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Building Momentum!

Develop the right mental attitude, think like an entrepreneur, and rid your mind of negativity to build momentum in the ACN business. Learn from experience, stay consistent, and focus on leadership activities to lead by example. Remember to keep it simple, tell stories, and understand sorting when presenting the opportunity. Training is key, so show new prospects the basics and teach ETTs and higher leadership skills. Stay active, avoid distractions, and focus on leadership to reach new heights.

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Building Momentum!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Building Momentum!

  2. Mind Set • Develop the right mental attitude • Think like an entrepreneur • Rid your mind of negativity • Decide what you want • Have long term thinking • Never quit

  3. Discipline yourself to work every day!Be Consistent! • Experience will be your greatest teacher • Activity will lead to productivity • Learn your craft • Be Prepared • Only use moving forward language • There will be sacrifices to be made

  4. Unsuccessful people…Wait to feel good before they work. Successful people… Work and then they feel good.

  5. Two types of Representatives: • Leaders… are Independent IBO’s • Followers… are Dependent IBO’s

  6. Leaders makethings happen! Followers waitfor things to happen!

  7. Leadership activities: • Presenting ACN • Training Rep’s on getting started

  8. Presenting the ACN OpportunityThings to remember:

  9. Leaders Understand Sorting! When presenting ACN: You can’t say the right thing to the wrong people and…You can’t say the wrong thing to the right people.

  10. Leaders Understand Sorting! When presenting ACN: It’s timing not talent!

  11. Presenting the ACN OpportunityThings to remember: • Explain / Don’t sell Help people understand!Don’t try to convince people!

  12. Presenting the ACN OpportunityThings to remember: • Less is more • Don’t add training information into the “Overview” Too much information is like too much foodEventually it will make you feel stuffed! Avoid information overload!!

  13. Presenting the ACN OpportunityThings to remember: • Keep it simple Confused people do nothing!

  14. Presenting the ACN OpportunityThings to remember: • Tell stories Facts are boring! Stories are interesting! Stories help people relate!

  15. Three Questions people ask themselves When listening to a Presentation: • Is it simple? • Does it work? • Can I do it? Yes Yes Yes

  16. Understand Human Nature… People avoid pain! They don’t seek pleasure!

  17. What’s a painful experience? • Starting late • Too long • Too detailed information • No relating / No stories • Room to uncomfortable • Unprofessional / Unorganized You never have a second chance to make a first impression

  18. Training:

  19. Leaders understand the value of Training • Presentations get people interested! 2. Trainings show people how it works! • Action only follows belief and understanding

  20. Two types of Training: • Basic Training • For New prospects and TT’s • Leadership Trainings • For ETT’s and higher

  21. Teach new people what to do in the first 30 Days: Basic Training • On-line tools / Bus Assist • Forms : Rep Agreement … • Acquiring Customers • Piquing interest and Edification • How to plug in to support system • Get Qualified / Earn Customer Bonus • Set Goal to ETT

  22. Leadership!

  23. Staying in Phase 1 Myth among IBOs: I am a leader because I possess a “pin” Reality: You are ONLY a leader when you are in Phase 1

  24. You Are Responsible For20 IBO’s in 30 days Slow and Steady will not win the race

  25. From this point forward you have to take 100% Leadership! • No one else to blame but yourself • You need a business goal • Unless you achieve SVP you are telling your team it cant be done • If you work for 2 weeks then take a break you wont build an ACN business

  26. YOUR DAILY ACTIVITY Do Presentation Daily • Conference calls • 1 on 1 meetings • 3-way calling with team (Power Hr. and Pique & pass) • Home presentations • Weekly Business Briefings If you are NOT doing the above you are a spectator NOT a player

  27. Teach ETT’s and higher how to: Leadership Training • Present • Train • Promote Events • Organize Events and Tours • Work as a Team • Build Momentum / Open-line • Lead by example!

  28. Leadership activities: • Promoting events • Building momentum (open-line)

  29. Promoting Events WHY? • For Training • Recognition (Even on Webinars) • Inspiration / Stories • Belief / Big picture

  30. Leaders areresponsiblefor… Building Momentum

  31. Minimum Goalevery Month 20 Qualified Open Line TT’s

  32. Warm Market is the most effective way to build a Team! Why? Trustand Rapport!

  33. Two types ofWarm Market! 1.Yours 2. Someone else's

  34. Build your organization: 1.Deep 2. Wide

  35. Always remember: Keep it Simple!

  36. Expert QTT Trust Prospect

  37. Expert Edify QTT Trust Prospect

  38. Expert Edify QTT Respect Trust Prospect

  39. To be a professional Tap Rooter learn how to get into other peoples warm market straight away after “Box 10” on Overview • Know where the next event is to send prospects for second exposure • Goal 20 QTT’s per month - open line • Presentations are the most effective with TRUST & RESPECT • Don’t ask for the Money • Never present on the spot You

  40. End of “Overview” To gain Trust Everyone can think of a few people who would like more time or more money! This is what I can do for you, forget about the money. I will show you how fast & easy this works, just introduce me to a few sharp people & I will set up a time to show them this business on your behalf & if they like what they see I will put them into your business & you will be able to override the residuals – is that fair enough Who was the first person that you thought of? Role Play with short script: Have you got a min to talk? I've just seen something very interesting and I have ______ with me & he will explain it to you. You Contact

  41. End of “Overview” To gain Trust Everyone can think of a few people who would like more time or more money! This is what I can do for you, forget about the money. I will show you how fast & easy this works, just introduce me to a few sharp people & I will set up a time to show them this business on your behalf & if they like what they see I will put them into your business & you will be able to override the residuals – is that fair enough Who was the first person that you thought of? Role Play with short script: Have you got a min to talk? I've just seen something very interesting and I have ______ with me & he will explain it to you. You Contact 2 3 1

  42. End of “Overview” To gain Trust Everyone can think of a few people who would like more time or more money! This is what I can do for you, forget about the money. I will show you how fast & easy this works, just introduce me to a few sharp people & I will set up a time to show them this business on your behalf & if they like what they see I will put them into your business & you will be able to override the residuals – is that fair enough Who was the first person that you thought of? Role Play with short script: Have you got a min to talk? I've just seen something very interesting and I have ______ with me & he will explain it to you. You Contact 2 1

  43. You Contact 1 2

  44. You Contact 1

  45. You Contact 1 2

  46. You Contact 1 2

  47. You Contact 1

  48. You Contact 2 1

  49. You Contact 1 2

  50. You Contact 1

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