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Critical Issues 2010-2015 for Peace and Development. by Markandey Rai, Chief, Global Parliamentarians UN-HABITAT Nairobi, Kenya. Charter of the United Nations.
Critical Issues 2010-2015 forPeace and Development by Markandey Rai, Chief, Global Parliamentarians UN-HABITAT Nairobi, Kenya
Charter of the United Nations The Charter of the United Nations was signed on 26th June 1945, in San Francisco, at the conclusion of United Nations Conference on international organization and came into force on 24 October 1945. The Charters in its preamble states as:
Charter of the United Nations • WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED • To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war, which twice in our lifetime has brought untold sorrow to mankind, and • To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small, and • To establish conditions under which justice and respect for the obligations arising from treaties and other sources of international law can be maintained, and • To promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Charter of the United Nations • AND FOR THESE ENDS • To practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours, and • To unite our strength to maintain international peace and security, and • To ensure, by the acceptance of principles and the institution of methods, that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest, and • To employ international machinery for the promotion of the economic and social advancement of all peoples,
United Nations Works Mainly in the following four areas • Peace and security • - Economic and Social Development • Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs and • International Law
United Nations Millennium DeclarationResolution adopted by the General Assembly 55/2 UNSeptember 2000 United Nations Photo by Terry Deglau/Eastman Kodak (UN Photo 204184C)
The Millennium Declaration Goals • 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger • 2. Achieve universal primary education • 3. Promote gender equality and empower women • 4. Reduce child mortality • 5. Improve maternal health • 6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases • 7. Ensure environmental sustainability • 8. Develop a global partnership for development • Millennium Development Goal 7, Target 11: • “By 2020, to have achieved a significant improvement • in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers”
Four Mega Trends • Globalization • Information & Communication Technology • Climate Change • Urbanization and the Growth of cities • Combined impact of rapid urbanization, globalization and climate change is influencing the development agenda of today • Hence the need for UN-HABITAT
Basis and Mandate of The UN’s Role;The Case of UN-HABITAT • Stockholm - 1972 • Vancouver - 1976 (UNCHS formed 1978) • Rio - Agenda 21, 1992 • Istanbul 1996 - Habitat Agenda • Millennium Summit - 2000 • UN-HABITAT created - 2001 • Johannesburg - Sustainable Urbanization, 2002 • Nairobi - World Urban Forum I, 2002 • Barcelona - World Urban Forum II, 2004 • Millennium Summit+5 - 2005 • Vancouver – World Urban Forum III, 2006 • Nanjing - World Urban Forum IV, 2008
UN-HABITAT Mission • The United Nations agency for human settlements, helps the urban poor by transforming cities into safer, healthier, greener places with better opportunities where everyone can live in dignity • UN-HABITAT works with organizations at every level, including all spheres of Government, civil society and private sector to help build, manage, plan and finance sustainable development.
UN-HABITAT Key Issues and Mandates • MDG Target 10 - Water and Sanitation • MDG Target 11 - Slum Upgrading • The Habitat Agenda • The Urban Slum Challenge • UN-HABITAT’s Response Strategy • Monitoring • Normative • Technical Cooperation • Financing
No Sustainable Development Without Sustainable Urbanization • With half of the world’s population living in cities, there can be no sustainable development without sustainable urbanization. • Urbanization, urban poverty, and climate change are all linked, and cities and towns represent the nexus of the equation.
Major Challenges • Achieving the MDG’s • Attaining Sustainable Urbanization • Keeping the family together • Maintaining the sanctity of marriage institution • Empowerment of women and youth
Youth Empowerment for Urban Development Partners and Youth Section
Stakeholders of Sustainable Development • Governments alone cannot solve all the problems. • All stakeholders including local authorities, NGO’s, CBO’s, Communities, private sector and other local partners have to work together • Providing Urban Amenities to Rural Areas (PURA)
Parliamentarians and Leaders • Parliamentarians are leaders and representatives of people. They are instrumental in advocating for the rights and needs of the people. • Parliamentarians set the laws, policies and hold the key to funding. • Partnership with parliamentarians can help in mainstreaming issues of shelter, urban poverty reduction and climate change into national policies.
Roundtable of Parliamentarians • A roundtable of Global Parliamentarians are being organized on 23rd March 2009 during the World Urban Forum V in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Climate Change and Human Settlements. • This is a good opportunity for Young leaders, parliamentarians, ministers and leaders of all walk of like to join in the Word Urban Forum V which is a partners meeting on The Right to the City: Bridging the Urban Divide.
Welcome to the next World Urban Forum in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in March, 22-26, 2010 Theme: “The right to the City – Bridging the Urban Divide” 19
Partnership with the Global Peace Federation and UN-HABITAT • International Leadership Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, August 29-31 2008 was the beginning of a partnership with UN-HABITAT. • A number of meetings took place between the GPSA and UN-HABITAT to promote Global Peace and Development, Achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals and promoting the slum upgrading program of UN-HABITAT • International Young Leader Summit was organized in the United Nations Office at Nairobi on the role of young leaders on achieving the UN MDG’s and peace building in Africa, March 19-21 2009. • I was conferred as World Ambassador of Peace in the closing ceremony and reception on 20 March 2009.
Promoting Love Peace and Unity • I do promote Love, Peace and Unity most of the time. • This will come only through One Family under one God. You call by any name but god is one and we are one family. • It is a great challenge but nothing is impossible when mission is right and there is a strong conviction .
My philosophy (Universal Aryan (Hindu) philosophy) • Akah Sad Vipra Bahudha Badabti • This means , god is one but we call by different names. • Udar chatitanam tu Vasudhaiv Kutumbkam • This means that for generous people, the whole globe is a family. • Akashyat patitam toyam yatha gachchati sagaram, • Sarva dev namaskarm Krishanam pratigachchayati • As rain water drops from the sky and goes to the sea as its ultimate goal. Similarly you calling any name of God is the name of Lord Krishana
Prayer for Universal Peace Harihi Om Dyoh Shantirantriksh guin Shantih; Prithivi Shanti, Apah shanti Shantirev Roshadhayah Shanti Vanaspatyah Shanti Vishvedevah Shantih; Brahm Shanti Sarvashanti Shantirev Shanti Samashantiredhih yatoyatah samih se tato no Abhayam kuru, Sannah kuru Prajabhyo; Bhayanah Pashubhyah Shu Shantir Bhawatu This is prayer to God for Universal peace. Let the sky be peaceful, the universe be peaceful, earth to be peaceful, water be peaceful, all medicinal plant be peaceful, all plants and trees to be peaceful, all gods of the universe to be peaceful. The all mighty God to be peaceful, all to be peaceful and more and peace be prevailed and let it be deepen more and more and wherever it goes let is make all free from any fear. Let the people be peaceful and also no fear from any animals. Good peace to prevail everywhere