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PROTISTS. Focus on PROTOZOA : Animal-like protists. Protists. The “junk drawer” of living organism  very d iverse group!. Protists : . First eukaryotes Lead to diverse species of eukaryotes. Protists. Animal – like Based on movement Plant – like Based on feeding technique

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PROTISTS Focus on PROTOZOA: Animal-like protists

  2. Protists • The “junk drawer” of living organism  very diverse group!

  3. Protists: • First eukaryotes • Lead to diverse species of eukaryotes

  4. Protists • Animal – like • Based on movement • Plant – like • Based on feeding technique • Fungi – like • Based on feeding technique

  5. Animal-like = PROTOZOA • Eukaryotes • Heterotrophic • Uni or multicellular • Reproduce sexually or asexually • Variety of locomotion

  6. Morphology: let’s draw it! • Be sure to label: • Cilia/flagella • Ectoderm • Endoderm • Food vacuole • Contractile vacuole • Micro and macronuclei

  7. Movement • Cilia • Flagella • Pseudopodia

  8. Nutrition • Holozoic (ex: amoebas) • Endocytosis • Saprozoic • Feed on dead or decaying organic/inorganic matter

  9. 3 Main groups (phyla) of PROTOZOA than affect humans: • Sarcomastigophora • Apicomplexa (AKA “Sporozoans”) • Ciliophora (AKA “Ciliates”) What are some characteristics of each group?

  10. Sarcomastigophora • Locomotion: flagella, pseudopod or both • Amoebas and flagellates • Reproduction: sexual • Unicellular or “colonial” • Mainly found in GI tract • Human disease: • Amoebas:  amoebic dysentery • Flagella:  giardiasis (caused by giardia)  African sleeping sickness and Chagas disease (caused by trypanosomes)

  11. Apicomplexa (AKA “Sporozoans”) • Locomotion = flagella or pseudopod • Reproduction = life cycle includes both sexual and asexual; form spores • Unicellular • Special organelle called apicoplast that is used to penetrate host cell for entry • Parasites specific to humans … cause many diseases in humans! • Babesia • Malaria • Coccidian • Cryptosporidiosis • Cyclosporiasis • Isosporiaisis • toxoplasmosis

  12. Ciliophora (“Ciliates” • Locomotion: cilia • Reproduction: asexually (binary fission) • Conjugation is common • Unicellular • Heterotrophs: feed an small bacteria, algae, and detritis (waste/debris) • Human disease: Balantidiasis (caused by balantidium coli)

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