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SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION ELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock. WHO WILL MAKE A GOOD LEADER?. SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION ELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock. INTRODUCTION. - Elders are a very important part of God’s plan for His church
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock INTRODUCTION - Elders are a very important part of God’s plan for His church -Every church should have elders when men are qualified by the word of God -Today we want to focus on: > How important is leadership? > What makes a good leader? > How do we appoint leaders (elders)?
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock THE IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP -Leaders Have Always Been In God’s Plan > Moses was chosen to lead Israel out of Egypt (Exod. 3:10-18) > There are many other good leaders that have led God’s people > So many men, like Moses question God’s calling and say, “Who am I?” regarding God’s work
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock THE IMPORTANCE OF LEADERSHIP -A Church Is No Stronger Than Its Leaders > Elders are exhorted to “rule well” (I Tim. 5:17) > The word “rule” means to lead, and elders must take that responsibility > Where there is no leadership, a congregation suffers
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Is Strong And Courageous > Consider what God told Joshua as a leader (Josh. 1:6-9) > Note David’s charge to Solomon (I Kings 2:1-4) >There are rewards for such courage (Psalm 27:14; II Chron. 15:7) > Paul spoke of this (Acts 28:15)
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Knows His Strength Source > Every leader should recognize that God is their strength (Eph. 6:10) > Too many depend on their own strength >A leader is only a good leader when God is his strength
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Realizes He Cannot Lead If There Are No Followers > The flock is not driven but led > A congregation that will not submit to the eldership is an unorganized one > Elders must take the word of God in hand and stand out front to lead
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Does Not Consider Himself The Ultimate Power > Elders will not act as lord’s over the flock, but serve (I Peter 5:1-3) > There are attitudes that can destroy congregations (III John 9) > God’s will must be at the base of every decision that is made
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Is Not Jealous > Sometimes one leader will become jealous of another leader > This is also possible amongst elders > Jealousy is a problem that will surely cause division, among any organization
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Is Understanding >A leader should be able to be considerate of all members of the body of Christ >We need leaders who will ask God for understanding (I Kings 3:5-12)
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Loves The Truth >A leader who does not love truth can only lead others down a path of eternal suffering (II Thess. 2:10) >Leaders must love the truth above friendship, popularity, and position
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Is Just And Fears God >God wants rulers who will be fair and reverence Him (II Sam. 23:1-3) >Leaders must lead as God’s word directs, showing no partiality in all of their dealings
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Will Not Compromise >Leaders should look at Moses for an example (Exodus 10:24-26) >Leaders will see the need of the congregation, and will serve according to its needs >We need men who desire to please God over the congregation
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Will Make Use Of Others >Moses called on others for help as a leader (Numbers 11:14-17) >Good leaders will call on qualified people for help >If an elder does not call on others to help in the work, he is too limited
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Has Time To Do The Work > It takes a good amount of time to do the work of an elder > Time for planning Bible classes with teachers, to convince the gainsayers, to find and help lost sheep, to keep up with the attendance of each member, for new converts, goals and outreach
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Knows Where He Is Going > The church needs men of vision > When an elder oversees a local church, he knows the needs of the brethren and directs the work of the church accordingly. > An elders vision, should be God’s!
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock QUALITIES OF A GOOD LEADER -A Good Leader Follows Jesus’ Example > Consider what Jesus said about being a shepherd in the word (Luke 15:4-7; John 10:1-18) > Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, and gave His life for the sheep >Elders will be dedicated to the church
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -Make Sure That Elders Are In Every Church > No set of elders should be over more than one congregation (Acts 14:23) > A church must find men that will meet these standards from among them, and appoint them.
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -Put The Church In Order > Everyone should be taught the requirements for a man to be an elder (Titus 1:5) > A congregation must understand their responsibilities to the elders in a local church
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -The Congregation Has A Say In The Matter > Every member must know them who labor among them (I Thess. 5:12-13) > If a man is suggested, and is seen as Scripturally disqualified, he should not be appointed > Each member should pray and study
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -No Partiality Should Be Shown > Nothing should be done by partiality (I Tim. 5:21) > Personal feelings, opinions and prejudices should be forgotten > God’s word is the standard for all decisions made in any local church, even appointing elders.
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -Take The Steps Necessary > Determine the qualifications (I Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9) > Have the congregation select men from our number > After confirming their qualifications, appoint them to the work
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPOINTING LEADERS (ELDERS) -Do All Things Decently And In Order > Whatever method is used in the actual appointment of these men is to our own discretion, as long as it has order and it is done well (I Cor. 14:40) > It is fitting to have the evangelist (ex. Titus) to appoint these men before the congregation (1:5)
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -The Bible places great emphasis on the appointing of good qualified leaders -We need to write down the names of those men (sheet provided) who would be qualified to do this work -Members are responsible for knowing those who labor among them, and all of the men will need to desire the work
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -It will be our goal to contact all of the men who are suggested and find out their qualifications. -This is not a time for hurt feelings and divisive attitudes, but should be a time of joy and encouragement, knowing that the church may now have good qualified leaders
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock APPLICATION -With this we will have lessons on deacons, teachers, members etc. to further organize the church. -We all need to pray individually about this matter, and ask for wisdom in this important process -Keep in mind that it is God’s will for us to have elders, and it should be our desire as well
SCRIPTURAL CHURCH ORGANIZATIONELDERS: Shepherds Of The Flock SPEAKING OF GOD’S WILL FOR US… -Have You Obeyed The Gospel? HEAR -Rom. 10:17; Jam.1:21-22 BELIEVE -John 8:24 REPENT -Acts 17:30-31; II Pet. 3:9 CONFESS -Romans 10:9-10 BAPTIZED -Acts 2:38; I Peter 3:21 FAITHFUL -I Corinthians 15:1-2