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Welcome to Year 3

Explore the Year 3 curriculum at St. Alban and St. Stephen Junior School focusing on English, Maths, Reading, Literacy, and History. Learn about key topics and how to help your child succeed.

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Welcome to Year 3

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  1. St Alban and St Stephen Junior School Welcome to Year 3 Building God’s community of love and learning

  2. The Curriculum The Curriculum is in a state of flux. Across the country, this past year has been an interim year – the last year of the old curriculum while we transitioned to the new one. We began the move to the new curriculum and will continue this year. The main changes that the children will notice will be to the Geography and History topics: History: • Earliest civilisations: Ancient Egyptians • Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age Geography: • Thames Basin

  3. What the children should know by the end of Year 3 How to help them in maths • To know their times tables – 3, 4, 8 x are the government expectation. We expect to progress further than this. • To tell the time using an analogue clock in • 1 minute intervals, 12 hour and 24 hour clocks, Roman Numerals to XII • To be able to measure length using millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres, volume in millilitres and litres and to be able to calculate perimeter • To understand and add simple fractions of shapes and numbers.

  4. Maths ideas for the Summer Holidays! • Maths games (list on school website) • Times tables and mental maths • Cooking and baking • Telling the time • Problem solving at the shops

  5. How to help them in Literacy • Focus is changing, more emphasis on “Technical Skills” i.e. punctuation, spelling and grammar. • Greater focus on poetry: a focus on a poet and more emphasis on reciting and performance • Continued focus on the more creative elements of writing • Increased emphasis on phonics, reading and comprehension

  6. Reading Books • Children should bring their reading books and records home every afternoon and return them to school every morning. • When a child finishes their book they should speak to their teacher or the Teaching Assistant, first thing in the morning so that they can be changed. • The reading diaries are to be used as a means of communication between home and school about the child’s reading.

  7. How to help your child with Reading • By encouraging a variety of strategies to decode words e.g. using the sounds of letters. • By asking your child about what has happened in the story so far. • By asking them to make predictions about what will happen. • By reading a variety of texts of different genres and authors. • By discussing the text: I wonder…? Why…? What…? How…? Who…? • By reading less accessible texts to them/together and discussing them Even when the children become free readers they still need to read aloud to an adult regularly and to hear adults reading aloud to them.

  8. Literacy ideas for the Summer Holidays! • Keeping a diary, write stories, postcards! • Taking part in the Reading Challenge at the library • Reading a range of books together and discussing texts • Spelling games • Send a postcard to your new teacher to share in class in September

  9. RE: The Way the Truth and the Life • The Christian Family • Mary, Mother of God • The Sacrament of Reconciliation • Celebrating the Mass • Celebrating Easter and Pentecost • Being a Christian

  10. History TopicsChanges in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age Late Neolithic hunter-gatherers and early farmers, e.g. Skara Brae  Bronze Age religion, technology and travel, e.g. Stonehenge Iron Age hill forts: tribal kingdoms, farming, art and culture

  11. History Topics Earliest Civilisations Egyptians We use a timeline to locate them in history; we study maps of Egypt; we look at the importance of The River Nile; we study their gods, pyramids, mummification, homes as well as Egyptian writing.

  12. Science Topics • Light • Forces and Magnets • Rocks • Animals including Humans • Plants

  13. Geography Topics The Thames Basin

  14. Design and Technology • Sarcophagus • River Thames • Sandwich Making

  15. Homework in Year 3 is given out once a week. The children will generally receive 3 pieces: Spellings, Maths and Literacy; however, these may be substituted with RE, Geography, History or Science. Both pieces are due in on a Wednesday. Failure to hand these in on time may result in a detention on Thursday lunchtime. All children should be reading for 15 minutes a day. Reading records will be checked once a week by the class teacher on Monday.

  16. Rewards and Sanctions BLUE SKY Our behaviour management system is called: Rewards: • Pegs up • Wink (1 marble) • Golden Tickets • Marble in the Jar • Headteachers Award • Gold Award • House Points • Golden Time • Blue Sky Reward Extra Play • Sanctions: • Pegs down • On Reminder • On Think and decide • On Grey Cloud • On the Sad face • On the Umbrella • Loss of Golden Time • Loss of Blue Sky Reward Extra Play

  17. School trips so far….. • Autumn Term • Spring Term • Summer Term

  18. School trips in the local area At the beginning of the year you will be asked to sign a consent form. This form gives us your permission to take your child on local, walking trips, within a radius of 2 miles. It is important that we get these forms back as soon as possible, as we will occasionally be taking the children out of the school grounds.

  19. Parent Helpers • The support of parents is of enormous benefit to the children and we warmly welcome it, particularly with: • Hearing readers on a regular basis • Assisting on school trips • Admin support If you are able to help, please speak to us. In line with Hertfordshire County Council, all parents working in school will be asked to apply for police clearance. • We do provide training for any helpers. • Do you have a skill that you’d like to share this year?

  20. Uniform and PE Kits Correct uniform is expected as this helps foster good discipline. Please ensure all items of clothing are CLEARLY MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME. No jewellery, make up or nail varnish should be worn. Stud earrings and watches are allowed. However, earrings need to be removed or covered with tape for PE, supplied by yourselves. Invariably, this delays lessons, so if possible, take these earrings out on PE days. Children need to have correct PE kit in school for their PE days. They are allowed trainers for outdoor PE and need plimsolls to walk to the hall in for indoor PE. Tracksuits are a good idea for outdoor PE during the colder months.

  21. School Stationary • Children should have a pencil case containing: • A pencil and sharpener • An eraser • Colouring pencils • A glue stick • A ruler • Please ask your child to tell you when they need replacements. • Just ONE pencil case please!

  22. Punctuality The doors open at 8.45 – it really helps if they do come in at 8.45 as they will have work to do before and during the register; they might also have a class job to carry out first thing in the morning. Persistent lateness affects your child and the learning of the whole class. Attendance We expect all children to come into school every day. However, if your child is unwell, in particular, vomiting or diarrhoea, they should stay at home for 24 hours after the incident. Please speak to us in confidence with any other issues.

  23. Drop off and Pick Up The doors open at 8.45. We do expect them to be in at 8.45 to start their SODA (Start of Day Activity) and to settle them before lessons begin. Please help your child settle by allowing them to come in to school on their own. They come in via the side door near the Year 3 Playground. School finishes at 3.20pm and you would collect them on the Year 3 Playground, from us. Lunches We use the Pupil Choice system for lunch. Each child chooses their lunch at the beginning of the day Red: Meat/Fish option Green: Vegetarian option Yellow: Packed Lunch option Alternatively, your child can take in their own packed lunch.

  24. How else could you help your child with the transition from the Infants to the Juniors? Your view versus Your child’s view

  25. Communication If at any time you are worried or concerned about your child or their education, your first port of call is with your child’s class teacher. You can make an appointment to see either of us at a mutually convenient time through Mrs Wood in the office. If the situation is not resolved, then speak to Miss Ortone (acting Head teacher) or Mrs Jeffery (acting Deputy Head). If you are still not satisfied, then the matter should be referred to the Chair of Governors.

  26. St Alban and St Stephen Junior School Any Questions? Building God’s community of love and learning

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