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Monica Dahlström-Lannes Eskilstuna, Sweden monica.dahlstrom@telia.com. E nd C hild P rostitution, Child Pornography A nd T rafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes www.ecpat.net www.ecpatsweden.org. I have to see something I don't want to see.
Monica Dahlström-Lannes Eskilstuna, Sweden monica.dahlstrom@telia.com
End Child Prostitution, Child Pornography And Trafficking of Children for Sexual Purposes www.ecpat.net www.ecpatsweden.org
I have to see something I don't want to see. I have to remember something I don't want to remember. But I close my eyes for the world and I close my mouth so the world can't hear me. You can't help me to tell. It's about my life. It's the story about myself, the story I can't tell. So I close my mouth and I disappear into myself. Teenage girl
Sexual abuse is like using a drug or alcohol: 1. The abuser knows that it is wrong 2. The abuser knows that it is damaging and dangerous 3. Tension dissolving - exciting 4. It gives a "kick"-effect 5. Compulsive repeating 6. Psychological and mental dependence - the child is the drug 7. Denial of the problem, denial of the dependence Tilman Furniz
In 2001 ECPAT Sweden made a study onCommercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in Sweden. 400 children aged 4 month to 18 years This is what some of them said: "Society admires a Lolita... it is fun to break a tabu and have sex with teenagers ... and if they paid I was delivered to them and I was already destroyed, so their abuse did not make any difference. So I do think they thought." Anna "It began with my grandfather sending me across the yard to a man who used me sexually. For this my grandfather got alcohol and status. On other occasions my grandfather bet money on cards, but when he was out of money, then I became a part of it." Susanne "I went on because nobody told me that it was possible to live in another way." Anna www.ecpatsweden.org In 2004 the Swedish government presented a national study where between 900 and 2000 Swedish teenagers, boys and girls, selling sex were found.
CRIME PREVENTION is: • to break the social inheritance • to treat the victims • to inform and teach the children • to stop and treat the abusers • to create policies for travel agencies and private sectors • to take personal responsibility and act
ECPAT Code of Conduct against child sex tourism Almost all swedish tour-operators have accepted this code • 50 tour-operators companies in Europe • 100.000 all over the world - USA and Canada • 3 hotel-chains • 30 millions travellers in Europe + millions in USA and Canada www.thecode.org www.ecpatsweden.org www.ecpat.net
The Code of Conduct Six Criteria 1. Establishment of an ethical corporate policy 2. Education and training of personnel in the home-country and travel destinations 3. Introduction of a clause in the contracts with suppliers 4. Providing information to travellers 5. Providing information to local "key persons" 6. Annual reporting on the implementation of these criteria
Internet 1992 300 000 internet-users 2000 300 million users 90% of children between 8 and 16 year have seen pornographic web-sites at internet 14 million porn-web sites in 1998 260 million in 2003 = 1/8 of all sites Every day, every 4th web search is for porno, = 68 million searches Estimated financial gain: 2 billion dollars www.idg.se
Child-pornography means: • sexual abuse and torture of children • deceiving children • to threaten and keep children silent • to move limits, confirm and normalise perversity • to gain big profit • to give access to forbidden web-sites where pedophiles save, collect and exchange pornography • victims don´t know who will be looking at them
Child-pornography always implies a sexual crime! Pictures are copied in enormous numbers and they never disappear Every time a picture is displayed is a new abuse of the victim and it goes on and on ... Save the Children's HOTLINE: 22000 tips since 1999 The National Criminal Investigation Department: views more than 200 000 porno-pictures every year. 38% of those convicted for child pornography during the nineties are also convicted for sexual abuse of children BrÅ
Possession, production and circulating of child pornography is illegal in Sweden Possession since 1.1.1999 Complaints to police: • 1999 - no statistics • 2000 - 239 • 2001 - 374 • 2002 - 392 • 2003 - 351 Persons convicted of possession: • 1999 - 17 persons • 2000 - 29 • 2001 - 35 • 2002 - 44 • 2003 - 39 BRÅ 2004 That means convicted PERSONS (not numbers of crimes)
“Operation Marcy" September 2003 1 500 German police-officers made searches in 500 flats and confiscated • 745 computers • 35 500 cd-records • 8 300 floppy-discs • 5 800 videotapes 530 Germans from all levels of society were Suspected 26 500 Internet addresses were found to users in 166 countries (of 192) 27 were Swedes "Operation Sleipner" May 2004 Police in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark made a razzia and found 260 suspect persons 118 were Swedes
Possession, production and circulating of child pornography is illegal in Sweden. Gross Child Pornography Crime: Jail for 6 months - 4 years The longest sentence passed was 6 months (2003) in spite of circulating and possession of 140 000 porno pictures. Even if the suspect knows that the girl is less than 18 years old, he can go free, if the girl looks older. And it is not forbidden to look at child-pornography at Internet or to pay for it or to save the address as a Favourite. This is criminalized in Denmark, Norway and Great Britain. Only to save the file to disc is a criminal act. Bill on the protection of children against unsuitable staff in schools and pre-schools. 1.1.2001
We also have found a homepage:www.snyggast.seWARNING! • 160 000 page-visits per day • children, animals, jokes, poetry but also child pornographic images • some of the pictures are submitted by naive girls who need confirmation • The porno-pictures are viewed and judged by thousands of sexually excited boys and men. Example: • A 13 year old girl shows her shaved organ • 2000 viewers have responded with comments to the picture 17000 have voted • many have tried to contact her
How can we protect Children Online, on Internet?NetSmart Rules Don't • Tell anyone you meet on the Internet your home address, telephone number or the name of your school • Send anyone your picture, credit card or bank details • Give your password to anyone, even your best friend. • Meet a chat- or mailmate alone the first time • Answer an e-mail or sms if you don't know from where it comes • Accept a file from somebody you don't know • Hang around in a chat room if someone says or writes something which makes you feel uncomfortable or worried
Supply and demand.No demand - no supply! Stop demand! www. stopdemand.org "If you want to change the world you have to take responsibility. My way is making movies, it is the only thing I can." Lukas Moodysson Where are the other men?