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Building Momentum on Campus

Building Momentum on Campus. Creating Huge Buzz, Building a campaign corps, and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN!. Why create Momentum?. A successful campaign depends on widespread support and involvement on campus!

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Building Momentum on Campus

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  1. Building Momentum on Campus Creating Huge Buzz, Building a campaign corps, and MAKING THINGS HAPPEN!

  2. Why create Momentum? • A successful campaign depends on widespread support and involvement on campus! • Focusing on creating momentum on campus can re-inject the energy and excitement necessary to get over the “MID-SEMESTER HUMP” • The more visibility and buzz around the issue the more power you have to win victories and show urgency for your targets to ACT.

  3. Context You have a group of committed people showing up each week for meetings, you’ve started to have some great conversations related to choosing a policy or an ask for your campaign…But something seems to be missing? With only 6-7 people engaged in the work you’re nervous that you need MORE to really build the type of campaign you’ve envisioned on campus…

  4. Warning Signs… Some warning signs that you could use a Momentum Boosting Week…. • Your groups hasn’t had any events recently, and the next event is very far into the the future. • You haven’t been recruiting and educating new people about the campaign • You’re bogged down in lots of discussions and internal conversations and getting STUCK! • In general you feel like the campaign is a bit sluggish…

  5. The Remedy…MOMENTUM BUILDING WEEK! • Kick it into high gear! Plan a week full of activities that are visible, easy, and FUN! FUN! FUN! • Plan 2 quick, high visibility events • Recruit new rock star volunteers into your campaign. • Get a media hit • Do a visibility blitz • Get everyone TALKING! • Go back to the basics…RECRUIT! RECRUIT! RECRUIT!

  6. Starting a Drumbeat… In order to recruit for your group, and build up a base a support so you can run bigger events… You should first start with some simple tabling events…

  7. How To Plan a great quick EVENT • Brainstorm an idea for your event • Phantom Biker • Choose the placement, date, and time of your event • Know your campaign • Set Goals for your event • Put together the materials you’ll need for your table

  8. To Keep The Drumbeat Going… • Invite all of your volunteers, people on your list, and people who filled out interest cards to your next meeting • Hold another event in the next couple of weeks

  9. Tips • Have fun! Make your events fun and exciting. Make people want to know what you have to say! • When possible be interactive and hands-on. Emphasize that the solutions you are working for are easy, available now, and don’t require major changes in lifestyle or big sacrifices. • Avoid simply sitting at a table with some fliers. People won’t notice you and your goal is to be noticed! • Avoid an event with only 20 people who already know all they need to know about the issue. Preaching to the choir gets you nowhere.

  10. Global Warming Superhero Think Superman! No…ClimateMan! ClimateWoman! (Feel free to come up with your own name.) • Background: There has been a longtime fight in the DC metro area to create a transit line that encircles the city. The DC MetroWoman has been a constant fixture in the campaign and often stands outside metro stops handing out literature. It has worked wonderfully to keep the public engaged in the debate. • Make it happen on campus: your Climate Superhero can become an infamous figure on campus. • Come up with a costume with a visible message that you are trying to convey about global warming solutions. If you use a good mask, you can have people alternate being the superhero. • Here are some things the Superhero could do: • Submit anonymous letters to the editor with the campaign message to the school paper from the ClimateMan/Woman. • Appear at strategic and random times handing out flyers about upcoming events and updates on any successes with the campaign. • Most importantly, have fun! This is a great way to be creative and gain publicity for the campaign.

  11. Light Bulb Switch! • A lot of students wonder how they can lower their global warming impact. You will provide them with a solution. • Background: The University of New Hampshire Sustainability Department handed out free light bulbs to any student who wanted one and they had students all over campus switching out their bulbs! • Make it happen on campus: • Set up a table in a high traffic area near electrical outlets. Have a lamp with a conventional bulb sitting next to a lamp with a Compact Fluorescent bulb (take off the lampshades for dramatic effect). • Have a poster and flyers that talk about how much more efficient CFL bulbs are and how much energy and money you can save over time. Make sure you emphasize that the CFL bulbs even last longer! • Talk with a sustainability department or your campus about purchasing bulbs for students (it will save them money and work time to have all their students replace their bulbs). • If that doesn’t work, talk to a local hardware store about getting a bunch of free bulbs, or coupons for students (you will provide them with a lot of business). The University of Southern Maine student’s did this last year and sales at the local hardware store increased!

  12. Jay-Z has 99 Problems and Global Warming is Number One Here's the Five Simple Steps to Running a Jay-Z Event on Campus: Step 1: Recruit volunteers to help you. Step 2: Reserve a table in a high traffic area during the busiest hours of the day (generally, 10am-2pm). Step 3: Make A Huge Sign With A Picture of Jay-Z. Step 4: Tell Students about the "Break Your Addiction Challenge." Step 5: Get Every Student that Stops by to Sign a Campus Climate Challenge Pledge.

  13. Here’s the REAL breakdown of how to make it all happen…

  14. STEP ONE! • 1. Convene your corps group together, say on Sunday afternoon…

  15. STEP 2 Pick an easy, quick event to do on Wednesday of the VERY SAME WEEK!!! Time’s a tickin’ Better get PLANNING!!!

  16. STEP 3 Set goals! What do you want to come out of the event? 30 new volunteers! Educating 100 new students! Getting a picture in the student papers?

  17. STEP 4 • Spend Monday & Tuesday reinvigorating campus - CHALK, POSTER, write and sent an LTE to the campus paper! • TURN UP THE VOLUME ON THE CAMPAIGN!!!!

  18. STEP 5 • Go back to the basics, set up some class raps, remind people of just HOW awesome you are. • Execute a great event on Wednesday - have music, be bold, get lots of contact info for new students - Invite them to a meeting/green party the next night.

  19. STEP 6 • Have a fun meeting on Thursday with your new recruits - Brainstorm a plan for the rest of the semester…Use a calendar to put events and activities in for the rest of the semester. • Make sure everyone has responsibilities and knows their next steps.

  20. STEP 7 • Go out and celebrate, eat Pizza, drink beer or soda depending on your age, and congratulate yourselves on building some real MOMENTUM!

  21. What has worked well on your campus?

  22. “Saying that a country that can double the speed of microchips every 18 months is somehow incapable of innovating its way to energy independence - that is for sissies, defeatists and people who are ready to see American values eroded at home and abroad.” – Thomas Friedman, author and economist It’s time for us to go out and MAKE THIS HAPPEN! It can all start with one HUGE WEEK ON CAMPUS! Let’s go out there, let’s run events, let’s engage new people in our work, and RISE TO THE CHALLENGE! Looking for MORE RESOURCES? CHECK OUT: www.climatechallenge.org for toolkits, campaign ideas, and more!

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