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Ex. 7 Preparing a Simple Stain

Ex. 7 Preparing a Simple Stain. Procedure # 1. Prepare a Smear from Broth Culture - TSB Resuspend Broth Culture Aseptic Transfer Technique Heavy Turbidity – 1 loopful Light Turbidity – 2 – 6 loopfuls Air Dry Heat Fix. Procedure # 2.

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Ex. 7 Preparing a Simple Stain

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ex. 7 Preparing a Simple Stain

  2. Procedure # 1 • Prepare a Smear from Broth Culture - TSB • Resuspend Broth Culture • Aseptic Transfer Technique • Heavy Turbidity – 1 loopful • Light Turbidity – 2 – 6 loopfuls • Air Dry • Heat Fix

  3. Procedure # 2 • Prepare a Smear from a solid media - TSA • Add sterile H2O • Add Bacteria • Air Dry • Heat fix

  4. Procedure # 3 • Prepare a smear of an Unknown - TSB • Air Dry • Heat fix

  5. Simple Stain • Methylene Blue • Crystal Violet • 1. Add Stain (1 minute) • 2. Rinse with water • 3. Blot dry with Bibulous paper • Observe Morphology and arrangement

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