/DT/RPC system (talk or poster) • The CSC/DT/RPC MTCC preliminary results (talk or poster) • Speaker List: • Maria Chamizo (Fellowship CIEMAT) by M. Cerada • Oana BOERIU (Northeastern University ) • Raffaello Trentadue (post-doc Bari) by G. Iaselli • Kerstin Hoepfner (Aachen) by T. Hebbeker • Nicola Amapane (CERN) by A. Statiano • Davide Piccolo (I.N.F.N. of Napoli) by P. Paolucci VCI 2007
Talks submitted to VCI • Submitted by: CHAMIZO LLATAS, Maria • Title: First results from the CMS muon system using cosmic data taken with the magnet on • Abstract: During summer 2006 the solenoid magnet of CMS was tested for the first time at its nominal field of 4T with a slice of each sub-detector operational. The first results and lessons learned with the cosmic runs taken in this configuration will be presented here with emphasis in the muon system. The magnet test has provided a unique opportunity to demonstrate the combined operation of CMS components from Magnet, Detector, Control Systems, Trigger, DAQ, Software and computing to allow early identification of problem areas and solutions one year before the actual LHC operation. Approved by muon IB Pierluigi Paolucci - INFN of Napoli
Talks submitted to VCI • Submitted by: BOERIU, Oana • Title: Endcap Muon Chamber Calibration and Monitoring Procedures inCMS • Abstract: The cathode strip chamber (CSC) system is one of the three types of muon detectors used in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It consists of 468 chambers, with a total of ~218k strips and ~183k wires, divided into two endcaps. The chambers have excellent signal-to-noise performance and they operate in a large non-uniform magnetic field ranging from 1-3T without major deterioration in their performance. To monitor the performance of the CSC front-end electronics, a set of calibration tests which measure crosstalk, gains, noise and connectivity are performed regularly. Using the strip-to-strip crosstalk corrections in the offline tracking reconstruction results in an improvement of the spatial resolution down to 50 $\mu$m. The calibration tests are described here, together with the specific procedures for obtaining the necessary runs for the EMU system. In 2006, the full chain of acquiring, analyzing and applying the calibration constants was successfully tested for the first time on the CSC system, using cosmic-ray data. Approved by muon IB
Talk/Poster submitted to VCI • Submitted by: TRENTADUE, Raffaello • Title: Resistive Plate Chamber performance during the Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge at CERN • Abstract: During the Magnet Test Cosmic Challenge (MTCC) a test of an entire CMS slice has been performed for the first time with and without magnetic field. All sub-detectors (Tracker, HCAL, DT, CSC, RPC) have been involved in their final configuration. The Resistive Plate Chambers are part of the Muon Trigger System of CMS experiment. Three complete RPC Barrel sectors and one forward RPC station have been operated. Almost final DAQ software and slow control procedures have been implemented for the detector readout and control. An RPC based cosmic trigger has been also developed and implemented, which enable the acquisition of unbiased data sample in RPC stand-alone mode. Validation of this trigger is important for its use in future commissioning and maintenance procedures. Several millions of events have been taken both with RPC trigger and DT trigger. An extensive study of the chamber performance, using cosmic muons triggered by DT, is under way to estimate the local and global efficiency, detector noise and cluster size. For this purpose, track reconstruction techniques have been implemented, using DT reconstructed segments and RPC reconstructed hits. Furthermore the same techniques have been employed in order to evaluate the cross-talk and to find the possible spatial misalignment. The RPC system capability to supply a trigger signal for CMS and the electronic readout synchronization have also been tested and proved to perform according to design specifications.
Next 2007 Conferences • Conference List: • IEEE Real Time Conference 2007 29 Apr - 4 May 2007, Batavia, Illinois • 20th Joint Symposium On Photonics And Electronics For Accelerators And High Energy Physics Experiments 21-27 May 2007, Warsaw, Poland • International Europhysics Conference On High Energy Physics (EPS-HEP2007)19-25 Jul 2007, Manchester, England • 23rd International Symposium On Lepton-Photon Interactions At High Energy (LP07)- 13-18 Aug 2007, Daegu, Korea • Speaker List: • Kerstin Hoepfner (Aachen) by T. Hebbeker • Nicola Amapane (CERN) by A. Statiano • Davide Piccolo (I.N.F.N. of Napoli) by P. Paolucci • Talk to approve: Hoepfner Kerstin (AACHEN-3A) - Performance in MTCC (muon system) Nicola Amapane (Torino) - The CMS Muon Spectrometer and the MTCC results IEEE