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This report provides an update on the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group's activities, including the release of the NOMAD data set and plans for future developments. It also discusses the impact on algorithm development, satellite validation, and data access policy.
SeaBASS status report MODIS Science Team meeting 4 - 6 Jan 2006 Baltimore, Maryland Jeremy Werdell NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group & SSAI MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
a busy year … • the NASA bio-Optical Marine Algorithm Data set (NOMAD) released • and, a not so busy year … • rate of data submission still in decline • no major updates to the archive, database, search engines, or validation software MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
NOMAD • SeaBASS remains the NASA archive for in situ bio-optical data • NOMAD is a standalone product developed using the data archived in SeaBASS • data post-processed to remote-sensing relevant (~ surface) values • release 1 includes 3,467 coincident observations of Rrs() and Ca, plus dates and locations • also includes T, S, Kd(), bb (), ad (), ag (), and a(), when available • a()’s from spectroscopy only • full data set with search engine publicly available via: • http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/nomad.cgi • data preparation described in: • Werdell, P.J. and S.W. Bailey, 2005, Remote Sensing of Environment, 98, 122-140 • http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/data/werdell_nomad_iop_qc.pdf • featured in the Ocean Color Bio-optical Algorithm Mini-workshop (OCBAM) • conducted at the University of New Hampshire, Sep 2005 MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
data submission to SeaBASS MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on algorithm development MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on algorithm development MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on algorithm development MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on satellite validation MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on satellite validation MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
impact on satellite validation MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
contacts email: seabass@seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov Web: http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov search engines: http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/dataordering.html NOMAD: http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/nomad.cgi validation: http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/matchup_results.html OBPG: http://oceancolor.gsfc.nasa.gov MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
backup MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
data access policy • reviewed and accepted at the 2004 MODIS Science Team meeting • full access limited to NASA OCRT members and voluntary data contributors • voluntary contributor status reviewed annually • data released publicly on 3-year collection anniversary • contributors may opt to release data early • contributors extended authorship rights until 3-year collection anniversary • users asked to acknowledge contributors, SeaBASS, and NASA MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
validation results MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
algorithm development MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
NOMAD geophysical distribution MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
SeaBASS data: a review and a look into the future MODIS Science Team meeting 4 - 6 Jan 2006 Baltimore, Maryland Giulietta Fargion MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
46 PIs are collecting in situ data with NASA funding Number of Coastal Offshore Grants • Carbon Cycle Science (NRA-04-OES-01) and Carbon 00 11 5 6 • Interdisciplinary Science (NRA-03-OES-03) 8 6 2 • Terra, Aqua, & ACRIM (NRA-03-OES-02) 13 7 6 • ECOHAB-03 2 2 • Ocean, Ice & Climate (NRA-01-OES-03); Ocean & Ice 04; Oceanography 00 10 5 5 • Other 2 1 1 Total 46 26 20 MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
Geographical areas • Coastal US: 16 field studies • Gulf of Mexico, Chesapeake Bay, Florida, Oregon coast, Central California, Gulf of Maine, South Atlantic Bight, Pamlico Sound (NC), Massachusetts shelf, Delaware coast, etc. • Coastal Global: 9 field studies • Venezuela, Chile, Peru, Baja California, Congo River, Adriatic Sea, Ligurian Sea, Patagonia shelf, Brazil shelf • Open Ocean: 18 field studies • North, Equatorial and Southern Atlantic Ocean, Equatorial & Southern Pacific Ocean, East Mediterranean • High Latitude: 2 field studies MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
What we have in SeaBaSS Radiometry Phytoplankton pigment Type Percentage Type Percentage In-water 53.3 Discrete HPLC 13.3 Above-water 46.7 Discrete fluorometry 27.0 Profile fluoromery 14.3 Flow-through fluor. 45.4 Total observations 15,400Total observations 32,094 Table from “Werdell & Bailey, Remote sensing of the Env.,98 (2005)122-140.” MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
NOMAD: coastal data MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
Road Map for “next generation” • Inventory of the oceanic parameter measured & data submission (AOPs, IOPs, HPLC, etc.); • Revision of the “required” and “highly desired” in situ observations for ocean color system validation, and algorithm validation through an open community participation; • Future parameters for the SeaBASS/NOMAD could be: • Carbon data set measurements (dissolved inorganic carbon, dissolved organic matter, particulate organic matter, calcite, alkalinity, T, S, nutrients, O2, and related tracers such as CFC’s, 14C, etc.) • Primary Production (PP) • Sea Surface Temperature (SST) • Other • Protocol development MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG
NASA policy requires data submission to SeaBASS • Submission: Ocean color algorithm development and new products are essentially observation limited, and rapid turnaround and access to such data are crucial for progress. • Formats and Metadata: Data should be provided in the currently agreed-upon format, along with relevant information describing collection conditions, instrument specifications, instrument performance and calibration, and statements of data accuracy. The currently used data format specifications and examples are posted on the SeaBASS Web site. The provider should use FCHECK, which is an automated format checker program, to test the format validity of SeaBASS data files via return e-mail. • Use Conditions: Prior to the three-year data collection anniversary, users of data will be required to provide proper credit and acknowledgment of the provider. A citation should also be made of the data archive. Users of data are encouraged to discuss relevant findings with the provider early in the research. More at http://seabass.gsfc.nasa.gov/ MODIS Science Team 2006, PJW, NASA OBPG