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Writing for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability

Writing for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability. AHEAD 2012 New Orleans, LA David R. Parker, Ph.D. (Executive Editor) www.childrensresourcegroup.com drdparker@gmail.com Richard Allegra (Managing Editor) Valerie Spears (Manager of Communications) AHEAD. Today’s Agenda.

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Writing for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability

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  1. Writing for the Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability AHEAD 2012 New Orleans, LA David R. Parker, Ph.D. (Executive Editor) www.childrensresourcegroup.com drdparker@gmail.com Richard Allegra (Managing Editor) Valerie Spears (Manager of Communications) AHEAD

  2. Today’s Agenda • JPED’s Purpose • Publication Frequency • Robust Growth • Accessing JPED • Types of Articles (Research, Practice Brief) • The Review Process • Responding to Editorial Feedback • Suggestions from Editorial Board Members

  3. JPED’s Purpose • JPED is a peer-reviewed journal that “welcomes submissions of innovative and scholarly manuscripts relevant to the issues and practices of educating students with disabilities in postsecondary educational programs.” • Historically and currently, JPED welcomes works from emerging scholars. • The Journal also seeks to broaden its North American focus by publishing research and practices that reflect a more international scope.

  4. Publication Frequency • JPED is published 4 times a year: • March 1st (Issue 1) • June 1st (Issue 2) • September 1st (Issue 3 – Special Issue) • December 1st (Issue 4) • Each issues typically includes: • 4-5 research articles • 1-2 Practice Briefs • 1 book review • Special Issues: • STEM Research/Initiatives (JPED 24/4) • JUST Design/UD Issues (25/3) • College Services for Students with ID (26/3)

  5. Robust Growth • 35 manuscripts received thus far (1/12 to 6/12) • Up from 41 in the entirety of 2011 • 25 research articles, 7 Practice Briefs, 3 book reviews • 8 international manuscripts (3 Canada; 1 each from UK, Hong Kong, South Korea, Israel, Taiwan) • Consistent acceptance rate: 30% • New Research Editorial Board members: • Tomone Takahashi (Shinshu University, Japan), Sue Kroeger (University of Arizona), Tori Kearns (East Georgia College), Sharon Field Hoffman (Wayne State University), Matt Marino (Washington State University), Mary Lee Vance (University of Montana) • New Practice Brief Review Board members: • Martha Jacques Engstrom (Indiana University), Linda Nissenbaum (St. Louis Community College), Colleen Lewis (Columbia University), Larry Markle (Ball State University), Emily Singer Lucio (Catholic University of America) , Christine Duden Street (Washington University in St. Louis) • National Science Foundation (NSF) purchased 100 copies of the STEM Special Issue - JPED 24(4); Sheryl Burgstahler (Guest Editor) • As of 2011, all published authors who are not AHEAD members receive a complimentary print copy

  6. Accessing JPED • The Journal continues to be provided free* as a benefit of AHEAD membership. Switch to universally-accessible formats in Fall 2010, including: • DAISY, text, mp3 audio, and PDF versions * Printed version ($50.00/year or $20.00/single issue) • JPED articles are searchable through ERIC and EBSCO databases database. • Back issues of JPED are also available at: http://www.ahead.org/publications/jped

  7. Research Articles • Research: Original quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method research (25 – 35 pages) • Integration: Integrate research of others, compare/contrast theories, critique results, and/or provide context for future exploration • Innovation: Propose new theory, approach, or service delivery model based on review of research/literature • Policy Analysis: Analyze, critique, or present implications of public policy, statutes, regulation, and litigation • http://www.ahead.org/publications/jped-guide

  8. Practice Briefs • Practice Briefs will describe new or expanded programs, services, or practices that support postsecondary students with disabilities and could, in time, become the focus of empirical studies. • Overall length limited to 12 double-spaced pages, which includes separate title page, abstract, and references pages. Tables and/or figures may be included, beyond the 12 page limit. • Section headers include: • Title page • Abstract • Summary of Relevant Literature • Depiction of the Problem • Participant Demographics and Institutional Partners/Resources • Description of Practice • Evaluation of Observed Outcomes • Implications and Portability • References • http://www.ahead.org/publications/jped-guide

  9. The Review Process • Send manuscript (Word document) and cover email to jped@ahead.org. • Managing Editor (Richard Allegra) confirms receipt; posts manuscript on JPED server. • Executive Editor (David Parker) determines if manuscript should be sent out for review. • Three reviewers conduct “blind” review. • Overall recommendation (publish?) • Areas of weakness (insufficient literature review; findings not supported by data…) • Comments/suggestions

  10. The Review Process (con’t.) 5) Editor shares decision with lead author via email (reject, revise/resubmit, accept w/ minor editing, accept as is); 3-4 months after submission • Synthesis of reviewers’ comments • Highlight the most important areas of feedback * Do not take comments personally. Feedback generally implies an interest in publication or can help you publish in another journal. • Deadline for receiving revised copy 6) Editor may send revised version back to reviewers; offers his own editing suggestions. • Upon acceptance, Valerie Spears requests bio’s and Permission Form from authors. • Valerie proofreads/checks APA formatting and sends galley proof to lead author.

  11. Responding to Editorial Feedback Dear Dr. Parker, Please accept the following revised manuscript, “The Effects of Instruction in a Paired Associates Learning Strategy as an Intervention for College Students with Learning Disabilities” (manuscript #10-15), co-authored with Amy Shearer Lingo, Todd Whitney, and Deborah Bott Slaton. We hope our revisions will meet with your approval. We have used the chart below to organize some of the key suggestions we received and the resulting actions. Thanks for your help and advice. We appreciate the time and effort you and the members of the editorial review board put into our article. Again, we hope our revisions meet with your approval. We look forward to the opportunity to publish our work in JPED. Sincerely yours, Dr. Justin T. Cooper

  12. Suggestions from Reviewers • Recommendations from the experts • Q & A Session Thank you for your interest in writing for JPED.

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