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ERP and the broader preparedness context

Gain insights into the objectives, logic, and components of the ERP, as well as the roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders. Explore the transition from the 2007 Contingency Planning Guidelines to the ERP approach.

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ERP and the broader preparedness context

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Presentation Transcript

  1. é é ERP and the broader preparedness context

  2. Understanding the broader context in which the ERP is situated Why the IASC transitioned from the 2007 Contingency Planning Guidelines to the ERP • Understanding the objectives and logic underpinning of the ERP approach • Broad understanding of the main components of the ERP and their importance objectives Understanding the different roles and responsibilities - HC/RC , HCT, clusters, local stakeholder and national authorities – and linkages

  3. Exercise Time:10 mins Read the definition on the cards and match them to a term. At the end of the exercise, stick the definition next to the word on the wall.

  4. common framework for preparedness “designed to bring coherence through the coordination of a range of actors assists member states and communities towards achieving resilience, including through enhancing preparedness.”

  5. CADRI DRR Capacity Assessment national Plan of Action for DRR Capacity Development The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative was born in 2007 as a partnership between UNDP, OCHA and UNISDR Reformed in 2013 to be governed by a Board and a Programme Assurance Group composed of UNDP, OCHA, UNICEF, WFP, FAO and WHO technical support for implementation

  6. CADRI initiatives

  7. Exercise Time: 10 mins What are the key elements that make a good humanitarian response? Each group agrees on the key elements and stick cards to the wall.

  8. ERP : overview

  9. ERP: the way forward for IA preparedness …except: replaces the 2007 Contingency Planning Guidelines covers all emergencies Preparedness Package for Refugee Emergencies International Health Regulations

  10. Why the ERP?

  11. And to avoid this!

  12. Practical Flexible Adaptable

  13. Who owns the ERP?

  14. 2007 to 2015

  15. ERP cycle Trigger: when moderate to critical risks become likely or very likely Trigger: when moderate to critical risks become likely or very likely

  16. ERP accountabilities Convenes the potential HCT partners ERP endorsed by IASC HC - RC IASC member agencies/organizations clusters government GA Resolution46/182

  17. Preparedness Package for Refugee Emergencies (PPRE)

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