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Login @ ( scools/bin/login ) & initiate an ILL request Select item to request

TST BOCES SCOOLS (South Central Organization of (School) Library Systems) INTERLIBRARY LOAN PROCESS…..An Overview Created by Michele Barr, ILL Coordinator. Login @ ( http://scools.org/bin/login ) & initiate an ILL request Select item to request Fill ILL form (on the site) Send ILL Request

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Login @ ( scools/bin/login ) & initiate an ILL request Select item to request

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  1. TST BOCES SCOOLS (South Central Organization of (School) Library Systems) INTERLIBRARY LOAN PROCESS…..An OverviewCreated by Michele Barr, ILL Coordinator • Login @ (http://scools.org/bin/login) &initiate an ILL request • Select item to request • Fill ILL form (on the site) • Send ILL Request • View ILL Requests & Responses • Response procedures • Reception & Return Procedures • View ILL Statistics

  2. Enter Union Catalogue URLhttp://scools.org/bin/login Click “Login” (top right hand corner)

  3. Login to use ILL Functions Select your district and library

  4. You are logged in: System confirms logged in status

  5. To REQUEST MATERIALS FROM SCOOLS: Click on ILL TAB and then click on My Requests

  6. Type in your search term and then click on South Central Organization of (School) Library Systems (SCOOLS) tab. Then click Search.

  7. Search results will appear. Click on the title of the item you are requesting .

  8. Detailed record holdings for that title will be displayed. To request the item, click on ILL Request under Record Information. (highlighted in red below)

  9. System can manage multiple copies from multiple locations • Single copy request: You can direct it to more than one library (up to three… the system ensures that only one copy will be sent • Indicate expiry date & notes to others and to your staff • Click “Submit Request”

  10. Request Sent - Confirmation: • System confirms that requests will be emailed • Emails are consolidated & sent twice daily… • ILL email delivered: 4:00 AM & 12:00 noon • System generates a unique ILL number (ID 79)

  11. Click an ILL ID Link to view detail: • Clicking an ILL ID link shows ILL request details • ILL ID number links also appear in the emailed requests • Scroll beneath this section to see additional functions (next slide)

  12. Submitted request-additional functions: • The ILL request form contains additional data • As the request is filled, a due date appears • System will display call numbers & pertinent ILL details • You can remove your requests at this point • Other “grayed out” functions available after doc(s) received

  13. Check “My Requests” Archive: • Authorized staff can check “My Requests” archives • Mouse over “ILL” then click “My Requests” • You can review the status of requests at any time • Request status is in the right column • Click the ILL ID number to see a request’s details

  14. ILL Request Status: • SCOOLS keeps track of ILL status & informs participants • Request & Response archives will grow • ILL Status box filter shows all or specific ILL status items as below:

  15. 2. Responding to an ILL Request • Login to your school in SCOOLS • Mouse over “ILL” and click “ILL Responses”

  16. Sample “My Responses” List: • SCOOLS will display an ILL responses summary • ILL status appears in the right column • To respond to an “open” transaction, click on an ILL ID (ex. 36314)

  17. ILL Response Form • Retrieve the item to send – Select Due Date – Scan item barcode- Add note if desired • Click “Fill”

  18. ILL Response - “Fill” • After clicking “Fill,” data is added to “Loan List” • System assigns an ILL Loan ID number (ex. “24) • Click “filled” in the “Loan List” status column • System activates more transaction links on bottom line • Click “Print Slip” to print a packing list to send with resource • Packing slip includes ship to and from directory addresses • Receiving library is notified by email that item is en route

  19. Packing List Details • Scan ILL ID number to retrieve transaction details at any time • System assigns unique number to each ILL loaned item (ex. “24”) • Library can use this ID number to create a temporary ILL loan record

  20. 3. Receiving a Requested ILL • Requester’s file is updated when a member responds • File indicates that the request has been “filled” • Details can be checked by clicking on the ILL ID # on the “My Requests” list

  21. Receiving a requested ILL • Responding library sends a packing slip with requested item(s) • You can call up the ILL details by scanning the ILL ID barcode • You should let your colleague know that this has arrived

  22. System will display a list of ILL Requests System displays ILL status in right columnILL Status box – click drop down arrow

  23. Acknowledging Receipt of Borrowed Item • Click drop-down box options • Click “ILL’s received by responder”

  24. Returning a borrowed ILL resource • Mouse over the “ILL” tab • Select “My Requests” from the drop-down box • Click on the ILL ID # to return • Scroll down the ILL record to view these options • Click the “Return” link on the bottom of the page

  25. RECEIVING A RETURNED ILL IN SCOOLS: Log into SCOOLS--- Select My Responses---Click on ILL ID # of Returned Materials– Scroll to bottom of record--- Click on box to the right of loan list-Click on receive at the bottom

  26. Building / Branch level ILL Statistics • Login to SCOOLS; http://scools.org/bin/login • Mouse over the “ILL” tab • Click “ILL Statistics” Report

  27. Enter a date range • System will produce two reports • Materials Borrowed – above • Materials loaned – next slide

  28. Building / Branch Level ILL Statistics • Materials loaned report

  29. TST BOCESInterlibrary Loan Services • Contact ILL COORDINATOR with questions: • Michele Barr • illtst@tstboces.org

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