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A Retrospective Study of 24 Adults Treated for Scoliosis Using the Spinecor Orthosis. Authors: Gary Deutchman , Marc Lamantia, Joseph Indelacato, Marianna Raykhman, Pazit Gez-Avgar The Scoliosis Care Foundation 1085 Park Ave, Suite 1E New York, NY 10128 info@scoliosiscare.org. Purpose .
A Retrospective Study of 24 Adults Treated for Scoliosis Using the Spinecor Orthosis. • Authors: • Gary Deutchman, Marc Lamantia, Joseph Indelacato, Marianna Raykhman, Pazit Gez-Avgar • The Scoliosis Care Foundation • 1085 Park Ave, Suite 1E • New York, NY 10128 • info@scoliosiscare.org
Purpose • This is a retrospective study designed to identify if rehabilitation protocols can be used to effectively reduce Scoliotic deformities in the adult population.
Pilot study • We currently have 150 plus adults in a much larger study • Long term follow up is planned to determine if short term results are sustainable.
Population (n=24) • Age ranged 16-64 with the mean age of 45.0 • Inclusion requirements included; • Positive history of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis • Negative history for neurological disease or deformity which may include conditions which cause secondary scoliosis, i.e. movement disorders, brain injury, myo-neural junction disease, etc. • Eight (8) of the twenty four (24) had prior history of brace wearing.
Bracing • The Spinecor Orthosis was utilized. • A universal “Extension” configuration used in all curvature patterns. Tensions were varied depending upon direction of convexity when one curvature was present. • Mechanism of Action • Truncal de-weighting • Thoracic translation about the y-axis • “Extension” happens in the frontal plane
Physiotherapy • Home based respiratory exercises using the Corrective movement principle described by the Spinecor procedures. • Individualized neurological rehabilitation was prescribed which may have included, • Chiropractic adjustments • Spinal Mobilization to facilitate corrective movement • Electric muscle stimulation at 2500hz into the corrective posture
Mean age of 42.55 Mean Reduction 5.27 degrees Maximum Reduction 17 degrees or 12.2% Thoracic Curvatures (n=20)
Lumbar (n=16) • Mean age 42.19 • Mean Reduction (4.40 degrees) • Maximum Reduction 5.9 degrees or 15.3 %
Thoracolumbar Curvatures (n=4) • Mean Age 43.5 • Mean Reduction 6.0 degrees • Maximum reduction 8 degrees or 13.4 %
This study supports the theory scoliosis curvatures are worsened by failure of the supportive neuro-muscular system which involves the muscles and neurological activation centers of the brain, brainstem and cerebellum.
Implications in Treatment • specific neuro-muscular rehabilitation procedures and supportive devices can improve the function of the postural supportive system in adults. • The Variance of curvature magnitude in adults is a consequence of supportive tissue failure.
Pain Questionnaire after 1 year Self-Report Inventory from one to ten (1-10) • 10 = unbearable pain • 1 = no pain. • An average of the pain scores improved from 8.1 to 3.8. • Twenty four (24) out of twenty eight (28) participants either “Agreed” or “Strongly Agreed” they would recommend Spinecor for other adults. • Sixteen (16) out of twenty two (28) either Agreed” or “Strongly Agreed” they were more confident in their appearence since wearing SpineCor. • All total- twenty (20) out of twenty four (24) reported meaningful pain reduction.