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Introduction to Phenology

Introduction to Phenology. What is Phenology?. Phenology is the study of living organisms’ response to seasonal and climatic changes in their environment. March 1987. Variations in day length or duration of sunlight Precipitation Temperature Other life-controlling factors. May 1987.

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Introduction to Phenology

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Phenology

  2. What is Phenology? Phenology is the study of living organisms’ response to seasonal and climatic changes in their environment. March 1987 • Variations in day length or duration of sunlight • Precipitation • Temperature • Other life-controlling factors May 1987

  3. What Causes Seasons? • Changes in solar energy due to the tilt of the Earth and its orientation as it revolves around the Sun • Latitude, Earth’s tilt, and position relative to the Sun causes different amounts of the Sun’s energy to hit different areas of the Earth

  4. The “Keeling” CurveConcentration of CO2 at Mauna Loa, Hawaii Start Greenup (N.H. spring) Start greendown (late N.H. summer to fall)

  5. December 1998 July 1998 Satellite Observations Estimates of greenness values from remote sensing data vary because of problems from atmospheric properties, sun angle, aging of satellite detectors. GLOBE ground-based observations help scientists validate estimates of growing seasons.

  6. Phenology Protocols • Budburst • Green-Up • Green-Down • Ruby-throated Hummingbird • Lilac Phenology • Phenological Gardens • Seaweed Reproduction Phenology • Arctic Bird Migration Monitoring

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