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SOER 2010 and SENSE

SOER 2010 and SENSE. Milan Chrenko European Environment Agency. Flow of the Session. THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENT STATE AND OUTLOOK 2010. Thematic assessments. Country assessments. Understanding climate change. Country profiles. Mitigating climate change. National and regional stories.

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SOER 2010 and SENSE

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  1. SOER 2010 and SENSE Milan ChrenkoEuropean Environment Agency

  2. Flow of the Session

  3. THE EUROPEAN ENVIRONMENTSTATE AND OUTLOOK 2010 Thematic assessments Country assessments Understanding climate change Country profiles Mitigating climate change National and regional stories Adapting to climate change Biodiversity Common environmental themes Land use Land use Land use Climate change mitigation Soil Soil Soil Land use Assessment of global megatrends Marine and coastal environment Marine and coastal environment Nature protection & biodiversity Consumption and environment Waste Material resources and waste Freshwater Social megatrends Water resources: quantity & flows Technological megatrends Air pollution Each EEA member country (32) and EEA cooperating country (6) assessed all six environmental themes above. Freshwater quality Economic megatrends Air pollution Environmental megatrends Urban environment Political megatrends

  4. SOER 2010:geographical coverage Country assessments Country profiles National and regional stories Common environmental themes Climate change mitigation Land use Nature protection & biodiversity Waste Freshwater Air pollution Each EEA member country (32) and EEA cooperating country (6) assessed all six environmental themes above. * Kosovo under UNSCR 1244/99

  5. Result?

  6. Shared Environmental Information System - SEIS 1. Shared (cooperation) • Political commitment (legislative/non-legislative) • Partnership (win-win) • Networking (connecting) 2. Environmental Information (shared content) • Horizontal integration (thematic) • Vertical integration (local to global) • Online access (near real time) • For policy makers and public (multi-purpose) 3. System (technology) • Existing ICT Infrastructure • Inspire, Reportnet, GMES,... • New e-Services (e-Government)

  7. Why Shared European and National State of the Environment information (SENSE)?

  8. Objectives To implement a mechanism for SEIS compliant information sharing between national and European websites based on further enhancement of Reportnet, aiming at more timely and cost-efficient quality assured data flows i.e. assessments on the state and outlook of the environment as defined for SOER Part C • To consolidate Eionet and EEA user needs for ICT tools based on Linked Data - through sharing SOE information between the national and the European level. • To establish a process of online SOE-reporting from national websites to EEA SOE web site and vice versa enriching both the national and the European information base. • To improve the sharing of national and European information through the use of a Linked Data approach for SOE information through a pilot learning process for both EEA and Eionet. • To migrate SERIS links and information into the SOER 2010 web site. • To exchange know how (i.e. on Linked Data technology) between EEA and Eionet.

  9. Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 Simply to…. SENSE I

  10. How did we get there? • Dedicated helpdesk to support countries’ participation

  11. What did we learn - Content? • The project delivered the expected results and more countries than expected participated and delivered the feeds in the end. • RDF is suitable for exchange of structured information. In the SENSE project that structure was given through the SOER Country Assessment guidelines. • Through the RDF, the participating countries now have the possibility to share information, each country being responsible for their own information moving towards a more decentralised system in a SEIS coherent way.

  12. What did we learn - Process? • Participating countries very engaged • Task force and helpdesk model proofed to work • Process equally important to a content • Difficulties to match SENSE work with Part C guidelines (paper vs web) • Follow up activities?

  13. Next phase…

  14. Thank you for cooperation! www.eea.europa.eu/soer

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