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Enhancing Your Mental Fitness for Overall Well-being

Understand the importance of mental fitness and how it impacts your behavior, emotions, and interactions. Learn tips for maintaining good mental fitness such as diet, exercise, social connections, setting goals, and self-expression. Prioritize self-care and personal growth to lead a fulfilling life.

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Enhancing Your Mental Fitness for Overall Well-being

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mental Fitness October 24,2014

  2. Health Info prepared byPublic HealthOctober 2014

  3. Mental Fitness

  4. What is Mental Fitness? Mental Fitness is a component of your health that is essential to your survival. It’s what guides your behaviour and how you think, communicate, and understand the world around you.

  5. Your Mental Fitness is good when… • In your mind you feel good • You allow yourself to experience your emotions (joy, sadness, pleasure, etc.) • You are able to have fun with the people around you • You are able to adapt to life’s different situations

  6. Advice for good Mental Fitness • Eat well – three balanced meals per day • Do regular physical exercise • Manage your time well – do the important • stuff first • Seek out people you are close to (friends, family) • when you need to talk

  7. Set goals and have dreams • Get to know your strengths and challenges • Take time to relax and chill out • Have hobbies, recreational activities, passions • Be able to laugh and not always take things so seriously

  8. Assert yourself – you have a voice to express your needs and boundaries • Take time to have fun • Give yourself the chance to make mistakes and learn for the next time • Give your best and avoid comparing yourself to others • Appreciate what others do for you — say Thanks

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