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E ducation in Latvia and Rezekne Municipality. Inta Rimšāne Coordinator of project “SPARK” E-mail: Inta.Rimsane@rdc.lv December 7 , 20 12. GENERAL INFORMATION ABOUT REZEKNE MUNICIPALITY. The biggest municipality in Latvia : 2 524 km2. C onsists of 25 rural territories
EducationinLatviaandRezekneMunicipality Inta Rimšāne Coordinator of project “SPARK” E-mail: Inta.Rimsane@rdc.lv December 7, 2012
Consistsof 25 rural territories • Population:31053 (in July, 2012) • Biggest number of inhabitants in Malta rural territory (3229 people), the smallest in Puša rural territory – (485 people) • 57% Latvians, 37% Russians, 6% other nationalities • Located near the Eastern border of the EU with Russia and Belarus
Development of pupils’ talents • In formal education (lessons, olympiads, scientific research); • In non-formal education (hobby education).
How hobby education works in Latvia • Hobby education programmes are implemented at: 802 schools of general education, 54 schools of vocational education, 48 institutions of hobby education (children and youth centres, centres for technical creative work, centres for environmental education) institutions of pre-school education and institutions of professional trend (music, arts and sport schools) • Almost 80% of pupils are involved in hobby education irrespective of age, ethnicity, gender, social status, special needs and residence • State provides partial funding for the wages of teachers of hobby education • Municipalities provide funding for the development of economically technical basis and partial funding for teachers’ wages in case of need
InstitutionalCooperationinHobbyEducation Ministry of Education and Science National Centrefor Education Localgovernments, localauthorities Educationalestablishments Parents Schoolchildren
CultureProgrammes • Art ofdance (folkdances, moderndances (breakdance, hip-hop,tapdance), balletetc.) • Music (choirsinging, vocalensembles, solo, duet, brass bands, vocalinstrumental, instrumentalensembles, symphonicorchestraetc.) • Visual art, visualplastic art (drawing, painting, ceramics, weaving, floristics, metalworking, woodworking, chinapaintingandpaintingonglass , sewing, needleworketc.) • Theatre arts (movementtheatre, puppettheatre, theatresports, stagespeech, theatreetc.) • Folklore (tradicionalsinging, dancing, playingmusic, narrationetc.) • Creativeindustries (animation, computergraphics, photo, movies, design, video, radio/TV studioetc.)
Technicalcreativityprogrammes • Electronics, radiotechnics, technical modelling • Car modelling, radio controlled car modelling, slot racing etc. • Aviation and rocket modelling, kite construction, ship modelling • Robotics, lego • Informatics, programming etc.
Environmentprogrammes • Astronomy • Naturalsciences • Environmentalstudies • Floriculture, gardening, landscapedesigning • Ecology • Geology • Geographyetc.
Sportprogrammes Individual sports (aerobics, badminton, judo, calisthenics, tabletennis , orienteering, swimming, sports dance, sports tourism, karate, trackandfieldathleticsetc.) Sports games (basketball, floorball, football, hockey, lacrosse, handball, volleyballetc.) Technical sports (kartracing, mini carracing, motorsport, watermotorsportsetc), Boardgames (draughts, novuss, chess, braingames, tablefootball/ hockeyetc.)
Otherprogrammes • Youth creative initiative groups • Guides, students of local history, school museums • Journalism, crative literary work • First aid, self- defence • Road safety • Esthetics,style study, academic etiquette • Household • Foreign languages • Rhetoric • National guard youth, • Etc.
ProblemsofHobbyEducationinLatvia Insufficient accessibility to modern and varied hobby education programmes ,especially implementing inclusive education Offering of hobby education is irregular – it differs between a city and country Lack of teachers to implement hobby education programmes, especially in technical creativity and creative industries Lack of resources to modernize the material - technial basis of hobby education
Facts about education institutions • 2387 pupils of grades 1-12 (September 1, 2012). • 41 education institutions providing an opportunity to receive pre-school, comprehensive, special, professional, vocational and out-of-school education. • 7 secondary schools, 8 primary schools, 3 boarding basic schools, 2 vocational education institutions. • Special Education Support Centre where teachers and parents can get a consultation of a special education teacher, speech therapist or psychologist. • The pre-school education programmes are implemented in 19 pre-school education institutions and 7 schools.
Institutions providing hobby education • Music school in Malta rural territory • Art school in Nautrēni rural territory • Children and youth sports school in Rezekne town • Music secondary school in Rezekne town • Children art school in Rezekne town • Children art and music school in Vilani municipality
Financingin hobby education • State • Municipality • Other (sponsors, volunteers, projects) • Parents
Elements of vocational education • Two secondary schools offer not only the programs of general education but also the vocational education programs from Grade 1: Malta Secondary school No. 2: art Makasani Secondary school: craft • It is planned to transfer the existing experience also to other schools and offer the pupils the programs of choreography, theatre, IT technologies and other programs.
Statefinancingforhobbyeducationin 2012/2013 Programmes of culture education(67%): Dancing (folk dancing, modern dancing, line dancing), Music (choirs, vocal ensembles, pop groups, instrumental ensembles, folklore groups, guitar players), Theatres (theatre sports, drama) Art(visual and applied arts) Sports (18%) Environment (5%) Technical innovations (6%) Other (5%)(scouts, school newspapers)
Additional classes in different subjects. Olympiads in different subjects. (school/region/state) Students’ scientific research work (participation in conferences at school/ Latgale region/state)
Talented students are identified at school. Parents are educated on how to recognize and develop their children’s talents: -created workshop is organized once a year, -’’mothers’ school’’ works regulary. During learning-teaching process teachers take into account the interests of talented students by offering them a higher degree of difficulty and their interests relevant topics and tasks.
Talented students are provided with additional materials, offered to attend individual consultations with teachers Students have possibility to participate at school, regional and state subject Olimpiades School is targeted and effectively plans, promotes and supports the participation on talented students in talant competitions and shows
Schoolofferstalented students to developtheirabilitiesindifferentclubsofinterestsandextraactivities
Talentsshows, contests ’’Erudite’’, ‘’Talants parade’’ regularytakeplaceinschoolandbestparticipantshavepossibilitydemonstratetheirtalentsinregionalevents; Schoolistargetedandeffectivelyplans, promotesandsupportstheparticipationontalented students intalantcompetitionsandshows
SPARK Students Teachers Parents Participation in a talent show Summary of the experience, analysis Educational lecture Camp at the Razna lake Cooperation, exchange of experience Defining of own talents Defining students’ talent