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Protists. Protists . Euglenoids. Diatoms . Three General Protist Life Cycles. Flagellated Protozoans. Diplomonads Parabasalids Trypanosomes Euglenoids. Giardia and Trichomonas. Diplomonad – Giardia lamblia. Parabasalid – Trichomonas vaginalis.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Protists

  2. Protists Euglenoids Diatoms

  3. Three General Protist Life Cycles

  4. Flagellated Protozoans • Diplomonads • Parabasalids • Trypanosomes • Euglenoids

  5. Giardia and Trichomonas Diplomonad – Giardialamblia Parabasalid – Trichomonasvaginalis

  6. Parabasalid Species in Termite Gut Photo from John Breznak, Michigan State University. 2001. Retrieved from: http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/press/01/pr0154.htm

  7. Kinetoplastids - Trypanosomes Tsetse fly – Glossina. 2007. http://www.microbiologybytes.com/introduction/Trypano.html Trypanosoma brucei –African Sleeping Sickness

  8. Kinetoplastids - Trypanosomes Reduviid insect – “kissing bug.” Science Daily. 2004. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2004/09/040930121239.htm Trypanosoma cruzi. Causes Chagas disease. http://hardinmd.lib.uiowa.edu/cdc/chagas4.html

  9. A Euglenoid: Euglena gracilis

  10. Foraminiferansand Radiolarians • Heterotrophic single cells with chalky or glassy shells live in great numbers in the world’s oceans; cytoplasm extends through many pores

  11. White Cliffs of Dover/Egyptian Pyramids • Chalky remains of foraminiferans and other organisms with calcium-carbonate shells About.com. 2011. http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/egypt/ig/Ancient-Egypt/Sphinx.htm

  12. The Alveolates • Have a layer of sacs just under the plasma membrane • “Alveolus” means sac. • 3 Groups: • Ciliates • Dinoflagellates • Apicomplexans

  13. Ciliates: Predator and Prey • Didinium

  14. Ciliate Structure: Paramecium

  15. Dinoflagellates Council - Garcia, Cara Lea. 2002. http://biology.unm.edu/ccouncil/Biology_203/Images/Protists/dino1.gif

  16. Karenia brevis and Algal Blooms American Society for Microbiology. 2006. http://dev.microbeworld.org/news/articles/images/dinoflagellates.jpg

  17. Bioluminescent Dinoflagellates Noctilucascintillans

  18. Apicomplexans • Parasitic alveolates • Spend part of life cycle inside host cell • Named for a complex of microtubules at the apical end that allows them to enter a host cell. • Sometimes called sporozoans • Ex. Plasmodium and Toxoplasmosis gondii

  19. Life Cycle of Plasmodium

  20. Toxoplasmosis gondii Dubey, J. P. 2006. http://www.parasitology.com.cn/UploadFile/200957135243451.JPG

  21. Stramenopiles • Colorless filamentous molds, photosynthetic single cells, and large seaweeds belong to the stramenopile lineage • Name means “straw-haired” • Grouped according to gene sequence comparisons • 3 Groups: • Diatoms • Brown Algae • Water Molds

  22. Diatoms

  23. Brown Algae Macrocystis - Giant Kelp Fucus – bladderwrack or rockweed

  24. Parasitic Water Molds • Filaments of Saprolegnia infect fish in aquaria

  25. Phytopthora: The Plant Destroyers Dead and dying trees near Big Sur, CA, where P. ramorumis epidemic.

  26. Green Algae - ChlorophyteAlgae Codiumfragilis – “Dead Man’s Fingers” Volvox Ulva– “Sea Lettuce” Chlamydomonas

  27. Green Algae - CharophyteAlgae Desmids Stoneworts (Chara) Spirogyra. http://silicasecchidisk.conncoll.edu/LucidKeys/Carolina_Key/html/Spirogyra_Main.html

  28. Red Alga - Antithamnionplumula

  29. Amoebozoa - Amoeba and Plasmodial Slime Mold Amoeba proteus Physarum plasmodium

  30. Cellular Slime Mold Life Cycle: Dictyostelium discoideum

  31. Choanoflagellates Carroll, Sean B. 2010. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/14/science/14creatures.html?_r=1 Science Notes. 2008. New York Times. http://sciencenotes.wordpress.com/2008/03/06/choanoflagellates-to-sponges-to-metazoa/ Devitt, Terry. 2001. University of Wisconsin-Madison News. http://www.news.wisc.edu/6920

  32. The End

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