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This action plan outlines the objectives and approaches of Information, Education, and Communication/Behavior Change Communication activities for the National Rural Health Mission. It emphasizes communication of health issues, demand creation for public health services, awareness on population stabilization and gender issues, and utilization of different media channels for dissemination.
BCC/IEC Action Plan2009-10 By R.N. Mishra Chief Media
Objectives of IEC/BCC activities • Communicate issues , activities and schemes under NRHM to various stakeholders especially rural communities • Focus on RCH issues ( IMR,MMR,TFR) • Create demand and utilisation of public health services • Create awareness on population stabilisation and gender issues • Revitalise local health traditions/ promotion of healthy lifestyle.
IEC/BCC Approaches • Identification and prioritisation of central & state BCC / IEC activities • Extension of technical guidance to states in undertaking BCC activities – (Establishing guidelines for planning and implementing BCC activities) • MOHFW to focus on advocacy and mass-media (audio-visual media, print and other innovative media) • States to focus on IPC and other on-ground activities ( folk media, community media and outdoor publicity) • Strengthen monitoring and evaluation (inclusion of BCC indicators in HMIS) and media planning and buying
IEC/BCC activities • Dissemination of health messages through audio visual medium ( TV spots, documentaries, talk shows) • Emphasis on radio programmes especially community radio at the state level.( discussions, participatory programmes, adverts,sponsored events ) • Focus on print media for information dissemination and advocacy ( advertisments, write ups, colums ) • NRHM newsletters( central and state level) in different languages ( info dissemination, advocacy, encouraging discussions , debates)
IEC/BCC activities • Interpersonal communication activities (focus on information dissemination through couselling, group discussions, information sharing through booklets, posters, community meetings, VHNDs) • Mid Media ( banners, posters, sign boards, wall writings, bus/ railway panels at the state level) • Emphasis on community media, traditional media ( Nukad nataks, puppet shows, folk theatere)
BCC/IEC- plan of action at the central level • Three basic thematic area’s identified (Family planning, Maternal Health, Child Health) • Advocacy activities ( support to state govts in streamlining PIPs, capacity building workshops) • Effective and penetrative Media plan ( devised after situational research and TAM/NRS data) • Emphasis on TV/ Radio/ Print mediums • Audio visual strategy based on quarterly bursts( three months to avoid clutter and garner maximum reach)
BCC/ IEC plan of action at the central level • Print strategy through adverts ( emphasis on branding of NRHM, advocacy, information dissemination) • NRHM newsletters in various languages ( focus on learning and providing correct and key information to IEC professionals, workers, stakeholders) • Radio slots for visibility and info dissemination • Participation at national level fairs for info dissemination and branding ( ITPO trade fare, Delhi, Republic day tableau, Kumbh mela, red ribbon express)
Budget for IEC/BCC • Involves only 1% of allocation of total NRHM budget • Total allocation-186.31 crore • Proposed budget for T.V- 100 crore ( phase1-22 cr/ phase 2 - 41.75/ phase 3-36.25 crore ) • Print- • Radio- • Advocacy activities-