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Working with Brazilian Agents for International Education: Market Research 2013

Understand needs of Brazilian agents in the International Education segment to enhance collaboration and meet their requirements. Study conducted in March 2013 with methodology, data collection period, respondent profiles, agency information, and student trends analyzed.

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Working with Brazilian Agents for International Education: Market Research 2013

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  1. How best to work with Brazilian agents to meet their needs

  2. Market Research 2013 Segment of International Education and Exchange Programs in Brazil SUPPORT: MARCH 2013

  3. Metodology and sample METHODOLOGY QUANTITATIVE TelephoneCall SAMPLE 80 cases PERIOD OF DATA COLLECTION 08 to 21 January 2013

  4. Profile of the respondent Sex Work at the agency since Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years Between 6 and 10 years Over than 15 years Male Female Between 11 and 15 years Education Level Position at the agency Graduation Postgraduation Shareholder / Owner Director Manager Coordinator Other Base 2013: 80 Base 2011: 71

  5. Sample includes associate and non-associate There is a balance between associate and non associate agencies. However the number of agencies becoming a Belta members was low last year . Among the 80 agencies contacted, there were only two new members associated in 2012. In 2011, 71 agencies were counted, with 56.3% (associate) and 43.7% (not associate). 45,0% ASSOCIATES 43,8% NEVER BEEN ASSOCIATED 11,3% ALREADY BEEN ASSOCIATED WITH, BUT ARE NOT MORE Q. Is your agency a Belta member? (SPONTANEOUS AND UNIQUE) Q. In what year did your agency become associated with Belta? Base:80

  6. Agency profile Location Tempo de mercado Southeast South Northeast Up to 5 years From 6 to 10 years From 11 to 15 years Over 15 years Midwest North Base 2013: 80 Q. In what city is your agency located? (SPONTANEOUS AND UNIQUE) Base 2011: 71

  7. Agencies works with small team 2013 2011 Up to 5 employees 45% 71,8%* From 6 to 10 employees 32,5% From 11 to 30 employees 13,8% 14,1% More than 30 employees 8,8% 14,1% * In the research of 2011, the average of employees was up to 10 employees. In 2013, this average was dismembered. Base 2013: 80 Q. Currently how many employees work at the agency? (SPONTANEOUS AND UNIQUE) Base 2011: 71

  8. All agencies work with languages course 2013 2011 Other with 1 mention: Car rental / College preparation course / Sports / Food / Dance / Music /: Base 2013: 80 Base 2011: 71 Q. In general, what are the activities of your company? More than anything else? (Spontaneous and multiple)

  9. Course language is the main activity of the agencies Languages Course High School Vocation Course Vocation Package Work Programs Postgraduation Other Base 2013: 80 Q. And which of these is the main activity of the agency? (SPONTANEOUS AND UNIQUE) Base 2011: 71

  10. Increases average time in the period between 4 and 6 months There was an increase of 11 percent for students who stay abroad between 4 and 6 months, whereas the percentage has fallen to the same degree, those who stay between 1 and 3 months abroad. Up to 1 month From 1 to 3 months From 4 to 6 months More than 6 months Did not know / Did not answer Base 2013: 80 Q. In general, how long, on average, students stay abroad? (STIMULATED AND UNIQUE) Base 2011: 71

  11. Most students are aged 18 to 30 years The agencies continue sending more students who are the range of 18 to 30 years abroad. Note that the research of 2011, the survey predicted a higher number of age groups (7), which were shorter. Therefore, the respondent could not choose a single range and the response that was originally single, became multiple. Up 17 years old From 18 to 30 years old From 31 to 50 years old Up 17 years old From 18 to 30 years old From 31 to 50 years old Base:80 Base:71 Q. And which age range represents the largest share of students? (STIMULATED AND UNIQUE))

  12. Ranking of destinations remain The Countries USA, Canada and UK remain among the most favorite of the students. Note that both in 2011 and 2013, the significant interest in the UK is exclusively for England. Main countries of destination for students 2013 2011 Canada USA UK Ireland Australia Spain New Zealand Other Canada USA UK Australia Ireland New Zealand Other Base: 80 Base: 71 Q. Currently, what are the 3 main countries that have attracted more interest from students looking for courses abroad? (AND MULTIPLE SPONTANEOUS)

  13. Malta, South Africa and China: new destinations in 2012 Base :80 Q. Compared with 2012 the previous years, you identify the development of new countries to the destinations? (MULTIPLE and SPONTANEOUS)

  14. New Zealand: object of desire of students Approximately 90% of the contacted agencies offer New Zealand as a destination for students. The greatest demand is for languages course, with almost 70%. There is one feature in particular that this country stands for students. The cost / benefit ratio comes in 1st place, closely followed by the issue of security and easy visa. 1st place 33,8% - Cost / benefit Languages Course High School Other 2nd place 25,0% - Security 3rd place 23,0% - Easy visa Base: 69 Q. What is the most popular course looked by the students traveling to New Zealand? (STIMULATED AND UNIQUE) Q. From the situations which I will quote, which you associate New Zealand in first? And second place? And thirdly? (STIMULATED AND ONE PER LINE)

  15. Investment varies according to the course The average investment of the students varies with the course. The language courses and vocation courses, as well work and travel, are those that cost less on average compared to the others. The courses with a longer duration, such as High School, Graduation and Postgraduation are therefore more expensive. Q. Could you tell me what is the average investment per student in VALUES (dollars)? (STIMULATED AND MULTIPLE)

  16. Most agencies send up to 300 students It is noted stability in the amount of students. From the year 2008 until 2012, remains an approximate average of 70% in sending up to 300 students. When analyzed by associates agencies and not associates there is no difference in the volume of students. Q. On average, how many students were sent abroad in 2011? And in 2012?

  17. YEAR BASE Numberofstudentssent Averageofstudentssent Investment 2010 62 (PROVIDED DATA) 78.852 1.271 U$ 546.074.427 71 (SAMPLE) 85.890 1.209 U$ 594.814.748 96 (UNIVERSE) 167.432 1.775 U$ 1.159.516.829 2012 74 (PROVIDED DATA) 98.617 1.332 U$ 576.663.425 81 (SAMPLE) 116.565 1.439 U$ 681.614.449 95 (UNIVERSE) 175.763 1.870 U$ 1.027.775.065

  18. Canada wins with languages course, high school, vocation course and work programs 46,3% 11,3% 8,8% 5,0% 2,5% 1,3% 1,3% 1,3% 3,8% 18,8% 60,0% 11,3% 10,0% 8,8% 6,3% 1,3% 1,3% 1,3% 42,5% 25,0% 11,3% 5,0% 2,5% 3,8% 8,8% 38,8% 25,1% 8,8% 6,3% 5,0% 2,5% 2,5% 1,3% 1,3% 2,5% 8,5% 26,3% 20,0% 6,3% 5,0% 5,0% 1,3% 6,3% 29,6% 32,5% 16,3% 6,3% 5,0% 2,5% 1,3% 1,3% 1,3% 18,8% 1,3% 13,8% 22,5% 18,8% 21,3% 7,5% 1,3% 6,3% 22,5% 37,5% 26,3% 25,0% 2,5% 1,3% 2,6% 6,3% Base: 80 Q. Thinking in the last decade, which country won more students (read each modality type)? (SPONTANEOUS AND ONLY ONE PER LINE)

  19. USA winswithgraduation and postgraduation 18,8% 15,0% 2,5% 2,5% 1,3% 1,3% 10,0% 6,3% 42,5% 32,6% 11,3% 6,3% 3,8% 1,3% 1,3% 6,6% 36,3% 27,5% 15,0% 8,8% 3,8% 3,8% 2,5% 6,3% 32,6% 13,8% 13,8% 3,8% 2,5% 2,5% 10,0% 6,3% 47,5% Base: 80 Q. Thinking in the last decade, which country won more students (read each modality type)? (SPONTANEOUS AND ONLY ONE PER LINE)

  20. Canada, France and Spain still being the preference for learning languages Canada USA UK Australia Ireland Comparing the data from 2011 and 2013, the three countries most wanted to learn English, French and Spanish, remain the same. France Canada Do not know Spain Argentina Chile Do not know / Do not work Chile Q. Today, what is the main destination for students who want to study English? / Q. And what is the main destination for those who want to learn French? / Q. And who wants to learn Spanish? (SPONTANEOUS AND UNIQUE)

  21. Class C: new market opportunity Today the class C looking for education programs abroad 92,0% Totally agree Partially agree Partially disagree Disagree Do not know Today the exchange programs are more accessible to class C 88,8% Totally agree Partially agree Partially disagree Disagree Base:80 Q. To finish I will read a few sentences and I would like you say if you agree or disagree with each one. (STIMULATED AND ONLY IN LINE)

  22. Internet expands the access The internet has facilitated the direct access of students to perform an exchange program When asked about the easy offer by the internet to the students interested in planning an exchange program, over 95% of the respondents realized this scenario (strongly agree + partially agree). Totally agree Partially agree Partially disagree Disagree Base:80

  23. The business for the next years will be successful 75,0% POSITIVE ASPECTS 31,3% NEGATIVE ASPECTS 7,5% NEUTRAL ASPECTS Base:80 Q. Thinking about the future, how is the development of business in the international education market? (MULTIPLE AND SPONTANEOUS)

  24. Positive and negative aspects Investment in professional career Increase in demand for language courses Popularization of the exchange programs Economic stability Purchasing power of the class C The internet can disrupt the market Market stability Base:80 Q. Thinking about the future, how it is the development of business in the international education market? (MULTIPLE AND SPONTANEOUS)

  25. Conclusions • The market of the educational and cultural travel organizers in Brazil remains concentrated , a limited number of agencies are responsible in a large part of sending students abroad. • With the information collected is estimated that the market moved U$1,027,775,065 in 2012. • Most exchange agencies are formed by micro and small companies, with up to 10 employees. • The class C has a growing market share, is the new public of the exchange agencies. • The predominant age range of the exchange students is 18 to 30 years old. • Canada appears as the most preferred destination of students and as the country that won in various types of courses

  26. Conclusions • There is a traditional choice when the student choose a country to learn a language. Canada, France and Spain dominate in preference • Malta, South Africa and China were the new countries of destination of students in 2012 • Course language is the most popular, and according to the data collected, it can expand its market share • The internet can be combined as a way to publicize the agencies, but can also threatens the services offered by the companies due to facilitate the access of students to conduct their own travels. • The perspectives for the market are positive and promise an increase in business for the exchange agencies.

  27. BELTA

  28. BELTA • Non-profit civil society, founded in 1992 • 1st association into the International Education field in Latin America • Congregates 72 members • Covered by Regional Coordinators all over Brazil • New members admission: upon demonstration of integrity before the market and a conduct in accordance to the Social Statute and association’s Code of Ethics • Associated companies are committed to acquainting, promoting, intermediating and executing education and exchange program services in Brazil and overseas • Partnership with Embratur and Ministry of Tourism

  29. BELTA STM Language Star Awards Winner for five time the Agency Association by STM (Study Travel Magazine) Language Star Awards and had enter to Hall of Fame

  30. MINAS GERAIS (10) Beth Coutinho Central do Estudante DMP ETC FIT IEP Intervip Master Exchange NumberOne Upgrade RIO GRANDE DO NORTE (1) Cia do Intercâmbio MARANHÃO (1) Via Mundo PIAUÍ (1) Embarque Educacional CEARÁ (1) International Center SÃO PAULO (21) ABC International BIL BOS CI Cultural Global EducationAbroad EF Experimento Friends in the World Intercâmbio Connexion Intercâmbio Global Just Intercâmbios LondonConnexion Moinho Traveller Mundial Intercâmbio SIS STB StudyN’Travel ThisWay Upward Yázigi Travel SALVADOR (1) BEX ESPÍRITO SANTO (1) IE RIO DE JANEIRO (4) AFS CP4 ICCE InternationalSchools GOIÁS (2) Aiusa/Inter-Brasil High Connections 48 Belta associates Around 600 agencies in Brazil 90% of the Brazilian market CURITIBA (2) Improvement World Study SANTA CATARINA (3) Cultural Adventure Intercultural Travelmate

  31. BELTA Belta Magazine (EI! Magazine) • Associate’s Profiles and Information • 30,000 copies distributed for free plus online version • Targeted for final clients and students all over Brazil

  32. BELTA Belta Online – www.belta.org.br • 35,000 visits per month • 31,000 registered users

  33. BELTA Feira do Intercambista - 2013 March 02, 03 - 14th edition São Paulo - Brazil

  34. THANK YOU Carlos Robles presidencia@belta.org.br www.belta.org.br +55 11 2638-9663

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