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Access to micro data in Europe. P resented by Michel Isnard – Insee. DwB Training Course, Ljubljana, 17/09/2014. Introduction. Access to European micro data Access to French micro data Access to UK micro data. European micro data.
Access to micro data in Europe Presented by Michel Isnard – Insee DwB Training Course, Ljubljana, 17/09/2014
Introduction Access to European micro data Access to French micro data Access to UK micro data
European micro data Eurostat, the statistical agency of the Commission, receives harmonised micro data from National Statistical Institutes Mainly “household” data (SILC, LFS, ESS, …) Some “business data” (CIS, …) Harmonised data, but poorer than the national counter part Regulation 223/2009 – Article 23 Access can be given to researchers for scientific purposes Agreement of the NSI Modalities fixed in new Commission Regulation n°557/2013
Access to European microdata Entities recognized Accreditation of research project and researchers Types of files accessed Agreement of Member States
Entities recognized Every entity employing researchers to be accredited must be recognized Purpose of the entity : statute, mission, .., must include reference to research Established record or reputation as a body producing quality research and making it publicly available The research entity must be independent and separated from policy areas Technical and infrastructure requirements assuring security of data should be in place Every entity shall undertake a confidentiality agreement covering all researchers of the entity accessing to confidential data and sanctions must be announced. List published by Eurostat
Assessment of a research project Criteria to be used Legitimate purpose of the research Explanation why this purpose cannot be fulfilled using non-confidential data; Entity requesting access; List of individual researchers who will have access to the data; Access facilities to be used; Data sets to be accessed, the methods of analysing them; and intended results of the research to be published or otherwise disseminated Individual confidentiality declarations
Files accessed Scientific Use Files Sent to the entity on a CD-ROM Almost anonymized, lower risk Secure Use Files Access through an access facility accredited by Eurostat Presently Eurostat in Luxembourg In a short term : National Statistical Institutes Then National Statistical Authorities And ….
Access to French microdata • French microdata are available on different forms : • Public Use Files • Scientific Use Files • Confidential Files • Almost every data collected for official statistics are available : • Except data covered by another secret : fiscal, national security, …
Public Use Files Available at http://www.insee.fr/fr/bases-de-donnees/fichiers-detail.asp Description in French Mainly census, civil status data and Labour Force Survey Downloadable from foreign countries
Scientific Use Files Data from household surveys available through French Data Archive : Reseau Quetelet www.reseau-quetelet.cnrs.fr Website in English, but data description in French (to be translated ..) Possible from foreign counties No SUF from business surveys
Confidential Files (1) Available from Business and Household Surveys and employer-employee data Except data covered by another secret : fiscal, national security, … Researchers submitted to the same penal sanctions as the statisticians European countries Access through French national secure center : CASD in Genes
Procedures in 4 steps : Opinion of then French Statistical Confidentiality Committee, chaired by a judge and composed by researchers, statisticians and representants of surveyed persons Evaluation of the scientific project Need of the confidential data Agreement by the statistical services Decision by the French national Archives Formation to the use of CASD, taking place in Paris Confidential Files (3)
Duration of the process : 2-3 months Use of SD Box not free Except for DwB sponsored projects More information available on : http://www.cnis.fr/cms/Accueil/activites/_trois_comites/Comite_du_secret_statistique Page in French, but request form in English http://www.reseau-quetelet.cnrs.fr/spip/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=81&lang=en Page in English Confidential Files (4)