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Unlock the power of 6 proven cancer prevention strategies with Oncologist in El Paso at Rio Grande Cancer Specialist, take control of your health today and start your healing journey now.<br>
INTRODUCTION Runningbetweenraindrops duringastormmaybe comparedtotryingtopreventgettingcancer. Thereappearsto be cancer everywhere.There aren'tmanypeoplewhohaven'tbeenimpactedby it.AccordingtotheNationalCancerInstitute, about 39.5% of men and women will be given a cancerdiagnosisatsomepointintheirlives.
Whatbringsoncancer?Docancers haveanypreventivecauses? Thesearetwoofthemostimportantquerieswe have.Thenumberofcancerdiagnosishas increased.Weareawarethattherearemore contaminants,viruses,andchemicals.Accordingto a reputed El Paso cancer doctor, “stress levels have risen as a result of the sedentary lifestyle broughtaboutby technologyandthe needto support our family.” Let’s look at 7proven ways that can help you prevent the chances of getting cancer.
1.Takeahealthydiet TheAmericanCancerSocietyadviseseatingthe correct quantityoffoodto maintainahealthy weight and getting at least five servings of fruits and vegetableseach day.Red meat,processed meals,andsweetenedbeveragesshouldallbe avoided by cancer patients. What you can do: Add particular cancer-fighting foods to your diet. For instance, berries, garlic, grapes, tomatoes, green tea, and cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli and kale) all have antioxidant characteristics that preventcarcinogensandboostyourimmunity.
2.Stayactive TheAmerican Cancer Society recommends that individuals exercise 150–300 minutes per week of moderateintensityor75–150minutesofhigh intensity to maintain physical fitness and lower theirchanceofdevelopingcancer. Yourchanceofdeveloping variouscancers, including as breast, colon, and lung cancer, can be loweredbyengaging inregularphysicalexercise. 3.Controlfatconsumption According to a 2014 analysis of studies, there may be a link between a greater risk of prostate cancer and dietary saturated and animal fats. In addition tomeat,otherfoodsthatincludeanimalfats includelard,butter,andcheese.
Candy, a range of packaged goods, and fast food productsareadditionalsourcesofsaturatedfatin additiontothepreviouslymentionedfoods. Whereverpossible,substituteplant-basedfats withsaturatedandanimal-basedfats. 4.Stopsmoking The majority of research have not discovered a connection between smoking and prostate cancer, according to a trusted Source. Overall, additional investigationisrequiredtoclearlycharacterisehow smokingmayinfluencetheriskofprostatecancer. Smokersaremorelikelytoexperiencearecurrence of their prostate cancer, according to an earlier 2011 study. Additionally, a 2019 study by Trusted Source found that smoking at the time of diagnosis islinkedtoagreaterchanceofdyingfromprostate canceroranothercause.
5.AvoidoverexposuretoSun Even while it may be pleasurable to soak in the warm sun, too much sun exposure can lead to skin cancer,includingmelanoma.Additionally,the danger is the same with tanning beds. Early skin damage in children makeschild protection even moreimportant. 6.KeepSTIsatbay Sexuallytransmitteddiseasessuchthehuman papillomavirus(HPV),hepatitis,andHIVcancausea variety of cancers. Risk can be decreased by taking efforts to prevent specific diseases. To lower your chanceofgettinganSTD,trytoconsistently participateinsafersexualpractise.
Itisessentialtoadvisebothadultsandchildrento obtaintheirHPVvaccination.Boysandgirlsshould bothreceivevaccinesbetweentheagesof9and12 tohelpavoidcancerinlaterlife.Theimmunisation, however,isrecommendeduptoage26andcanbe givenuptoage45.
Looking for more tips on cancer prevention in El Paso? Consult an oncologist in El Paso Texas at Rio Grande Cancer Specialists, the best avenue to get reliable and affordable El Pasocancertreatmentintheregion.BookyourappointmentwithaleadingElPasocancer doctortoday.
Phone:915-581-6702 Address: 7420RemconCir.Bldg.A-2El Paso,TX79912 Website:www.rgcshope.com