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Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF) Implementation at NYPA

Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF) Implementation at NYPA. Helen Yang New York Power Authority Kelly McEnhill SAP. First successful implementation of SAP IS-U/CCS and Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF) with legacy billing data migration. NYPA case study:

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Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF) Implementation at NYPA

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  1. Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF)Implementation at NYPA Helen Yang New York Power Authority Kelly McEnhill SAP

  2. First successful implementation of SAP IS-U/CCS and Easy Bill-correction Framework (EBF) with legacy billing data migration. NYPA case study: Business Challenge and Requirement Why EBF EBF within CCS How to implement EBF Benefits Lessons Learned Speakers: Helen Yang, Director, IT Product Support, NYPA Kelly McEnhill, Sr. IS-U/CCS Consultant, SAP Overview

  3. AboutNew York Power Authority America's largest state-owned power organization Provides some of the lowest-cost electricity in New York State Operates 18 generating facilities and more than 1,400 circuit-miles of transmission lines Sells power to government agencies community-owned electric systems and rural electric cooperatives job-producing companies private utilities for resale—without profit—to their customers; and to neighboring states, under federal requirements

  4. SAP IS-U/CCS Implementation Consolidated 4 customer billing systems South East New York (SENY) Customer Billing System Wholesale Customer Billing System WTC Economic Recovery Customer Billing System Loan Ledger System Project overview Timeframe: Oct 2006 – Feb 2008 (16 Months) Go-Live: Feb 2008 Result: Project completed on time within budget Post Go-Live: Successfully completed 9 billing cycles from January to October.

  5. Bill Correction Challenges South East New York is NYPA’s major customer segment: 138 customers (e.g., biggest customer, New York City, receives monthly bill of over $50 million) Over 12,000 accounts with over 5000 contracts under NYC Over 15,000 meters and ~28,000 meter readings per month SENY customer billing is based on meter readings provided by 3rd party via 21 trip files and other data files (e.g., street lights). Challenges: High volume of prior months meter reading adjustments (6000 to 8000 MR adjustments, 1/3 of total MRs). Complex adjustment rules and scenarios (e.g., Sandwich Adjustment, correction of prior period reads with actual reads among months of estimated reads) Account for adjustments back to 7 years No parallel billing with legacy system after go-live Resource constraint for manual verification of meter readings and bill corrections

  6. Bill Correction Requirements Must be EASY One place to perform bill correction One bill to display adjustments and new balance Must be AUTOMATIC Retrieve and validate historical meter readings for up to 2 years (95% of all adjustments are within 2-year adjustment window) Process bill adjustments Must allow for complex Adjustment Rules such as “Sandwich Adjustments” Cost-Benefit Approach Data migration effort (2 vs. 7 years of historical data) System performance impact (2 vs. 7 years of historical data)

  7. Why EBF? Option 1: Keep legacy system live for bill adjustment A common practice for most companies Very time consuming Redundant processes Option 2: Use manual process Good for small amount of bill corrections Good for simple bill corrections Option 3: Migrate historical data to Business Warehouse or SQL database Major development effort Redundant processes Option 4: Adopt Easy Bill-correction Framework Automation One billing engine, one bill print, integrated processes Historical billing data and meter reading data migrated into SAP Configured historical trip schedules and prices

  8. EBF within CCS EBF Process Flow: Conversion EBF NYPA specific table • Utilizes Standard Migration Object • Custom Tables: EBF Bill Documents and Display only Original Meter History Table

  9. EBF within CCSAutomatic Process Flow: Conversion • Utilizes Standard Migration Objects • Historical Requirements: Meter History, Pricing and Device Information

  10. EBF within CCS EBF Process Flow: Reversal EBF Tables • ERCH and ZEBF tables utilized in EBF cancel document • Cancel of EBF generates standard Manual Bill document

  11. EBF within CCS Automatic Process Flow: Standard • Adjusted meter readings billed at historical prices • New SAP Automatic Billing document for same period

  12. EBF within CCS Process Flow: Results • Manual bill doc with full negatives from EBF cancel • SAP Automatic bill doc containing ALL new charges • Combining at Invoicing gives a DELTA amount. • Interfacing to FI-CA, BI and Bill Print

  13. How to implement EBF? EBF Conversion Strategy Standard SAP Migration Object with Flexibility to include Additional Fields

  14. How to implement EBF? Database Structure • Converted 2 years of historical meter reading data for both active and inactive meters • Converted 2 years of latest balance/amount ($)

  15. IMG : Basic Setting: Definition of Correction Method: Steps & Pre-selection Values: How to implement EBF? Configuration Elements

  16. Utilizes Standard Look & Feel w/ Normal Bill Monthly EBF Doc per Legacy Bill Doc Itemized Lines for Itemized Charges How to implement EBF? EBF Billing Document

  17. Mass Corrections via Interface with Meter Post via Function Module Call Individual via Front Office Call How to implement EBF? Processing Corrections

  18. How to implement EBF? EBF Reversal • Reverses individual records as Manual Bill Doc • Posts to Offsetting Sub-transaction • Opens Meter Read to Post New Read • Re-bill utilizing Normal Billing Functionality

  19. Normal Billing Functionality as Adjustment Reverses Old and Bills Corrections New How to implement EBF?Adjusted Billing Document with Multiple Reversals in Legacy Period

  20. EBF Specific Attributes Customizable for Interface Collaboration on Bill Document Sub-transactions for FI-CA Line Item Types for Bill Print Statistical Groups for Business Warehouse @ NYPA: Utilization of Standard Billing Attributes allow Interface Synchronization among EBF & other Functions How to implement EBF? Impacts on Interface with Other Functions

  21. Enabled historical bill correction in one place – SAP IS-U/CCS Automated complex and high volume billing adjustments Retired legacy systems after go-live Mitigated risks in business change management EBF Benefits

  22. Implementing Easy Bill-correction Framework is not an EASY job. Lessons Learned

  23. Questions?

  24. THANK YOU! 谢谢!

  25. Kelly McEnhill SAP Kelly.McEnhill@sap.com Helen Yang New York Power Authority helen.yang@nypa.gov

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