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Symmetric Connectivity With Minimum Power Consumption in Radio Networks. G. Calinescu (IL-IT) I.I. Mandoiu (UCSD) A. Zelikovsky (GSU). Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Applications in battlefield, disaster relief, etc. No wired infrastructure Battery operated power conservation critical
Symmetric Connectivity With Minimum Power Consumptionin Radio Networks G. Calinescu (IL-IT) I.I. Mandoiu (UCSD) A. Zelikovsky (GSU)
Ad Hoc Wireless Networks • Applications in battlefield, disaster relief, etc. • No wired infrastructure • Battery operated power conservation critical • Omni-directional antennas + Uniform power detection thresholds Transmission range = disk centered at the node • Signal power falls inversely proportional to dk Transmission range radius = kth root of node power
e e e d d d f f f c c c g g g b b b a a a 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 Message from “a” to “b” has multi-hop acknowledgement route Asymmetric Connectivity 1 1 1 1 3 1 Range radii 2 Strongly connected Nodes transmit messages within a range depending on their battery power, e.g., agb cgb,d ggf,e,d,a
e e d d f f c c g g b b Asymmetric Connectivity Symmetric Connectivity a a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 2 2 2 Node “a” cannot get acknowledgement directly from “b” Increase range of “b” by 1 and decrease “g” by 2 Symmetric Connectivity • Per link acknowledgements symmetric connectivity • Two nodes are symmetrically connected iff they are within transmission range of each other
Power levels for k=2 16 d Distances Power assigned to a node = largest power requirement of incident edges k=2 total power p(T)=257 4 4 f 2 10 c 2 100 g 16 100 b 1 2 4 16 a 1 h e 4 Min-power Symmetric Connectivity Problem • Given: set Sof nodes (points in Euclidean plane), and coefficient k • Find: power levels for each node s.t. • There exist symmetrically connected paths between any two nodes of S • Total power is minimized
Previous Results • Max power objective • MST is optimal [Lloyd et al. 02] • Total power objective • NP-hardness [Clementi,Penna&Silvestri 00] • MST gives factor 2 approximation [Kirousis et al. 00] d
Our results • General graph formulation • Similarity to Steiner tree problem • t-restricted decompositions • Improved approximation results • 1+ln2 + 1.69+ • 15/8 for a practical greedy algorithm • Efficient exact algorithm for Min-Power Symmetric Unicast • Experimental study
4 4 2 f 10 2 10 c 2 Power costs of nodes are yellow Total power cost of the tree is 68 g 13 12 b 13 12 2 12 a h 13 e 2 Graph Formulation Power cost of a node = maximum cost of the incident edge Power cost of a tree = sum of power costs of its nodes Min-Power Symmetric Connectivity Problem in Graphs: Given: edge-weighted graph G=(V,E,c), where c(e) is the power required to establish link e Find:spanning tree with a minimum power cost d
n points 1 1 1 1+ 1+ 1+ Power cost of MST is n Power cost of OPT is n/2 (1+ ) + n/2 n/2 MST Algorithm Theorem: The power cost of the MST is at most 2 OPT Proof • power cost of any tree is at most twice its cost p(T) = u maxv~uc(uv) uv~u c(uv) = 2 c(T) (2) power cost of any tree is at least its cost (1) (2) p(MST) 2 c(MST) 2 c(OPT) 2 p(OPT)
n points 1 1 1 1+ 1+ 1+ p(Q) = 2c(T) = n (1+ ) p(T) = n/2 (1+ 2) Size-restricted Tree Decompositions • A t-restricted decomposition Q of tree T is a partition into edge-disjoint sub-trees with at most t vertices • Power-cost of Q = sum of power costs of sub-trees • t = supT min {p(Q):Q t-restricted decomposition of T} / p(T) • E.g., 2 = 2
Size-restricted Tree Decompositions Theorem:For every T and t, there exists a 2t-restricted decomposition Q of T such that p(Q) (1+1/t) p(T) • t 1 + 1 / log k • t 1 when t • Theorem:For every T, there exists a 3-restricted decomposition Q of T such that p(Q) 7/4 p(T) • 3 7/4
8 8 d d 2 2 8 8 f f 10 13(+3) 2 2 10 10 c c 2 2 2(-10) g g 12 10 10 13 13 b b 10 10 13 13 2 2 12 12 a a h h 10 13 (+3) 2 12 2 13 (+1) e e Fork {ac,ab} decreases the power-cost by gain = 10-3-1-3=3 Gain of a Sub-tree • t-restricted decompositions are the analogue of t-restricted Steiner trees • Fork = sub-tree of size 2 = pair of edges sharing an endpoint • The gain of fork F w.r.t. a given tree T = decrease in power costobtained by • adding edges in fork F to T • deleting two longest edges in two cycles of T+F
Approximation Algorithms • For a sub-tree H of G=(V,E) the gain w.r.t. spanning tree T is defined by gain(H) = 2 c(T) – 2 c(T/H) – p(H) where G/H = G with H contracted to a single vertex • [Camerini, Galbiati & Maffioli 92 / Promel & Steger 00] • 3 + 7/4 + approximation • t-restricted relative greedy algorithm [Zelikovsky 96] • 1+ln2 + 1.69 + approximation • Greedy triple (=fork) contraction algorithm [Zelikovsky 93] • (2 + 3) / 2 15/8 approximation
Greedy Fork Contraction Algorithm Input: Graph G=(V,E,cost) with edge costs Output:Low power-cost tree spanning V TfMST(G) HfRepeat forever Find fork F with maximum gain If gain(F) is non-positive, exit loop HfH U F TfT/F OutputT H
Experimental Study • Random instances up to 100 points • Compared algorithms • branch and cut based on novel ILP formulation [Althaus et al. 02] • Greedy fork-contraction • Incremental power-cost Kruskal • Edge swapping • Delaunay graph versions of the above
Edge Swapping Heuristic • For each edge do • Delete an edge • Connect with min increase in power-cost • Undo previous steps if no gain 4 d 4 2 4 f d 4 2 c 2 2 4 g 12 13 f 10 b 2 10 c 2 13 12 2 12 g 12 13 a 13 h b 2 e 13 12 15 4 Remove edge 10 power cost decrease = -6 d 2 12 a h 13 2 e 4 f 2 2 4 c 2 g 12 13 b 13 15 15 2 12 15 a h 2 e Reconnect components with min increase in power-cost = +5
Summary and Ongoing Research • Graph-based algorithms handle practical constraints • Obstacles, power level upper-bounds • Improved approximation algorithms based on similarity to Steiner tree problem in graphs • Ideas extend to Min-Power Symmetric Multicast • Ongoing research -- Every tree has 3-decomposition with at most 5/3 times larger power-cost • 5/3+ approximation using [Camerini et al. 92 / Promel & Steger 00] • 11/6 approximation factor for greedy fork-contraction algorithm
Symmetric Connectivity With Minimum Power Consumptionin Radio Networks G. Calinescu (IL-IT) I.I. Mandoiu (UCSD) A. Zelikovsky (GSU)