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Lundi le 8 septembre. September 8 th -12 th week 2014. BOOK CHECK THIS WEDNESDAY!. REMINDERS: USE INK, USE CORRECT HEADING on right side, use correct # on left side or 5 points off for each error! (up to 25 points)
BOOK CHECK THIS WEDNESDAY! • REMINDERS: • USE INK, USE CORRECT HEADING on right side, use correct # on left side or 5 points off for each error! (up to 25 points) • When you come in, immediately get out name tag, textbook, folder, composition book and YOUR HOMEWORK! • Make sure you have wide-rule loose leaf paper in your folder and you have many blue/black ink pens, pencils, red or green grading pens, your colored pencils etc. • Keep at home: Your 500+ flashcards (which I must see first), flash drive & ear buds! • USE INK. If I allow you to use pencil for puzzles, GO OVER IT IN INK!!!
Les règles de ma classe: Arrive to class on time & come to class prepared-all supplies & work! Raise your hand to ask questions or move from your desk. 3. Absolutely NO CELL PHONES or iPods. (yes to ear buds/head sets for laptops) 4. No food, drinks, gum or water bottles are allowed in the classroom & no talking & walking, unless asked. 5. ALWAYS respect your teacher, classmates & KISD rules!
HEADING HOW-TO # NomClasseDate Title of work with page # (USE BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY! Not pencil, markers or red ink!) 1. Keep at home: Your 500+ index cards, ear buds & flash drive 2. BRING EVERYTHING ELSE EVERY DAY! (folder, wide-rule paper, composition book, name tag, writing utensils) 3. Textbook stays in cabinet
F 1-Goal: Color maps/flags, finish oral grade today! • Classwork, that was due Friday at the end of class, is due for -20 points NOW. (BALLOON/CALCULATOR page) HIGH OF 80% now!!! • Any late or absent work? Palette, Color word search, 1.3 puzzle/fruit page? Due NOW for 50% unless you were absent (then turn in for 100) • Today: COMPLETE & TURN IN- Map of France and Flags of French-speaking countries pages as the rest of the class FINISHES ORAL GRADE. These are due by the bell. • Reminder:Due Wed. “Borrowed words A” write part of speech on the left and definition on the right. Use an ENGLISH dictionary. Write neatly & use full heading/correct #. You may turn it in tomorrow for +5 • Also on Wed: Book check and first day of notes!
F 1- Les couleurs Rouge Gris/ Grise Jaune Vert/ verte Blanc/ blanche Violet/ violette & Pourpre Noir/ noire Brun/ brune & Marron Orange Bleu/ bleue Rose
F 1- Numbers & math vocabulary Onze -11 Douze -12 Treize -13 Quatorze -14 Quinze -15 Seize -16 dix-sept -17 dix-huit -18 dix-neuf -19 vingt -20 Et-and/plus/add Moins-minus/subtract Fois-times/multiply divisé par-divided by Font-equals Zéro-0 un -1 deux -2 trois -3 quatre -4 cinq -5 six -6 sept -7 huit -8 neuf -9 Dix-10
Youtube links for basic French 1 (alphabet & accent marks) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UmfpCFoyrm4 - ABC RAP Accent marks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6L3opwbpVxk&feature=related L’alphabet: www.languageguide.org/french/alphabet/www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_FSfmRuyrA&feature=plcpwww.youtube.com/watch?v=8rBd4pt1YlA&list=PLA34BBD5783EBAECE&index=2&feature=plpp_videowww.youtube.com/watch?v=lWNWobUPAtMwww.youtube.com/watch?v=GX--39lmGjU&feature=relmfu
Basic French videos-Greetings • Greetings: • Bonjour song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atNkI6QFZ50&feature=share&list=ULatNkI6QFZ50 2. Basic greetings in dialogue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVp9ZekydCs&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&v=waoZzjwbr-I&NR=1 (with Canadian accent)
Basic French videos-numbers • Numbers: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKjWB7AZkX8&feature=channel&list=UL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSsk1Rv9_Ng –Numbers 0-10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys -Numbers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsc3qLMaCu8&feature=fvwrel -Number song*
Number practice links Numbers: http://lexiquefle.free.fr/numero.swf www.quizlet.com Discovering French Unit 1 flashcards: http://www.classzone.com/cz/books/french_1/get_resource.htm?cin=1&ci=1&rg=online_review&npos=1&spos=1&at=flashcards&var=flashcards
Links for GAMES for basic French • Numbers games: www.quia.com/hm/481066.html http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/numbers/games/ http://www.digitaldialects.com/French.htm http://www.zimflex.co.uk/French/Games/Key%20Stage%203/Numbers%201-100/numbers1-100gameshome.html http://quizlet.com/18935/french-numbers-1-100-flash-cards/ • Greetings games: http://www.frenchspanishonline.com/beginnersfrench/school/salutations/greetingsgame.html
0-100 Youtube video and activities • Video: • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyYfcS-1vxw • Games online: http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/primarylanguages/french/numbers/games/
Colors-- Youtube and game links http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsvt2Mg6rys www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYfvJ32syxk&feature=related youtu.be/a9WjcKq5-Zc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYfvJ32syxk • Color games: www.quia.com/hm/363654.html (search quia also!) www1.bonline.se/allezhop/farger.html www.hello-world.com/games/learn.php?language=French&topic=colors
F 2 Goals: Skit & sounds practice • Phonics practice & over accent marks • Skit practice & reading practice* 3. Finish SAM ***PreAP: Get borrowed words back tomorrow, make sentences by Wed.
F 2 ALL Phonics practice ** 1. Araignée 10. ennui 5. coeur 11. coin 6. goûter 2. Noël 12. bague 7. parfum 3. femme 13. yaourt 8. sympa 4. jeune 14. feuille 9. soleil 15. campagne
Accent marks There are four French accents for vowels and one accent for a consonant. For specific information on what the accents do to change the pronunciation of the letters they modify, please see the appropriate letter pages. 1. The accent aigu ´ (acute accent) can only be on an E. At the beginning of a word, it often indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., étudiant (student).2. The accent grave ` (grave accent) can be found on an A, E, or U. On the A and U, it usually serves to distinguish between words that would otherwise be homographs; e.g., ou (or) vs où (where).3. The accent circonflexe ˆ (circumflex) can be on anA, E, I, O, or U. The circumflex usually indicates that an S used to follow that vowel, e.g., forêt (forest). It also serves to distinguish between homographs; e.g., du (contraction of de + le) vsdû (past participleofdevoir).4. The accent tréma ¨ (dieresis or umlaut) can be on an E, I, or U. It is used when two vowels are next to each other and both must be pronounced, e.g.,naïve, Saül.5. The cédille ¸ (cedilla) is found only on the letter C. It changes a hard C sound (like K) into a soft C sound (like S), e.g., garçon. The cedilla is never placed in front of E or I, because C always sounds like an S in front of these vowels.It is essential to put accents in their proper places - an incorrect or missing accent is a spelling mistake just as an incorrect or missing letter would be.
F 2 SKIT—oral quiz with partners A & B-All 2’s!!! • 1A. Comment t'appelles-tu? 1B. Enchanté, Je m’appelle ___, et toi? • 2A. Comment vas-tu? 2B.Bien, merci, et toi? • 3A. Quel âge as-tu? 3B. J’ai # ans, et toi? • 4A. Quelle est ta nationalité? 4B. Je suis…. et toi? • 5A. Où habites-tu? 5B. J’habite à (Spring) et toi? • 6A. D’où viens-tu? 6B. Je viens des Etats-Unis et toi? • 7A. Quand est ton anniversaire? 7B. Mon anniversaire, c’est le… et toi? • 8A. Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire? 8B. J’aime (verbe) et toi? • 9A. As-tu des frères ou des sœurs? 9B. Non, je suis enfant unique…./J’ai 2 …. • 10A. Quelle est ta matière préférée? 10B.Je préfère (le français, l’anglais, l’histoire, les maths, l’informatique, l’art, la musique, l’éducation physique, les sciences). Et toi? Pratiquez! (SAY-next Mon & Tues or Wed. & Thurs. in front of class, memorized!)
F2 All-LISEZ!!! Salut! Je m'appelle Madeleine. J'ai 15 (quinze) ans et mon anniversaire, c'est le 17 (dix-sept) août. Je suis française. Je suis née en Corse. Aujourd’hui, j’habite à Paris, une des plus belles villes du monde ! J'aime le tennis, parce que c'est de bon exercice. J'aime aussi dormir, parce que c'est relaxant. Je n'aime pas le golfe, parce que ce n'est pas amusant à regarder. Aussi, je n'aime pas l'équitation parce que c'est ennuyant. Je suis sociable et musicale. J'aime texter avec mes amies. Ma cuisine préférée est la cuisine italienne. Mon numéro de téléphone, c'est 832-555-5555. J’ai une sœur, je ne suis pas un enfant unique. J’adore ma famille!
FRAP Goal: Finish oral grades, Film • Les devoirs (50% or 100%) (La politesse et F.I.-Chapitre 0, 1. • Finissez la note orale-Montrez & Présentez (-20 pts. Si vousétiez absent-100%) • Finissons le film “Frozen” Les devoirs: Pratiquez “youtube” 0-11:30 et les phrases de la classe etc.!
F 3 Goals: new idioms & describing people & NAME ACROSTICS!!! • Turn in photos & see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mROCCHlKydE#aid=P-ypLN-WbOs 2. Over Faire, Venir, Aller idioms* 3. Quiz-Danielle. New quiz this Thursday on idioms! Know them all French to English! 4. Begin NAME ACROSTICS! H/W: work on acrostics! Due tomorrow!
F 3 l’Interro: les verbes 1-5Écrivez tout, traduisez & conjugez! 15. Faire-to ___ 16. Je__ 19. Nous__ 17. Tu __ 20. Vous __ 18. Il __ 21. Ils __ 22. Venir-to ___ 23. Je __ 26. Nous __ 24. Tu __ 27. Vous __ 25. Il __ 28. Ils __ 29. Aller- to __ 30. Je __ 33. Nous __ 31. Tu __ 34. Vous __ 32. Il __ 35. Ils __ • Être-to ___ 2. Je___ 5. Nous ___ 3.Tu __ 6. Vous ___ 4. Il __ 7. Ils ___ 8. Avoir-to ___ 9. Je__ 12. Nous __ 10. Tu__ 13. Vous __ 11. Il __ 14. Ils __
F 3: FAIRE EXPRESSIONS • FAIRE ATTENTION-to pay attention • FAIRE+ DE/DE LA/DES + sports, pastime or school subject- to be active in, do, study (faire du ski, faire des maths, faire du camping) • FAIRE SES DEVOIRS-to do one’s homework • FAIRE UNE PROMENADE (À PIED, EN AUTO/VOITURE, À VÉLO)-To go 4 a walk/ride by car/bike) • FAIRE LA CUISINE-to cook, do the cooking
F 3: MORE FAIRE EXPRESSIONS • FAIRE LA VAISELLE-TO DO THE DISHES • FAIRE LES COURSES-TO DO THE FOOD/GROCERY SHOPPING • FAIRE DES ACHATS-Shop for other items than food • FAIRE SES VALISES: Pack your bags/suitcases • FAIRE UN TOUR-to take a walk, ride • FAIRE UNE RANDONNÉE-To take a hike/long drive • FAIRE UN VOYAGE- to go on a trip/take a trip • FAIRE UN SÉJOUR-Spend time away from home • FAIRE: TO DO OR TO MAKE! (JE FAIS MES DEVOIRS! JE FAIS UN SANDWICH!)
F3: Last of FAIRE • It’s + weather • to pretend • to hitch-hike • to make dumb mistakes • To do housework • Il fait (+ exp de temps) • … semblant de • … de l’autostop • … des bêtises • … le ménage 6. C’estbien fait! 7. Ça ne fait rien. 8. Ça fait bien. 9. Ça fait mal! 10. Ça fait du bien 11. Ça fait du mal. • (That’s) well done! • “No big deal.” • That feels/looks good. • That hurts! • That’s good for (you). • That’s bad for (you).
venir… • pour dire où on (ne [n’]) vient (pas) (!) • (to say where one is/isn’t coming from) • Tuviens à ma boumsamedisoir? Are you coming to my party Saturday night? • Nous ne venons pas à l’heure. We are coming on time. • pour dire cequ’on (ne [n’]) vient(pas) defaire (To say what one has just done) • ex: • Je viensde prendre le petit déjeuner. • (I have just had breakfast) • Vousvenezd’arriveren classe? (You have just arrived to class? )
Aller… • pour dire où on (ne [n’]) va (pas) (!) • (to say where one is/isn’t going!) • Je vais au café avec mesamis. • Nous n’allons pas à l’école le samedi. • pour indiquerune action dansl’avenir • (to say an action in the near future) • Vousallez beaucoup étudiercetteannée! • Tu ne vas pas aller au match cevendredi?
F 3-Aller + ….. • … bien/mal • … + infinitif • … voir • … chercher • to be doing well/badly • to go + infinitive • to go see • to go get/pick up