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Tech Prep Conference February 27 & 28, 2003 Louisville, KY . A Snapshot of Tech Prep Presenters and Participants. Kentucky Tech Prep Site Coordinators’ Meeting. Welcome and Introduction…………Dr. Ahmed Sabie, State Director Kentucky Tech Prep Mr. Emil Jezik, Commissioner
Tech Prep Conference February 27 & 28, 2003 Louisville, KY
Kentucky Tech Prep Site Coordinators’ Meeting Welcome and Introduction…………Dr. Ahmed Sabie, State Director Kentucky Tech Prep Mr. Emil Jezik, Commissioner Department for Technical Education Integration Project.…………………………………………….Dr. Sheree Koppel Jefferson County Schools Chef Garrett Sanborn/Ms. Edwina Yates Western Math, Science & Technology High School
Kentucky Tech Prep Site Coordinators’ Meeting Tech Prep Marketing Presentation………………………………..Ms. Fran Dundon Mr. Tim Thornberry Ms.Karla Tipton Department for Technical Education CTE and HSTW Update………………………….…………………….Mr. Rodney Kelly Ms. Diane Sharp Career and Technical Education Presentations by Tech Prep Student…………………………….Spencer County
Kentucky Tech Prep Site Coordinators’ Meeting KACTE Update and 2003 Conference Information………………. Mike Stone Executive Director, KACTE Tech Prep Information/Expectations………………………………… Ahmed Sabie
KY Tech Prep Director Dr. Ahmed Sabie
The Importance of Tech Prep Dr. Ahmed Sabie Significant changes in the world have caused business and industry to demand a more sophisticated work force. The Kentucky Tech Prep program helps prepare students to become equipped with the academic and technical skills required to solve problems in today’s competitive world. Tech Prep encourages increased accountability, program improvement and student achievement. The annual Tech Prep conference/meeting is an attendance requirement for all statewide Tech Prep sites. This meeting covers professional development activities related to the implementation of Tech Prep proposals/projects. The participants include both secondary and postsecondary teachers, counselors and administrators from the academic and career & technical education fields. This year’s conference agenda was designed to provide up-to-date information regarding integration projects, marketing Tech Prep, budget information, state Tech Prep guideline revisions, a presentation by Tech Prep students, and included a special business and industry presentation. Additionally, a large portion of the agenda provided participants with an opportunity to attend round table discussions and/or presentations. This portion of the agenda covered a wide variety of topics and a synopsis has been included for your convenience. If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact me by clicking on this link. We believe in the power of Tech Prep.
Tech Prep-Perkins RequirementsDebora Almgren, Department for Technical Education This round table discussion provided participants with an overview, including a question and answer session, of Tech Prep and Perkins funding requirements. Department for Technical Education Administrative Consultant Debora Almgren relayed, “Tech Prep exemplifies what Perkins funding was designed to achieve.” The integration of academic and technical instruction, work-based learning experiences, secondary to post-secondary transition and partnerships between education and industry are the basic principles of Perkins legislation and the Tech Prep program. Program funding for Tech Prep will continue through Perkins funding through June 30, 2004. The US Office of Vocational and Adult Education has drafted a new proposal “The Secondary and Technical Education Excellence Act of 2003” which, if approved, would fund technical programs after that date. The proposal’s goals are very much in line with the Tech Prep philosophy. The main differences between this proposal and the current Perkins legislation are the emphasis to be placed on accountability on successful student outcomes for all programs receiving federal funding and on the way money will flow from the federal government to the technical programs. For more information, click here to contact Debora Almgren.
KY Tech Curriculum AlignmentDale Winkler, Department for Technical Education This round table discussion centered on the importance of aligning curriculum with academic expectations, core content, and skill standards. Participants discussed various resources that assist in the alignment of career and technical education curriculum including the KY TECH Curriculum/Lesson Plan Database, the "How to Guide" created by the Div. for Career and Technical Edu. in KDE, and the KDE Website. Discussion was also held on ways to help teachers understand the importance of aligning curriculum. "With the high stakes accountability in Kentucky and the threat of major funding cuts for career and technical education, it is imperative that teachers understand how to align curriculum with core content and skill standards.” says Dale Winkler. “An aligned curriculum supports the Tech Prep initiative of combining academics and technical skills." For additional information, click here to contact Dale Winkler via e-mail
Tech Prep and Special NeedsDebbie Seider, Department for Technical Education Tech Prep is a program that has been designed to help all students become successful, contributing members of society. “All students” includes those students who are in special populations categories. Part of the Tech Prep self-study is the documentation of students with special needs involved in Tech Prep. At times these numbers appear low. This round-table session included discussion on ways that coordinators can use Tech Prep to increase enrollment of special populations students. Special Populations includes many categories of students, some that the people attending this session had not considered. It includes those students who are considered disadvantaged, economically or academically. Other categories that are often not counted are non-traditional students, single parents, and those from different cultures. Tech Prep is designed to help all of these students as well as those that qualify for special education or a 504 plan. For more information, click here to contact Debbie Seider via e-mail.
Your Role in Scholastic Audits and ReviewsDiane Sharp, Career and Technical Education • Handouts Used: • Kentucky Standards and Indicators for School Improvement (SISI) Preliminary finding Leverage Points 2002 • KDE Technical Assistance Model • Brochure: Testing in Kentucky-Keys to Understanding Accountability Participants were introduced to the Kentucky Commonwealth Assessment and Accountability System. The results of this state assessment determine if a school receives a mandatory scholastic audit or review. The audits and reviews are made to determine the level at which the school is meeting the KY Standards and Indicators for teaching and learning. The roles of the state, school district and school were outlined and discussed. The importance of being involved in the development of the Comprehensive School Improvement Plan as well as any required or voluntary scholastic reviews or audits was discussed. Coordinators were strongly encouraged to “toot their own horn” about school improvements and improvements in student achievement as targeted results of applied learning strategies and real-world applications. Those schools that had participated in the review or audit process shared how they had ensured that Tech Prep and High Schools That Work initiatives were included in the state reports. For more information about the review/audit process, www.kentuckyschools.org Click here to contact Diane Sharp via e-mail.
Successful Tech Prep ImplementationDonna Hopkins, Rockcastle County ATC A “Guidelines for Implementation” handout was provided for each participant during this round table discussion and moved directly to the finished product produced by the Rockcastle Tech Prep Consortia. Rockcastle Co. Area Technology Center (ATC) Principal Donna Hopkins briefed participants on the making of the “Guide to Career Planning,” how it is used and the benefits schools in her area have reaped since its development. Through cooperative efforts between the Rockcastle County ATC, Rockcastle County High and Middle Schools, and the 21st Century Community Learning Center, the comprehensive guide was developed as part of their Tech Prep project initiative. The guide was designed to help teachers advise and enhance their time with each student. The guide addresses every aspect of career and academic planning with three major functions in mind. The first is to provide information on recognized career clusters and majors being implemented in Kentucky and the Rockcastle County High School. Secondly, it assists in guiding teachers as they help students develop an understanding of all career clusters and its relationship to specific areas. The third is to provide a written explanation for students to reference and share with parents as they plan their futures and schedule appropriate classes while developing the Individual Graduation Plan (IGP). For more information, click here to contact Donna Hopkins.
Tech Prep RFPJudy McClain, Spencer County High School This round table discussion was included to provide helpful “tips” in preparing a Tech Prep Request for Proposal (RFP). Since the speaker had successfully completed the process for several years, this session provided participants with a time saving format to help in their preparation of a RFP. Participants were provided with a copy of the 2002-2003 Spencer County RFP. Additionally, all documentation was provided so participants had an opportunity to ask questions and more importantly, use as a model. “Those who visited my table were very receptive to the prospect of having a model to refer to when preparing the RFP,” said Judy McClain. “Since most of us are full-time teachers and have Tech Prep responsibilities, hopefully this kind of assistance will help relieve stress at the local level.” For more information, click here to contact Judy McClain.
Tech Prep and Business and IndustryDouglas Gessford, Gateway Manufacturing, Inc. This round table presentation provided participants with an “upfront” analysis of the education system and its impact on business and industry from an industry professional. “If change is to take place, all the stakeholders in the process must understand each other’s history, desires and the forces that act on them,” says Gateway Manufacturing, Inc. President and C.E.O. Douglas Gessford. “Hopefully, educators, industrialists and community leaders will better understand how industry, in the late 1940’s with mass production, drove our current education mindset.” Gessford believes it is very important that employers change their “hands off” philosophy and become active members in curriculum development. “The most important reason for presenting in this arena is to get people involved in the revolution,” says Gessford. “It’s going to require a ground swell of change agents to get the entrenched education institutions to recognize the need to service their customers – industry - by providing the right training/education for the workforce. This revolution will not come from the top down in the education system. It will require those that want to improve the true value of what they do.” Central to the main discussion is the notion that “applied education” techniques benefit all people by providing “real life” examples to help in understanding theories. “Abstract teaching promotes regurgitation, not understanding,” says Gessford. “Today’s students, with their instant gratification mindset, require reasons for learning - this is required in applied techniques.” For additional information, click here to contact Mr. Gessford
Postsecondary Partnerships-KCTCS PerspectiveDr. Steve Freeman, West KY Technical College This round-table discussion included topics important for both secondary and postsecondary students. Specifically, discussion was provided regarding West KY Technical College’s role in facilitating tech prep efforts with secondary partners. From the postsecondary standpoint, there are major benefits that can and have been brought to the table including both dual enrollment and dual-credit. Other postsecondary topics were discussed to provide information regarding: the process utilized in approving a dual-credit agreement; the difference in COE and SACS accrediting agencies; how WKTC informed and notified parents of the benefits for dually enrolled students; and the benefits of dual-credit/dual-enrollment for the secondary partners. For more information, click here to contact Dr. Steve Freeman.
Skill StandardsPam Moore, Career and Technical Education Skill Standards Defined: What a student must know and be able to do in order to succeed in today’s workplace. Purpose of Skill Standards: Future economic growth in Kentucky is dependent upon the availability of a highly skilled and quality-oriented workforce. In order to ensure that the students of the Commonwealth have acquired the skills necessary to support the increasing demands of high performance organizations, a Skill Standards Certification System has been initiated. The system is being based upon clear and concise standards identified by employers across the state and will culminate in a performance based training and assessment system. Benefits of Skill Standards: Skill Standards ”provide a common language, common goals, and a common reference point for employers, workers, students, labor union representatives, educators, and consumers.” (National Health Care Skill Standards, 1995) With these commonalties, educators are better able to design curriculum to meet the needs of industry; students have a better understanding of what they must do in order to prepare for careers; and employers have in place an efficient system for recruiting and evaluating potential employees. The round table discussion included an update of progress made to Skill Standards, as well as a question/answer time For more information, click here to contact Pam Moore via e-mail.
What Makes a Successful Tech Prep Site?Dr. Sheree Koppel, Jefferson County Public Schools This round table discussion provided participants with a valuable list of steps to ensure a successful Tech Prep site. Specific information included the following: * strong, supportive leadership * school-wide knowledge/support/participation * focus/mission/vision *extensive professional development * systemic change independent of funding * wide-spread belief that all students can and deserve to learn * teamwork-integration of academic and technical content * teamwork – postsecondary articulation * embedded work-based learning that is: * value-added * connected to classroom learning * delivered in a variety of formats * teamwork – business involvement as key players * intentional and routine career counseling/guidance * innovation – open to change based on industry needs * high skill/high wage technical skill training * dual preparation for entry-level work and continued education and training * data collection/analysis to track student success * flexible programming modified based on data * instruction that is contextual, applied and active. “Tech Prep participants have different needs and are at different levels of proficiency,” says Dr. Sheree Koppel. “Round table sessions allow participants to meet their individual needs.” For more information, click here to contact Dr. Sheree Koppel via e-mail.
Distance LearningLouise Jackson, Harrison County ATC Distance Learning is the way of the future for education in and out of the classroom – as well as something that is becoming more popular today. It provides us with an opportunity for scheduling students, handling homebound students, working with students to deliver make up work, etc. Areas of discussion during the round-table were: * 21st Century Teaching and Learning * What to Include in a Course offered through distance learning * Interactivity * Methods and Procedures * Web-enhanced vs. Web-based “Ideas were shared as to how we are presently using distance learning in our classes and how it could be used to further benefit our students,” said Louise Jackson. “It has been a positive experience for our school to be at the head of a technology curve.” For more information, click here to contact Louise Jackson via e-mail.
What You Need to Know About Civil RightsJanet Stallard, Department for Technical Education A civil right is an enforceable right or privilege, which if interfered with by another gives rise to an action for injury. Examples of civil rights are freedom of speech, press, assembly, the right to vote, freedom from involuntary servitude, and the right to equality in public places. Discrimination occurs when individuals are denied or interfered with because of their membership in a particular group or class. For more information, click here to e-mail Janet Stallard. “My topic was important for this conference because it outlined the reasons technical education receives civil rights attention,” said Janet Stallard.
How Does a Consortium Work? Linda Thornton, Northern KY Consortium The basic functions of a consortium were discussed at this round table. Collaboration among secondary, postsecondary, and business/industry was emphasized. Additional issues mentioned were: * Consortium expansion for maximum participation.* Offers to meet on everyone’s premises.* Negotiation—with students’ interests in mind.* Sharing of ideas, curriculum, & equipment.* Initiating, implementing, and annually renewing programs of study and articulation agreements.* Marketing for maximum benefit to students. For more information, click here to contact Linda Thornton via e-mail. Participants were encouraged to form networks of consortiums to facilitate Tech Prep efforts and to eliminate each site coordinator’s need for “re-inventing the wheel.”
Tech Prep is Working in Henry CountyKricket McClure, Henry County Public Schools • This round table discussion provided participants with an overview of the Tech Prep philosophy in Henry Co. A handout entitled, “Tech Prep Is Working At Henry County High School” was provided to each participant. The major topics covered on the handout included: • * Student Teacher Empowerment Program (STEP)/ IGP * School-Based Enterprises – eight student-run businesses* Area Technology Center partnerships* Jefferson Community College (JCC) – Carrollton partnership – college classes offered via teleconferencing* Jefferson Community & Technical College (JCTC) – Shelby – working on transporting students to college campus for classes next year* Computer Systems Technology Program – satellite program from Shelby ATC on our site; A+/CISCO certification* Articulation agreements – variety of postsecondary institutions* Freshman Academy/Sophomore Academy* Career Development classes/Work-Based Learning opportunities* Integrated Projects – cross and/or multi-disciplinary projects* Senior Project* School-To-Careers* High Schools That Work site since 1998 For more information, click here to contact Jerona White, Tech Prep Coordinator
Postsecondary Partnerships-University PerspectiveDr. Ed Davis/Dr. Rita Davis, Eastern KY University
Relationship of School-To-Work and Tech PrepKarla Tipton, School-To-Work This round-table discussion included specific information regarding the defining features of both School-to-Work and Tech Prep. Participants were provided an overview of how both initiatives overlap and how they differ. The state funded initiative of School To Careers was discussed. The Commonwealth is promoting contextual learning as a way to increase the literacy of students of all ages through many efforts. One of the more promising of these is the School To Careers program. This program builds on the seven year old "School-To-Work" effort which successfully initiated the integration of the workplace context into the learning environment in every county within the Commonwealth. Participants were encouraged to be resourceful in using all the initiatives to create a seamless system within their school districts. For more information, click here to contact Karla Tipton via e-mail.
Integration of Academic and Technical EducationDr. Carol Gabbard, Eastern KY University " When connections are made for students within and across disciplines, the result is always rewarding and teaching and learning both become more relevant," says Gabbard.Too many young people are receiving an unfocused general education, which related to nothing leads to nothing and prepares for nothing. Unfocused learning remains one of the prime barriers to achieving excellence. What exactly is integration? Dr. Carol Gabbard says, “Integration is as simple as two people working together or on a project.” The major emphasis of the session reinforced vocational-technical education and academic teachers are equal partners in providing a total learning experience for high school students. The vocational-technical education curriculum needs to be enriched so that students use academic and technical content to complete intellectually challenging assignments. For additional information, click here to contact Dr. Carol Gabbard.
The Use of the Kentucky Tech Prep HandbookMrs. Judy Payne, Murray State University This round table dealt with an explanation of the Kentucky Tech Prep Handbook including a discussion of how it might be used. Participants went through the table of contents to find avenues that would be value for Tech Prep consortiums. “We discussed general information about definitions of Tech Prep in Kentucky and how it coincides with the Kentucky Education Reform Act,” said Dr. Judy Payne. “Additionally, our conversations included the importance of integrating academic and technical education for the benefit of the student and how this helps to provide an avenue for developing articulation agreements and dual credit. “ The handbook includes a wealth of information including: a section on how to develop a Tech Prep program; information about integrating academic and technical education as well as sample agreements for articulation and dual credit; suggestions for developing partnerships with business and industry, communities, and roles of parents; and, a sample proposal with suggestions for completion along with resources and appropriate legislation. For additional information, click here to contact Judy Payne.
Update on Statewide Articulation AgreementMary Stratton, Department for Technical Education The focus of this round table provided participants with an up-to-date understanding of the “Articulation Agreement Between the Kentucky Department for Technical Education and Kentucky Community and Technical College System” (agreement). The agreement was originally created to offer a more seamless path of education and training for students in the commonwealth. The Kentucky Department for Technical Education (DTE) has “worked extensively to align its curriculum with the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS),” says Deputy Commissioner Mary A. Stratton. “It has been our intent to work with KCTCS personnel to offer the content and ensure that students meet the competencies designated in the specified KCTCS program of study.” The agreement provides permission for individual KCTCS colleges to work with local area technology centers (ATC’s) in granting dual-credit and developing articulation agreements. For more information, click here to contact DTE Deputy Mary A. Stratton.
TEDS InformationSarah Galliher, Department for Technical Education The Technical Education Data System (TEDS) round-table discussion incorporated data currently being collected and its potential use by Tech Prep (TP). Instructions for generating reports currently available through TEDS were integrated in the TP participants’ handout. Reports may be generated for all students enrolled in a technical education program at a school or for just those TP students at the school. Data may then be compared between special student populations, across years, etc. A question and answer session was included in the discussion to address specific concerns regarding student data. For further information about TEDS, click here to contact Sarah Galliher via e-mail.