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The Spheres of the Earth

The Spheres of the Earth. By: James(Robbie) Nelson. The Lithosphere. Solid rocky, crust covering entire planet. It covers the entire planet from the Marina T rench to M ount Everest Is in the upper mantel Causes the earth to shift Magma makes up parts of Lithosphere

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The Spheres of the Earth

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  1. The Spheres of the Earth By: James(Robbie) Nelson

  2. The Lithosphere • Solid rocky, crust covering entire planet. • It covers the entire planet from the Marina Trench to Mount Everest • Is in the upper mantel • Causes the earth to shift • Magma makes up parts of Lithosphere • Broken up into plates 12 large plates and several smaller plates

  3. Hydrosphere • Also called the water sphere • Is everywhere all water is in the Hydrosphere • It consist of all water molecules (streams glaciers oceans and ground water). • Changes the water temperature to make it evaporate and that causes it to go up into clouds • Interacts with all the other spheres

  4. Atmosphere • Has five layers Thermosphere Mesosphere, Stratosphere, exosphere, and Troposphere • Clouds and weather are found in the 1st layer • Supports life on earth • Pressure decreases with altitude (height) • It keeps the air in and stops us from being blasted with radioactive meteorites. • It keeps out the harmful effects of the suns rays • Holds in oxygen and other gasses

  5. Biosphere • The biosphere consists of anything living • Interacts with all other spheres • Extends over earth • Also called the zone of life • Could be on other planets

  6. How the spheres interact A change in weather (atmosphere) can cause water to evaporate (hydrosphere) which can cause animals to die (biosphere) and when it gets hot and then cold rocks can crack (lithosphere).

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