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Inferences. Perspectives and purpose. 1.What holiday is this?. 2.What holiday is this?. 3. What holiday is this?. 4. Who said this?.
4. Who said this? • “Rockabye Baby, in the treetopDon’t you know a treetopis no safe place to rock?And who put you up there,and your cradle too?Baby,I think someone down herehas got it in for you!”
5. Who said this? • “Rock a bye baby on the tree top,When the wind blows the cradle will rock,When the bough breaks the cradle will fall,And down will come baby, cradle and all.”
6.Who said this? “Rock-a-bye, baby, thy cradle is green; Father’s a nobleman, mother’s a queen; And Betty’s a lady, and wears a gold ring; And Johnny’s a drummer, and drums for the king.”
7.Who wrote song? "When the sun comes back and the first quail calls, Follow the drinking gourd. For the old man is waiting for to carry you to freedom If you follow the drinkin' gourd. The river bank will make a very good road, The dead trees show you the way. Left foot, peg foot, traveling on, Follow the drinkin' gourd."
8.Who wrote this ad? • --of Nashville, TN - Looking for MARTHA JAMES, my daughter, last heard from in Montgomery, Alabama, but supposedly gone to Mobile, Alabama. She formerly belonged to DR. BARNETT of Princeton, Kentucky and was sold to JOHN JAMES of Nashville-, Tennessee about 9 years ago.
9. Who wrote this ad? • 50 DOLLARS Reward--Left my residence on Monday morning, about 6 o'clock, my Negro boy Jesse. He is about 14 years of age, dark brown color, rather spare make, and grum appearance. He had on when he left a blue shaggy overcoat. He has doubtless left some military company, or is attempting to go to the Yankees east of Richmond. The above reward will be paid on his delivery to me, 203 Main St., Richmond.
Who sais this? • 10. “You should never laugh at your dad if he's mad or screaming at you.” • 11. “Children are natural mimics who act like their parents despite every effort to teach them good manners.” • 12. “To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself.”
Trivia Who knows where rock a bye baby came from? • The words and lyrics to the "Rock a bye baby" rhyme are reputed to reflect the observations of a young pilgrim boy in America who had seen Native Indian mothers suspend a birch bark cradle from the branches of a tree. Thus enabling the wind to rock the cradle and the child to sleep! This rhyme is also known as "Hush a bye baby" which is the correct title. The confusion regarding these lyrics occurred due to the popularity of the old Al Jolson classic song "Rock a bye my baby with a Dixie melody!".
Info • Follow the drinkin' gourd! • (this song was used as map) • This song directed runaway slaves to keep traveling in the direction of the Big Dipper. • There undoubtedly were some songs which served the slaves in their efforts to escape. "Follow the Drinking Gourd" is thought to have been a kind of oral map leading out of slave territory. The "drinking gourd" presumably was the Big Dipper, by which one readily locates the North Star: