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Learn when to use singular or plural verbs in different scenarios with explanations and examples. Improve your grammar skills today!
Grammar & Usage Unit 8 Agreement Introduction 8.1 Singular verbs are used in the following circumstances: 8.2 Plural verbs are used with: 8.3 Either singular or plural verbs are used: 8.4 Collective nouns 8.5 Verbs in relative clauses Grammar Practice Part A Part B Part C Language Practice Part A Part B
All verbs except the modal verbs (can, may, must, should, etc.) must agree with their subjects in person and number. He is a well-educated young man. The liquid in these bottles is mineral water. They are well-mannered people. The bottles in the fridge are empty. P.64
with a single subject • When two subjects joined by and express one idea or specify the same person or thing, the verb is singular. Two separate subjects take a plural verb. 8.1 Singular verbs are used in the following circumstances: P.64
The famous composer and singer is in Hong Kong. (= one person) Compare:The famous composer and the singer are in Hong Kong now. (= two different people) Spaghetti and meatballs is my favourite dish. (= one dish) Compare:Fish and chicken are my two favourite foods. (= two different foods) P.64
with many aand more than one + singular noun • Many a celebrity was present at the opening • ceremony. • Compare:Many celebrities were present. • More than one person was involved in the • scandal. • Compare:Two or more people were involved. P.64
with words that measure money,weight,time, • volumeordistance • After words denoting weight, an amount of money, a specific period of time or other measurements such as volume or distance. • Five years is a long time to wait. • Ten tonnes is a heavy load. P.64
with nouns that end in -s • After a singular noun that ends in -s such as apparatus, crisis, measles, mumps, news, summons, whereabouts, etc. • The news was shocking to hear. • Measles is a highly contagious illness. P.64
with some uncountable nouns • A singular verb is usually used after the following uncountable nouns: mathematics, physics, politics, civics, athletics, gymnastics, etc. • Mathematics is his best subject. P.64
with a phrase or clause as subject • When an infinitive, a gerund phrase or a noun clause is the subject of the sentence. • To admit one’s mistakes requires courage. • Collecting stamps is her favourite hobby. P.65
group nouns After the collective nouns people, police, public, etc. The public have been warned of the danger of smoking. 8.2 Plural verbs are used with: P.65
the + adjective When the + adjective is used to represent a group of people. The rich are growing richer and the poor are becoming poorer. The uneducated are facing a struggle to find jobs in the years ahead. P.65
with quantities, fractions, percent, ‘most of’ We can use either a singular or plural verb after half of, two-thirds of, the majority of, twenty percent of, all of, the rest of, some of, a lot of, none of, etc. A countable subject following these phrases (boxes, guests, etc.) typically takes a plural verb, whereas subjects such as rice, juice and air that must be measured in specific ways usually take a singular verb. 8.3 Either singular or plural verbs are used: P.65
Most of the guests have left. Two-thirds of the guests are still hungry. Most of the rice is imported. Two-thirds of the rice has spoiled. P.65
with none of After none of + plural nouns, we commonly use a singular verb. A plural verb is possible in informal situations. None of my friends has/have met my girlfriend. None of the students is/are able to answer that question. P.65
with neither of After neither of + plural nouns, we commonly use a singular verb. A plural verb is possible in informal situations. Neither of the two children has/have a bicycle. P.65
with either … or, neither … norand not only … but also When two subjects are joined by either ... or, neither ... nor and not only ... but also, the verb agrees in number with the second subject. Either James or Peter was responsible for the incident. Neither the driver nor the passengers were injured. Teacher’s notes P.65
with inclusive, exclusive andcomparing phrases When two subjects are joined by with, together with, along with, as well as, including, in addition to, like/unlike, after, and not, accompanied by, rather than, etc. the verb agrees in number with the first subject. The driver, as well as two passengers, was injured in the accident. P.66
after nouns with the same form in the singular and plural We use either a singular or a plural verb after means, series, species, aircraft, fish and deer depending on the number (these nouns can be singular or plural). A means to solve the problem has to be found. Several different means to solve the problem have been tried. P.66
8.4 Collective nouns Collective nouns such as family, crew, staff, crowd, council, committee, team, class, audience, jury, gang, etc. take a singular verb when the collection is thought of as a single unit, and a plural verb when the members of the unit are thought of separately. P.66
His family is large. (= his one family) His family are all non-smokers. (= all the people in his family) The team was successful in the competition. (= the one team) The team are trying to find their roles. (= the members of the team) P.66
8.5 Verbs in relative clauses The verb in relative clauses agree with the subject that who, which or that refers to. She is the only one of my friends who has joined the police force. The teacherswho are marking exam scripts are in the library. P.66
Grammar Practice Some of the underlined verbs in the following sentences are incorrect. Correct them. If the sentence is correct, put a ‘’ at the end of the sentence. The first two have been done for you. P.66
1 Every firefighter is given special training for the job. 2 All the furniture in this apartment are new. 3 A lot of money have been spent on the project. 4 It’s you, not Tom, who are to blame for what happened. 5 Is using mobile phones hazardous to our health? is has is P.66-67
6 More than one gang member have been detained by the police. 7 Some of the information you included was inaccurate. 8 Four kilometres are quite a long way to run. 9 Most of the rice we eat are imported. 10 Either my brother or my sister have borrowed my dictionary. has is is has P.67
11 Each of the participants were given a certificate. 12 Raising children are not easy. was is P.67
Rewrite these sentences. Begin with the given words. The first one has been done for you. P.67
1Every flat in this building is furnished. All ____________________________________________ _______________________________________________ 2 ‘All of you have got it wrong,’ said Mr Tan to his students. ‘None of you ___________________________________ ,’ said Mr Tan to his students. of the flats in this building are furnished. has got it right Teacher’s notes P.67
3These scissors are not sharp. This pair of _____________________________________ _______________________________________________ 4 All the people in the building have been evacuated. Everyone _______________________________________ _______________________________________________ scissors is not sharp. in this building has been evacuated. P.67
5Everybody at the concert was impressed by the performance. The audience ____________________________________ _______________________________________________ 6 A lot of people have had that experience. Many a person ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ was impressed by the performance. has had that experience. P.67
7A majority of students favour the proposal. More than half of the students ______________________ _______________________________________________ 8 John was there. His brother was there, too. Both John ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ favour the proposal. and his brother were there. P.67
Use am/are/is, was/were, have/has or do/does to complete the following dialogues. The first one has been done for you. P.68
is 1A: Who _________ the girl wearing glasses over there? B: I have no idea. I’ve never seen her before. 2A: I’d like to help Kevin, but I don’t know how. B: A little encouragement _________ all he needs. 3 A: Excuse me, are there any cash machines nearby? B: Sorry, there _________ none here. is are Teacher’s notes P.68
4A: Is your father a member of a political party? B: No, politics _________ not interest him. 5A: Jacky hasn’t arrived yet. B: Neither _________ my brother. I wonder what _________ keeping them. does has is P.68
6 A: They say the film has broken box-office records. B: That doesn’t surprise me. There _________ a long queue of people waiting to buy tickets at the cinema last night. 7A: Did the ICAC make an arrest during last night’s raid? B: Yes, a company director and a supervisor _________ arrested. was were P.68
8 A: We need two thousand dollars for the project. B: Two thousand dollars _________ a lot of money. How will we raise it? 9A: What does the survey show? B: More than half the respondents _________ against the proposed increase. is are P.68
10A: Was his mother present at his graduation? B: Yes, in fact his family _________ all there. were P.68
Language Practice Complete the following dialogue by selecting one suitable word for each blank. The first one has been done for you. Teacher’s notes P.69
found Kelly A recent survey (1) that 41 percent of Primary Six pupils in Hong Kong (2) glasses. Mike No wonder two (3) optical shops have just opened in the shopping centre near my home. And it appears, judging from the number of people who (4) them, that business is good. How many people (5) interviewed in the survey? (1) ____________ (2) ____________ (3) ____________ (4) ____________ (5) ____________ wear more visit were P.69
Kelly Let me see ... 2,312 in all. The survey also found that forty percent of those who (6)from shortsightedness found their eyesight had deteriorated after the summer break. Mike Really? Do they know why? (6) ____________ suffer P.69
Kelly Longer hours in front of the TV during the summer holidays (7) blamed. Mike That doesn’t (8) me! All my little brother did during the holidays (9) watch TV. Did the report make any recommendations? (7) ____________ (8) ____________ (9) ____________ was surprise was P.69
Kelly Yes, that all pupils should have an annual eyesight (10). It (11)suggested that eye health campaigns should be discussed and launched as (12)as possible. (10) ____________ (11) ____________ (12) ____________ test also soon P.69
Read the following article then complete the passage. Use ONE word only for each blank. The first one has been done for you. P.70
Anorexia is a complicated illness that makes people, especially young women, stop eating. The exact cause of the disorder is not yet known, but a number of psychological, biological, personal and cultural factors that may contribute to its development have been identified. These include anxiety, low self-esteem, perfectionism, the desire for approval, images in the media and peer pressure. This is the story of one girl who suffered from anorexia. P.70
Both Anita’s parents were successful professionals but their careers meant they had little time for her. An average student at school, Anita was anxious for her parents’ attention. Then, one day, they happened to remark on her round face. Anita began to worry that she was getting fat and that she was a disappointment to her parents. She began to avoid eating food. This went on unnoticed until one afternoon, Anita collapsed at school. She was rushed to the hospital where she was diagnosed as anorexic. P.70
Anita was lucky. Her doctor explained to Anita’s parents that what Anita needed most to recover was their love and support. Under the care of her doctor and with her parents’ support, Anita slowly began to recover. Now, two years later, Anita has recovered from the damage that severe dieting causes, and she counsels young people about the dangers of anorexia. P.70
was It (1) another ordinary day at school. Anita was in class when she suddenly collapsed. She was (2) to hospital where she was diagnosed as anorexic. Anorexia is a serious illness that makes people stop (3). There are several reasons why people, especially women, (4) from the disorder. In Anita’s case, the problem began when her parents (5) upon her round face. (1) ____________ (2) ____________ (3) ____________ (4) ____________ (5) ____________ taken/rushed eating suffer remarked P.70 PASSAGE
Anita, who was eager to (6) her parents’ attention, decided that she needed to (7) weight and started (8) . Her parents, who worked long hours, were (9) of the changes in their daughter until the incident at school. Anita was lucky. Her illness was (10)before the damage had become irreparable. (6) ____________ (7) ____________ (8) ____________ (9) ____________ (10) ____________ get/gain lose dieting unaware/ ignorant detected/ treated P.70 PASSAGE
Under the care of her doctor and with her parents’ support, Anita managed to (11) her health, but it took a long time for her body to (12) from the damage that had been (13)to it. Spreading the message about the dangers of anorexia (14) now Anita’s main concern. She devotes her time to (15)young people, in the hope that this will keep them from falling prey to the life-threatening disorder. (11) ____________ (12) ____________ (13) ____________ (14) ____________ (15) ____________ regain recover done is counselling/ advising P.70 PASSAGE