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Explore the Southern, New England, and Middle Colonies, learn about Founding Fathers, clothing, food, jobs, games, crafts, tools, music, and more during the Colonial era in America.
The 13 Colonies Jaelyn A.
Regions & What Made Them Unique • Southern Colonies • Farming • Rice • Indigo • Tobacco • Sugarcane • Cotton • New England • Whaling • Trapping • Shipbuilding • Logging • Middle Colonies • Logging • Shipbuilding • Textiles • Production • Papermaking
Founding Fathers Four of our Founding Fathers are John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson • John Adams was the second president of the United States. • George Washington was the first president of the United States. • Benjamin Franklin was the Founding Father of the United States. • Thomas Jefferson he wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Clothing In the Colonial times there were many different types of clothes for the boys and the girls. • The girls wore lace aprons, hats, and gowns • The boys wore hats, breeches, and waistcoats.
Food In the Colonial times there where many different types of food. • Cream of Peanut soup • Holiday Wassail • Pumpkin Gnocci
Jobs During Colonial times there where many jobs. Here are three. • Milliners: make shifts gowns, aprons, hats, and cloaks, • Blacksmith: crafters do hardware,garden, plants, and Colonial techniques. • Foodways: Setting history's table using authentic recipes and methods.
Games and Crafts There where a lot of games and crafts they did in the Colonial Times. Here are 3 of them. • Board games • Puzzles • Cards
Tools They used a lot of tools. • Saws • Hammers • Planes
Music • Fifes • Drums • Reading
Webliography • "Founding Fathers of the United States." wikipedia.com. October 7th 2014. Wikimedia Foundation Inc. 29 October, 2014. • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Founding_Fathers_of_the_United_States. • "Thirteen Colonies." Conservapedia.com. April 13th 2014. Conservapedia. 29 October, 2014. <http:..www.conservapedia.com/colonial_america>. • 13 colonies." Mr. Naussbaum fun+learning. 5/17/13. Naussbaum Education Network,LLC. 29 October, 2014. http://www.mrnaussbaum.com/13colonies/13regions/.htm#ne. • "Colonial Williamsburg." www.history.org. 2004. The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. 29 October, 2014. www.history.org/history/index.cfm. • Guterba, Linda. "Colonial Life:Life in Colonial America." kidinfo.com. 2014. kidinfo. 29 October, 2014. http://www.kidinfo.com/american_history/colonization_colonial-life.html. • White, David. "Life in the 13 Colonies Compared to life today." Social Studies for Kids. 2011. . 29 October, 2014. http://www.socialstudiesforkids.com/specialreport13colonies.htm. • https://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wi&ei=GzMcVY33A46uyQSj1IGgBg&ved=0CBQQqi4oAg