The Gh. Fab
INTRODUCTION The Ghana Fab-Lab was established in 2004 through collaboration between the ShamaAhanta East Metropolitan Assembly and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT in the US. The Lab is located in the west African region, on the soil of a well known technical Institution by the name Takoradi Technical Institute (TTI) in the western region of Ghana.
The Ghana Fab since it establishment, have graduated from almost zero to quite a good significant figure. (pic. of a simple key holder to the complex things made in the lab) Simple Key holders Complex Machines
ACTIVE PRINCIPLES: The main principle that rains in the Ghana Fab-Lab is (the Shearing Principle). The Fabber have learned to shear almost everything. Starting from ideas down to food.
PARTICIPANT: Most people how happened to hear about the lab turn to take part in the labs activities, and this is either for a short term or a long term. SOME OF THESE PARTICIPANTS ARE:
members of the communities and curious kid who want to explore their talents, All come to the lab from time to time to make use of the tools in the lab.
ACTIVITIES: The major activities in the lab is, creating of what we term as thinking cup for almost every member that visits the lab. And this we have come to realize is leaving a good impact
IMPACT OF THE LAB TO IT'S MEMBERS: The lab has had great impact on it members over the past few years than we imagine. in the nutshell, almost every one that visits the lab gets a THINKING CUP to take home.
RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE FAB-LAB AND OTHER COOPERATE STABLISHMENTS. • In the past few years, the fab-labs' been working with some establishments around its environs in advancing their production skills. to name a few of these establishments: • we have, • The AudioCraft company (now specialized in building high thech. professional loud speakers using CAD & CAM processes) • Slikem Art & media center. etc...
Just to throw light on a few things, the AudioCraft Professional Loud Speaker company, was able to graduate from producing about 20 very less pricise loud speaker boxes in a month. to producing about 80 highly precise professional loud speaker boxes in the same period, with their shear of thinking cup from the Fab-Lab.
Students from the polytechnics gets thinking cups from the lab after lecture, to help them work out their project works.
LIMITATIONS: space: The Ghana Fab-Lab since it establishment have been confined in small space, making it difficult to take up some activities in the lab. In 2007. the local Authorities started a project to get a new structure in place for the Fab-Lab. this project came to a halt about two years after.
the good new is that, there is a hint the project is going to continue come September. we just have to keep our fingers crossed.
FUNDING: raising funds for in and off lab activities has been very difficult. This have hindered the progress of some activities in the lab.
It is true when we hear people saying 'the lab has undergone so many transitions' since it establishment. but then when we cast my mined far and wide, the question we always ask ourselves is, ARE WE THERE YET?. If not HOW DO WE GET THERE?. THANK YOU.