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Fifth Grade Classroom Procedures for Positive Behavior

Learn about our class rules emphasizing respect, responsibility, and safety. Consequences & grading criteria are highlighted to ensure successful learning outcomes.

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Fifth Grade Classroom Procedures for Positive Behavior

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  1. 5th Grade Reading and Language Arts

  2. SCHOOL RULES AND EXPECTATIONS • In order to provide our students with the educational environment they deserve, I have developed the following classroom procedures to accompany the school-wide rules for positive behavior. The fifth grade teachers strive to communicate frequently and consistently enforce rules and consequences. 1. Everyone should be respectful. Respond appropriately to correction. Respect other people's personal space, belongings, and feelings. Listen to the teacher and your classmates when it is their turn to talk. Make sure that everyone has an equal right to learn. 2. Everyone should be responsible. Keep your belongings neat and organized. Have everything that you need for class. Complete and turn in your assignments on time. Take responsibility for your actions, both the good and the poor choices. 3. Everyone has a right to be safe. Move safely and appropriately in all places. Use school supplies and equipment correctly.

  3. CONSEQUENCES: • If a student chooses to break a rule… • One: Verbal Warning • Two: Sent into the hall to write a note to his/her parent about the unacceptable behaviors that were exhibited during class. • Three: SEVERE DISRUPTION / REPETITIVE BEHAVIOR: When a student’s behavior is incredibly disruptive, disrespectful, or compromises the learning environment for other students, he/she will be immediately sent to the Principal's office. The consequences for severe behaviors are outlined in the school handbook. • Parents will be notified of their student's behavior via phone when appropriate. • Remember, the reward for positive behavior is success! (There will also be other incentives throughout the school year.)

  4. Bathrooms • Students are expected to use the bathrooms between classes. If they come in and drop their things early enough, I will let them use the bathrooms quickly as long as I know they are here.

  5. Entrance into the classroom • As students walk in the classroom, they will find their seat quietly and sit down. • Students will place any notes, late home works, or scholastic money in the basket by the door. • If there are any assignments that need to be written down, students will put them into their planner right away. • Students should then take out homework and supplies and complete their warm up . • I will take attendance every period in the beginning.

  6. HOMEWORK: • Homework is given for practice of content introduced and on going in the classroom. Homework will not count as a quiz or a test would. Assignments will be collected/checked for completion and general accuracy during class. Students will earn points for their homework based on the following criteria: 3 points= assignment was fully completed on time 2 points=assignment was mostly completed on time 1 point=assignment was somewhat completed on time

  7. GRADING: • ELA grading is based on Reading, Writing, and Skills. All assignments are weighted. • Assignments/homework will count as 15% • Projects will count 30%. • Tests will count as 30%. • Reading and Writing graded activities will be worth 25%. • All students will receive quarterly report cards with progress reports sent home mid-term. Parents can inquire about your current progress at ANY TIME. A sheet will be printed with all of your grades assigned to check for ongoing progress and/or missing assignments

  8. Curriculum • This year we will be studying through the Common Core Learning Standards. • We will begin our year with a unit on non fiction reading and move into short responses. Skills such as main idea, summarizing, and inferencing will be discussed and practiced within this unit. These skills will be on going throughout the entire year. • Each unit that we will cover will be made up of lessons, quizzes, assessments and an abundance of writing. • There will be an Independent Reading component in this class that will be checked and graded.

  9. Cont. • There will be an article of the week (A.o.W). This will begin around October. You will be responsible to “close read” a high interest article and complete the given tasks that go along with it. This will be homework. • The Daily Common Core ELA practice is a great resource that I am implementing into our daily schedule. I will use it as a daily bell ringer as students enter into the classroom. These short passages provide an excellent snapshot of student comprehension and take just a few minutes each day to complete. They are thematic for ease of use. Each passage has 2 questions with the common core standard attached. We will use this time to look for key words and attack strategies for that particular question type. You will find these in your child’s binder in the front. • Spelling will be embedded into our year as well. It will not be an assignment every week, however, I will bring it in when time allows. The spelling program is Common Core aligned and will include spelling lists, activities, vocabulary study and assessments.

  10. Some of the skills you will see might include: • consulting references as needed • Clarifying meaning of unknown and multiple- meaning words • Using context to meaning of words • Greek and Latin affixes and roots • Figurative language • Synonyms • Homographs • Antonyms

  11. Scholastic Books • I will offer Scholastic Books often. There will be a due date posted when they are out. Students will know what reading project is coming so they can keep that in mind when they are looking through. Please order online or send in a check for the orders, no cash please.

  12. ASSIGNMENT PLANNERS: • Each student will be issued an assignment planner in which he/she is expected to record classroom assignments, upcoming tests, program reminders, etc. Students will take their planners to all classes. Each teacher will go over daily assignments before dismissal. However, it is the student’s responsibility to record this information. There is also a section for notes between teachers and parents. Parents should check the planner nightly.

  13. How to Contact me: Email me at any time at acook@svcsd.org Call the school and leave me a message and I will get right back to you as soon as I can.

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