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Chiara Cirinnà, Maurizio Lunghi

Chiara Cirinnà, Maurizio Lunghi. DigitalPreservationEurope: a way forward in the long term curation of digital materials. INFuture2009: “Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing” . Zagreb 4-6 November 2009. What is DPE?. Coordination Action financed by EC [FP6] 1 April 2006/ 31 March 2009

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Chiara Cirinnà, Maurizio Lunghi

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  1. Chiara Cirinnà, Maurizio Lunghi DigitalPreservationEurope: a way forward in the long term curation of digital materials INFuture2009: “Digital Resources and Knowledge Sharing” Zagreb 4-6 November 2009

  2. What is DPE? Coordination Action financed by EC [FP6] 1 April 2006/ 31 March 2009 DigitalPreservationEurope aims at involving all the countries of the Union in the activity of arising awareness, promoting and studying the technical and organisational problems of digital preservation www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu

  3. What is DPE? Two macro objectives: to foster collaboration and synergies among on-going projects and existing initiatives across the ERA [repositories and audit and certification tools] to raise up awareness on digital preservation challenges among different user communities [different level of awareness on the subject and its strategic significance]

  4. What is DPE? Main activities: Advocacy and Outreach Research and Practitioner Integration Audit and Certification Services Training and Continuing Professional Development Co-ordination of EU Repository Activities Preservation Research Roadmap Community building

  5. What is DPE? Main activities: Advocacy and Outreach Research and Practitioner Integration Audit and Certification Services Training and Continuing Professional Development Co-ordination of EU Repository Activities Preservation Research Roadmap Community building Briefing Papers Competence Centres PLATTER, DRAMBORA

  6. Competence Centres:State of the Art review

  7. Competence Centres for digital curation Basic questions: What does ‘competence’ mean? Who is the leader in the sector ? Do I really trust her/him/it ? Does a unique list of competences exist ? What do I expect from such a centre ? Why should I follow its recommendations ?

  8. Competence Centres for digital curation Sources of digital curation and preservation competency analysis of current practices: • Universities • Scientific research community • Ministerial structures • National structures • Industry and the private sector • Healthcare infrastructures • International and professional bodies • Funded projects

  9. Competence Centres for digital curation 7C’S’ BENCHMARKING MODEL 1. Capacity 2. Context 3. Credibility 4. Commitment 5. Certification 6. Competition 7. Communication

  10. Competence Centres for digital curation Five generic models • Distributed centres of expertise and collaborative projects • Single research-led institutions • National libraries, archives or other organisations with preservation expertise • Commercial preservation centres/services • International bodies and professional associations

  11. Competence Centres for digital curation Check it out: www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/publications/ competence_centre_SoAR_1.pdf

  12. Briefing Papers

  13. Briefing Papers

  14. Briefing Papers 27 Briefing papers translated in 8 languages

  15. Briefing Papers www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/ publications/briefs

  16. PLATTERPlanning Tool for Trusted Electronic Repositories

  17. Planning a Trusted Digital Repository with PLATTER

  18. Planning a Trusted Digital Repository with PLATTER PLATTER Planning Tool for Trusted Electronic Repositories • A basis for a digital repository • to plan the development its goals and performancetargets • over the course of its lifetime PLATTER is not audit or certification tool

  19. PLATTER DRAMBORA TRAC NESTOR What is Trust? Trust is “demonstrated fitness for purpose” I. Trust must be achieved II. Trust must be demonstrated [III. Trust must be maintained]

  20. The components of PLATTER • Repository classification • Strategic Objective Plans (SOPs) • The Platter Planning Cycle

  21. PLATTER STAGE 1Classify your repository

  22. STAGE 1- Classify your repository Four orthogonal axes: Function Operation Scale Implementation

  23. Function Operation Scale Implementation STAGE 1- Classify your repository Purpose & Function Where does your mandate come from? Are you a profit making body? Are you an existing or new organisation?

  24. Function Operation Scale Implementation STAGE 1- Classify your repository Scale How much data do you expect to have? How many staff? How many users?

  25. Function Operation Scale Implementation STAGE 1- Classify your repository Operation How do you acquire the material in your repository? How complex or specialised is it? And what restrictions exist on access?

  26. Function Operation Scale Implementation STAGE 1- Classify your repository Implementation Where does your metadata come from? Do you use in-house or external storage? Is your software supported by contract or by in-house development?

  27. PLATTER STAGE 2The Strategic Objective Plans

  28. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans Strategic Objective Plans - SOPs • Self-defined objectives • All areas of repository operation • Use the CRL/DCC/DPE/nestor Ten Core Principles as a starting point

  29. The Ten Core Principles • Commitment • Fitness • Rights • Policies • Acquisition • Data Integrity • Metadata • Dissemination • Preservation • Infrastructure

  30. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans SOPs All areas of repository operations: • Business plan • Staffing Plan • Data Plan • Acquisition Plan • Access Plan • Preservation Plan • Technical System Plan • Succession Plan • Disaster Plan

  31. Ten Core Principles Acquires and maintains requisite contractual and legal rights and fulfils responsibilities 3. Rights Acquires and ingests digital objects based upon stated criteria that correspond to its commitments and capabilities 5. Acquisition STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans SOPs All areas of repository operations: • Business plan • Staffing Plan • Data Plan • Acquisition Plan • Access Plan • Preservation Plan • Technical System Plan • Succession Plan • Disaster Plan

  32. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans Goal 2.1: Acquire relevant material Examples: • Archive 90% of national internet • Archive 75% of all articles published in house • Ingest at least 10000 new images per year Discussion: The purpose of this goal is to specify quantitative targets for the material to be acquired by the repository. Specification of the desired material will generally refer back directly to the repository mandate which specifies the type of repository involved – for example an archive, eprint collection, webarchive etc. Further specifying the exact extent/scope of the material to be collected may require extensive analysis – for example, a market analysis to determine what is available, a stakeholder analysis to determine the wishes of depositors and end users, and a cost-benefit analysis to determine economic constraints.

  33. SMART objectives Specific to the given organisation Measurable Assignable Realistic Time-related

  34. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Business Plan • Monitoring financial status • Raising revenue • Marketing and Outreach • Financial contingency planning

  35. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Acquisition Plan • Acquisition of material • Negotiation with depositors • Import data • Monitoring

  36. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Staffing Plan • Staffing roles and responsibilities • Maintaining staffing levels • Maintaining staff skills

  37. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Access Plan • Mission Statement • Designated User-Communities • Access policy • Technical requirements

  38. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Technical Plan – [Scale / Security / Services] • Storage and Network • Data integrity and Security • Satisfactory service levels

  39. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Data Plan • Submission, Archival and Dissemination formats • Metadata sources and formats • Data transformations

  40. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Succession Plan • Planning for the worst

  41. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Disaster Plan • Identifying threats • Planning responses

  42. STAGE 2- The Strategic Objective Plans The Preservation Plan • Monitoring Changing Hardware and Software • Monitoring Changing Standards and Formats • Monitoring Changing Users • Taking Appropriate Actions

  43. PLATTER STAGE 3The Planning Cycle


  45. STRATEGICPLANNING GOAL EXPRESSION ACTION PLANNING REALISATION REFORMULATION REVIEW STAGE 3 - The Planning Cycle STRATEGIC PLANNING STRATEGIC PLANNING • Broad organisational focus • Function and goals • Repository’s mandate • Basis for detailed planning


  47. STAGE 3 - The Planning Cycle ACTION PLANNING Implementing your objectives: a bridge between your goals and the tangible realisation STRATEGIC PLANNING GOAL EXPRESSION ACTION PLANNING REALISATION REFORMULATION REVIEW


  49. REALISATION REFORMULATION REVIEW STAGE 3 - The Planning Cycle TEN CORE PRINCIPLE Repository Characterisation Repository Profile Business Plan Staffing Plan Disaster Plan Business Action Goals Business Action Goals Business Action Goals

  50. Try PLATTER Today? Visit Platter at www.digitalpreservationeurope.eu/platter

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