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Explore the concept of open innovation and small world theory through a mathematical problem involving natural numbers. Learn about knowledge exchange and innovation acceleration methods in open innovation management. Source: Fuchs, E. (1993).

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  1. OPEN INNOVATION 24.2.2010, Trenčín

  2. » A bit of mathematics « There are two natural numbers bigger than 1 (1,2,3, ...). The sum of these numbers is not exceeding 100. Mathematicians A and B solve this problem, when A knows product of these numbers and B their sum. Mathematicians know the conditions and they are talking: A: „I do not recognize these numbers.“ B: „I did know you have not recognized these numbers.“ A: „I already recognize them.“ B: „Also I.“ Source : FUCHS, E., Do you think mathematically? In: Creativity in science, politics and art III, 1993, pages 175

  3. Obsah 1 Open innovation definition 2 Open innovation concept 3 Small world 4 Results

  4. Open innovation definition • By Henry Chesbrough • „Open innovation is deliberate use of internal and external stream of knowledge with the view of innovation and market extension acceleration .“ • internal and external resources of knowledge and innovations and also • internal and external possibilities for market extension

  5. Closed innovation management

  6. Open innovation management

  7. Open innovation basic actions

  8. Provide/Conceal of knowledge

  9. Knowledge exchange Parameters influensing the knowledge exchange efectivity What – What knowledge to provide (in what stage of innovaction action it occurs) When – When to provide the knowledge (in what cycle of exchange to provide the knowledge ) Where – Where to provide the knowledge (closed group, open membership group, unlimited propagation)

  10. Knowledge exchange Company providing the knowledge supports also others - competitive companies. Toyota network – administer formal sanctions, exclusion from network. COIN (Collaborative Innovation Network) – behaviour rules and mutual exchange balance and unwritten ethical code. Games theory – mutual knowledge exchange, optimal strategy quest.

  11. Small world

  12. Small world - Members number N=100 - Conjunction number of each member n=16 - Probability p=0.1 - Knowledge increase α=1.2 - Transmission (broadcasting) number T=100 - Number of members concealing the knowledge {0,30,90}

  13. Small world Everage knowledge level of member iin time t Everage knowledge level in society

  14. Results

  15. Results

  16. Thanks for your attention http://www.eurocrafts21.eu Contact: Ing. Jaroslav Šmíd Trenčianska regionálna komora SOPK E-Mail: smid@sopk.sk Internet: www.sopk.sk

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