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Welcome to the Grade 3 French Immersion Meet the Teacher Night! Get an overview of the Ontario curriculum for French language and mathematics, understand the assessment process, and learn about important communication tools. Find out about homework expectations, attendance procedures, and upcoming school trips. We also welcome volunteers with valid police reference checks. Merci!
Bienvenue! Les classes de la troisième année sont: • Mme White Room 201 • Mme Spizzirri Room 202 • Mme Stones Room 215 • Mme D’Angillo Room 216 • Mme Toms Room 217
Grade 3 French immersionOntario curriculum overview – French language The four interrelated strands for FSL are: Listening • Listen and respond to texts and to others. Speaking • Speak and interact with others. Reading • Read, view, and respond to a variety of texts. Writing • Write a variety of texts for many different purposes and audiences.
Grade 3 French immersionOntario curriculum overview – Mathematics The five math strands are: • Number Sense and Numeration • Measurement • Geometry and Spatial Sense • Patterning and Algebra • Data Management and Probability Students will learn the following mathematical processes to acquire and apply mathematical knowledge and skills: • problem solving • reasoning and proving • reflecting • selecting tools and computational strategies • connecting • representing • communicating
Assessments • All assessments and evaluations are created with the assistance of the province-wide guide called “The Achievement Chart”, found in each curriculum document. This chart helps teachers to identify students’ strengths, areas of improvement, and plan future lessons/activities. • The four categories in the achievement chart are: • Knowledge and Understanding: Subject-specific content acquired in each grade (knowledge), and the comprehension of its meaning and significance (understanding). • Thinking: The use of critical and creative thinking skills and/or processes. • Communication: The conveying of meaning through various forms. • Application: The use of knowledge and skills to make connections within and between various contexts.
Assessments • The Ontario provincial standard for achieving the curriculum expectations is a “Level 3”. The “levels” can also be looked at in terms of letter grades: Ontario provincial standard
EQAO • EQAO (the standardized provincial testing) will take place at the end of May. • Students will have the opportunity to practise and see sample questions in-class prior to the assessment. • The results from EQAO are NOT counted towards the report card.
Communication Agendas • Please initial in your child’s agenda every day to indicate that you have checked it. Agendas will go home daily with important information and/or forms. • Agendas may also be used to communicate with your child’s teacher. Class and School Website • Please visit both the school website and your child’s class website regularly to stay informed of class activities, important dates, extra practice, learning goals, etc. Remind • Please sign up for the Remind app on your smartphone as it is a helpful tool to receive quick and short reminders via email or text message.
Homework Homework will commence at the beginning of October. This year, homework will consist of: The Home Reading Program • 15 minutes of daily reading and recording in your child’s home reading log Mathematics • Online practice to reinforce concepts learned in-class (Prodigy, Xtra Math and/or Aquamath 3) which can be found on the Teacher’s Page of the school website *If your child is going to be absent from school for a significant amount of time, please notify your child’s teacher AND the office. NO homework or classwork will be sent home.
Miscellaneous house keeping Attendance • Please contact the office, using the Safe Arrival Line, when your child will be absent from school. If you are signing your child out, please sign them out at the office and wait for your child there. Physical Education • Please provide your child with a clean pair of non-marking indoor shoes and a reusable water bottleas they will be participating in some form of physical activity every day. School Cash Online • We encourage you to sign up for the School Cash Online system as it allows parents/guardians the opportunity to pay for trips, lunches, etc. online. Please see the school website for registration and instructions.
School trips • Willowtree Farms – This trip will tie into our Science unit on soils and Social Studies unit living and working in Ontario. • Swim to Survive – Is an opportunity for your child to learn life saving skills should they find themselves in an emergency in water. We will require parent volunteers, particularly male volunteers, to help supervise on the pool deck and in the change room. Dates for each class are to be confirmed. • Pickering Pioneer Village – This trip will take place in the spring… More information to come. • More trips to come… stay tuned! Volunteers If you would like to volunteer either at school or on a school trip, please be sure to have a current and valid police reference check with the “Vulnerable Sector” section completed. Please submit a copy to the office.
Merci! Thank you for taking the time to come and visit your child’s classroom! Bonne année scolaire!