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PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE PRESENTATION PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT (Integrated Quality Management System). 26 August 2014. CONTENTS. Background 2. Performance Management Cycle 3. IQMS (Purpose, Findings, PGP) 4. Development programmes in PEDs (2013-14) 5. Recommendations. Background.
CONTENTS • Background 2. Performance Management Cycle 3. IQMS (Purpose, Findings, PGP) 4. Development programmes in PEDs (2013-14) 5. Recommendations
Background • NDP – Vision for 2030 emphasises the importance of accountability in the education sector – • schools need to be accountable to education authorities; and • Focus to improve learning outcomes in schools and districts by addressing weaknesses in teaching, management, administrative support and accountability through intervention and on-going monitoring. • MTSF strategic approach is to aim for policy and implementation stability by strengthening key interventions that have been introduced in the sector over the past five years – • Strengthening education accountability, planning and management system • Existing policies should be aligned – this signals clearly that the DBE monitors performance to make the system run better.
Background (cont.) • Performance management is a cyclical process that supports accountability of educators at school and district/provincial level: • The IQMS (ELRC Collective Agreement No. 8 of 2003) forms part of the broader framework of performance management – promotes accountability of teachers and schools. • PEDs are responsible for the management of the implementation of the IQMS in schools. • DBE developed reporting templates to enable uniform reports on progress on the implementation of IQMS. • DBE received electronic monitoring reports on performance management in schools from external moderators • PEDs submitted progress reports on IQMS implementation. • Above reports were analysed and a national annual report generated.
Purpose of Performance Management : IQMS • To prepare the environment for teacher development. • To monitor an institution’s overall effectiveness. • To evaluate an educator’s performance. • To identify specific needs of educators for support and development. • To promote accountability.
IQMS • During 2013-14 IQMS external moderators visited 9 330 schools to monitor the implementation of the IQMS. • Moderators simultaneously profiled 13 255 schools across 55 districts from June2013 to March 2014. The profiling project which has a bearing on the IQMS is a holistic response to the National Development Plan (NDP) and forms part of the Education Collaboration Framework (ECF) initiative. • During the visits moderators provided support on IQMS implementation, in particular, and prepared on-site school profile reports. • In addition to the above, IQMS coordinators in the PEDs monitored and provided support to 5 884 schools in their respective provinces. • The quality of teaching was monitored through lesson observations.
Findings of IQMS moderators Managing the quality of IQMS implementation in schools The progressive evolving of the IQMS processes and procedures has been observed in schools.
Personal Growth Plan (PGP) • The PGP addresses growth at 4 levels: • Those areas in need of improvement about which the educator him/herself is in full control (e.g. punctuality). • Those areas for which the SMT (immediate senior and/or mentor) is able to provide guidance (e.g. record-keeping). • Those areas for which the District office should provide support (e.g. CAPS) • Where the educator is un- or under-qualified or needs re-skilling in order to teach a new subject (e.g. Technology or CAT) – inform the Work Skills Plan - short courses or skills programmes through Skills Development Budget of PED
. • IQMS - • Developmental programmes offered in PEDs (2013-14) Whole School Evaluation
Training/Workshops on IQMS implementation • Included in the above figure is the training of 934 educators who were promoted to Post Levels • 2-4 during 2013-14 • A total of 32 110 educators participated in training/workshops on the implementation of • the IQMS. • The majority of educators who received support on the implementation of the IQMS were from • Mpumalanga followed by Limpopo and Free State.
Training on identified areas in SIPs and PGPs • 75 224 educators on all post levels participated in developmental • programmes on areas identified in the SIP and PGP. • Most of the support was provided to teachers in the North West, Western • Cape and Free State. • The duration of the workshops/training varied from 1 – 3 days.
Subject based training on identified needs from PGPs/SIPs: Foundation Phase • Home Language training was provided in five (5) provinces in the following • African languages: IsiZulu (288); Sesotho (127); Setswana (278) and Siswathi • (254) • 11 552 teachers participated in subject based training workshops in the • Foundation Phase. Included in this figure are 842 members of the SMT. • The majority of the teachers received training in Mathematics and English (FAL). • This trend is keeping in line with the findings of the NSC and ANA results which have identified these subjects as key levers for improving quality across the system.
Subject based training on identified needs from PGPs/SIPs: FET Phase • 5 428 teachers participated in subject based training workshops in • Mathematics, English (FAL), Accounting and Physical Sciences in the FET • phase. • Included in this figure are 560 members of the SMT. • Most of these developmental programmes were offered in the Western Cape • and Free State. • The data on the total number of educators trained in all four (4) phases is limited to key subjects as follows: Home Language/s (Foundation Phase), English FAL, Mathematics, Accounting and Physical Sciences.
Number of educators trained in key subjects as identified in the PGPs and SIPs across all phases • The data on the total number of educators trained in all four (4) phases is limited • to key subjects as follows: Home Language/s (Foundation Phase), English FAL, • Mathematics (All phases), Accounting and Physical Sciences (FET phase). • Workshops were also conducted with teachers who teach other subjects.
Successes • Schools are progressively implementing recommendations in the moderators’ reports. • Increase in confidence of principals in the implementation of the IQMS. • Increased focus on PGPs and SIPs for development and support.
Recommendations • Strengthen the Institutionalization of managerial accountability for performance management:All managers in schools, district and provincial offices must lead by example and drive the business case for formally managing performance. This will include ensuring that there is sufficient capacity within provinces to manage the IQMS processes and procedures in line with the ELRC Collective Agreement 08 of 2003 and provide monthly / quarterly reports to the DBE on this. • Mapping poor performance management:All managers should be trained on the standard process for managing poor performance at different levels. • Provide managers with proper support:Support programmes must be documented and rolled out to all managers so that managers are trained, among others, in identifying and addressing job/subject content related training needs.