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預防甲型 H1N1 流感 Prevention against Influenza A H1N1. 參考資料:澳門特別行政區衛生局 疾病預防控制中心 Source: Health Bureau, Macau SAR Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 現況 Current Situation. 世界衛生組織 (WHO) 將流感大流行預警級別 維持在 第 5 級 World Health Organization (WHO) keeps the influenza pandemic alert at phase 5.
預防甲型H1N1流感Prevention against Influenza A H1N1 參考資料:澳門特別行政區衛生局 疾病預防控制中心 Source: Health Bureau, Macau SAR Center for Disease Control and Prevention
現況 Current Situation 世界衛生組織(WHO)將流感大流行預警級別維持在第5級 World Health Organization (WHO) keeps the influenza pandemic alert at phase 5
澳門現況 Current Situation in Macau 處於第 V 級警告 Pandemic Alert phase V 目前本澳甲型H1N1流感“可疑”及“確診”個案為零 No probable or confirmed Influenza A H1N1 cases in Macau currently
甲型H1N1流感 Influenza A H1N1 潛伏期 Incubation period: 目前無法確定 Not yet determined 美國初步估計2-7天 2-7 days preliminarily estimated by US-CDC WHO採用最長14天 Maximum of 14 days according to WHO 傳染期 Infectious period: 發病前1天至病後7天 1 day before and up to 7 days after illness onset 免疫力 Immunity: 季節性流感疫苗沒有保護作用 Seasonal flu vaccines do not provide protection
傳播途徑 Route of Transmission 傳染源 Source of infection: 患者或帶有病毒者 Patients or Carriers 傳播途徑 Route of transmission: 飛沫傳播 Airborne transmission 直接接觸患者的分泌物 Direct contact with excretion of patients
症狀 Symptoms 與一般流感非常相似 Similar to seasonalflu 發燒 Fever 咳嗽 Cough 喉嚨痛 Sore throat 全身酸痛、頭痛 Body pain and headache 寒顫與疲勞 Chills and fatigue 部份出現腹瀉、嘔吐等症狀 Diarrhea, vomiting, etc in some cases
學校的特點 Characteristics of Schools • 學生年齡較輕,新型流感好發年齡 Students are usually young, easily infected by new influenza virus • 學生上學放學流動性大 Students are usually mobile with high dynamics • 集體生活環境 Dormitory life with close contact
作為主管及管理者……For Authority and Management…… 已制定應變計劃 Established a contingency plan 留意疫情訊息,並配合各項預防措施 Pay attention to the epidemic development and cooperate in any preventive measures. 和相關單位協調和溝通 Communicate and coordinate with related parties 規劃如出現社區爆發或大流行時的準備及調整 Plan the preparations and adjustments in case of community outbreaks or pandemic
作為主管及管理者……For Authority & Management…… 已制定應變計劃 Established a contingency plan 適時向員工及學生發佈及更新有關疾病預防的資訊 Announce and update flu-related information to our staff and students. 有需要時減少人群聚集的活動 Avoid group activities if needed.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 定期提供甲型H1N1流感資訊予同事及同學,老師在上課前向同學展示需知事項。 • Provide update information on Influenza A H1N1 to staff and students. Instructors will show the important messages to students before classes begin. • 儲存足夠數量的口罩、探熱器及清潔用品。 • Stock up an adequate number of surgical masks, thermometers and cleaning materials. • 保持校園內的環境衛生。 • Maintain general environmental hygiene on campus. • 確保洗手間有皂液,一次性抹手紙或乾手機供使用。 • Make sure that liquid soap, disposable tissue paper or hand dryer are available in restrooms.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 延期進行校際活動;減少大型學生活動。如有必要進行活動,要先查核參與學生的健康狀況。 • Postpone inter-university activities; reduce large-scale student activities. If student activities cannot be avoided, check students’ health condition first. • 在校園內張貼海報,提醒各位需注意的事項及預防措施。 • Put up posters around campus to increase awareness on the influenza and the preventive measures.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 每日多次用1:99稀釋漂白水清潔公共地方及共用地方,如門把手、控制台、升降機按鈕等。 • Clean public areas as well as communal areas, such as door knobs, control panels, lift buttons, etc. with 1:99 diluted bleach several times daily. • 每天向校園衛生保健室報告當天入住的訪客資料。 • Send visitor’s log to CHCS daily. • 為入住訪客提供口罩及酒精紙巾。 • Provide masks and alcohol pads for visitors living in campus.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 在校內放置有蓋垃圾桶供棄置已用過的口罩。 • Have covered garbage bins on campus ready for disposal of used masks. • 在每座大樓裝置至少一個酒精消毒器。 • Install at least one alcoholic hand sanitizer in every building.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 建議員工在上班前先測量體溫。 • Advise staff to measure body temperature before coming to work. • 在銀禧樓入口設置紅外線探熱器。 • Set an infra-red thermometer at the entrance of Silver Jubilee Building. • 在文化中心前設攤位為大家測量體溫。 • A counter will be set up outside Cultural Center to check body temperature.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 提供口罩給前線工作人員/同事/訪客作預防之用。 • Provide masks to frontline staff/colleagues/visitors for prevention. • 提供口罩及手套給保安人員。 • Provide surgical gloves and masks for security staff. • 定期更換麥克風掩護套。 • Change microphone cover regularly. • 提供酒精棉給教學人員清潔麥克風。 • Provide alcohol prep pads to academics to clean the microphones. • 在訪客入住前及離開後用噴灑消毒劑清潔客房。 • Clean visitor flats with sanitizers before guest check in and after check out.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 每天早上及診症時段後在校園衛生保健室用1:99稀釋漂白水清潔。 • Clean Campus Health Care Service public areas with 1:99 diluted bleach every morning as well as after consultation hours.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 如病人到校園衛生保健室求診,先測量病人體溫及提供口罩,亦會記錄病人資料以作跟進。 • Check the body temperature of all patients who come to CHCS for medical consultation. Masks will be given to patients. If there is any influenza case, drop down the patients' information for further follow up. • 每天用噴灑消毒劑清潔澳大交通工具的泠氣出風口。 • Use disinfectant spray to clean the flaps of UM vehicles and bus daily. • 在澳大公務車內備有口罩供乘客及司機使用。 • Put masks in UM vehicles for guests and drivers. • 定期清潔辦公室的冷氣塵格。 • Clean the air filters of offices regularly.
澳大預防措施 UM Preventive Measures • 提醒住宿學生在宿舍要保持個人衛生及環境衛生。 • Remind dormitory students to maintain personal hygiene as well as environmental hygiene in dorms. • 保留空置房間作隔離之用。 • Reserve rooms for quarantine purpose in case of confirmed influenza case. • 在校內的資訊廣播系統播放有關個人衛生、環境衛生及正確洗手方法的健康教材。 • Broadcast educational materials about personal hygiene, environmental hygiene and proper hand wash method on the information display system on campus.
預防甲型H1N1流感防備網頁Influenza A H1N1 Prevention Webpage
預防甲型H1N1流感防備網頁Influenza A H1N1 Prevention Webpage
給計劃到外地員工的建議Advice to staff who are planning to travel • 避免前往受甲型H1N1流感影響的地區 。 • Avoid traveling to Influenza A H1N1 outbreak area. • 如旅程不可避免,請留意個人衛生 。在旅途中帶備口罩及酒精消毒液。 • If it is necessary to do so, pay attention to personal hygiene. Wear mask during travel and bring along alcoholic disinfectant. • 如非必要,避免到人多擠迫的地方及醫療機構。 • Avoid visiting crowded areas and medical institutions unless it is necessary. • 如果出現流感病徵,要在當地就診,切勿乘搭長途交通工具。 • If flu-like symptoms developed, seek local medical consultation, do not travel long distance.
給計劃到外地員工的建議Advice to staff who are planning to travel • 如入境時不適,則要即時向口岸衛生人員報告 。 • If felt sick at terminals, report to health inspection personnel immediately. • 員工若由疫區回澳須向部門代表通報。 • Require staff who has visited the infected country/region to declare and inform the department representative. • 回澳後的十四天戴上口罩及保持個人衛生。 • Wear mask for 14 days upon return and keep good personal hygiene. • 回澳後的十四天若不適應立即就診,告訴醫生你的旅遊史。 • If felt sick in 14 days after returning to Macau, seek medical consultation immediately. Report travel history as well.
若澳門出現確診個案...If there is a Confirmed Case/Outbreak in Macau… • 安排一位同事記錄患病或缺勤的同事或同學人數,並通知行政及人力資源處。 • Assign one staff to record any staff or students who develop influenza-like symptoms or absence from work. Inform Administration and Human Resources Office. • 如同事/同學必須前往疫區,需向部門/學院申報。 • If staff/students need to visit the infected regions, they are required to declare to their department/faculty.
若澳門出現確診個案...If there is a Confirmed Case/Outbreak in Macau… • 延期進行校際活動;減少大型學生活動。如有必要進行活動,要先查核參與學生的健康狀況。 • Postpone inter-university activities; reduce large-scale student activities. If student activities cannot be avoided, check students’ health condition first. • 前線員工必須戴上口罩。 • Require all frontline staff to wear surgical gloves and masks. • 若衛生局建議,其他員工亦須戴上口罩。 • Staff must wear masks at work if advised by CDC/Health Bureau.
若澳門出現確診個案...If there is a Confirmed Case/Outbreak in Macau… • 所有訪客應在宿舍/保安中心寫下出入記錄。 • All visitors should log in and out at hostel receptions/security counters. • 為入住訪客提供口罩及酒精紙巾。 • Provide masks and alcohol pads for visitors living in campus.
若澳門大學出現懷疑個案...If there is a Probable Case in UM… • 在辦公時間可聯絡校園衛生保健室,內線4558, 4133 或4123 。 • During office hours, inform Campus Health Care Service at ext. 4558, 4133 or 4123. • 在非辦公時間可聯絡保安中心,內線4000, 4116 或 4126 。 • During non-office hours, inform Security Counter at ext. 4000, 4116 or 4126. • 校園衛生保健室或保安中心接報後安排救傷車送患者到醫院。 • Campus Health Care Service or Security Counter will call for an ambulance and send the patient to government hospital immediately.
若澳門大學出現懷疑個案...If there is a Probable Case in UM… • 校園衛生保健室跟進及報告給上級及澳門衛生局。 • Campus Health Care Service will follow up and contact UM management office and Department of Health, Macau SAR. • 保安中心報告給上級及校園服務處處長。 • Security Counter will report the case to the Functional Head and Head of CS. • 若患者是宿生,學生事務處會要求住在同一單位內的學生在該單位內隔離,待患者測試結果公佈。 • If the patient is a dormitory student, Student Affairs Section will request students living in the same apartment to stay in their apartment until the case is confirmed.
查詢及報告 Enquiry and Report • 校園衛生保健室 Campus Health Care Service • Alice Tin: Ext 4558 • Suki Wu: Ext 4133, 4123 • 保安中心 Security Counter (Non Office Hour) Ext 4000, 4116, 4126 • 澳門特別行政區衛生局 Department of Health, Macau SAR • 熱線Hotline: 2856 1122
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