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Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular Disease . Risks & Prevention for Young Adults. Kristen Hinners. Cardiovascular Disease is Heart Disease. Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Higher Risk of Heart Disease:. High Blood Pressure High Blood Cholesterol Family History

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Cardiovascular Disease

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cardiovascular Disease Risks & Prevention for Young Adults Kristen Hinners

  2. Cardiovascular Disease is Heart Disease Heart Disease is the leading cause of death in the United States

  3. Higher Risk of Heart Disease: • High Blood Pressure • High Blood Cholesterol • Family History • Diabetes

  4. Higher Risk of Heart Disease: • Smoking • Poor Eating Habits • Lack of exercise • Obesity or Overweight • Age

  5. Coronary Artery Disease • Coronary Artery Disease Video

  6. Conditions of Cardiovascular Disease Arteriosclerosis Atherosclerosis Angina Heart Attack Stroke

  7. Arteriosclerosis Hardening of the arteries Arteries are no longer flexible Can Damage Organs due to poor blood circulation http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/

  8. Atherosclerosis Arteries narrower Fat and cholesterol build up called plaques Restricted blood flow • Complications: • Stroke • Heart Attack • Damage Organs http://arteriosclerosis.org/

  9. Angina The condition when the heart does not get the needed amount of blood http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/angina.html

  10. Heart Attack • myocardial infarction Blood supply for the heart is blocked Not enough oxygen Artery dies permanently http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases

  11. Stroke When a part of the brain does not get enough blood and dies as a result http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/dci/Diseases

  12. Treatment & Test • Angiography • Angioplasty • Bypass Surgery

  13. Angiogram • Catheter inserted into by an incision in the arm or groin • Internal view of the heart • One-Two Hours Long • Your Awake during the test More on Coronary Angiogram

  14. Angioplasty • Preformed during an angiogram • Small balloon placed inside artery to spread out plaque • Restores proper blood flow • A stent or wired tube may be placed and left in artery

  15. Angiogram/ Cardiac Catheterization

  16. Risks of Angiogram • Bleeding • Infection • Blood clots • Heart attack or stroke • Seizures • 1 in 500 will have serious complication which may result in death

  17. Coronary Bypass Surgery • Open Heart Surgery • Bypass coronary arteries with the use of arteries from somewhere else in the body • Many incision throughout the body • Cut open ribs to operate

  18. Coronary Bypass Surgery • Approximately a week in the hospital • Two to four weeks of home rest • 4% of patients have serious complications • Very painful

  19. Coronary Bypass Surgery

  20. Prevention • Be mindful of diet • Be physically active • Know your risks • Keep your cholesterol and blood sugar at a healthy level • Don’t Smoke • Reduce Stress

  21. Keep your Heart Healthy!

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