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<br><br>Surrogacy is a beautiful and life-change experience, and surrogate mothers are truly blessed for shouldering the weight of pregnancy so that others can be parents. Many surrogate mothers say that the true birth of a child is when it is created in the hearts of loving parents. <br><br>So how to become a surrogate mother?<br><br>@ https://www.riteoptions.com/becoming-a-surrogate-mother/
How To Become A Surrogate Mother? By – Rite Options
Surrogacy isa beautiful and life-change experience, and surrogate mothers are truly blessed for shouldering the weight of pregnancy so that otherscan be parents. Many surrogate mothers say that the true birth of a child is when it is created in the hearts oflovingparents. So how to become a surrogatemother?
Motivations for Becoming a Surrogate Mother - ❖The joy of pregnancy and experiencing the miracle of birth ❖A history of easy and uncomplicated pregnancies ❖Empathy toward couples struggling with pregnancy/fertility ❖An opportunity to be part of something special ❖An understanding of the importance of children in parents’ lives ❖Financial help for their family
Requirements for Enrolling in Surrogacy Programs Different clinics and surrogacy agencies have their own requirements, terms, and conditions for enrolling asa surrogate mother. The law regarding surrogacy can also be different for each country or state. However, there are a few basic requirementsthatcan be found in almostallclinicsandagencies. Here aresome of them:
Between 21 to 42 Years of Age The specific age limitsmay vary, but surrogate mothersshould generally be between theirmid to late 20s or early 40s. A mother in her early 20s or below 20 years of age may not fully understand the scope of the procedure and the effect it can have on her, the parents, and the child. On the other hand, a woman in hermid to late 40s isgenerally not allowed to be a surrogate motherbecause the medical risksare too high.
The Woman Must Already Have a Child of Her Own Most clinicsand agencieshave a principle that only those who have gone through pregnancy successfully and experienced birth can truly understand the magnitude of surrogacy. Therefore, they only accept women as surrogate mothers if they have already had a successful pregnancy at least once. Some clinics go further andrequire the surrogatemothers to be activelyraising atleast one child.
Financial Security Emotional factors aside, money can be a major motivation for many surrogate mothers. This is especially true in developing countries like India, but it happens all too often in the U.S. as well. Many clinics in the U.S. do not allow women on welfare or any state assistance to enroll as a surrogate mother. If money is your sole or primary motivation to become a surrogate mother, you may have to reassess what it means to be a surrogate.
Matching Parents and The Surrogate Mother Once you are part of a surrogacy agency or clinic, you will have to wait until you are matched with a prospective couple or parent. Once a match is found, you will receive information about the parents and they will receive information about you. This is done to make sure that both parties get to know and are comfortablewith each other. As a surrogate mother, you may have to meet with the intended parents at the clinic or agency and discuss the process and expectations with them. This very crucial step determines how smoothly the surrogacy willgo.
Medical Preparations If the surrogate mother and intended parents are comfortable with each other, a contract for surrogacy willbe drawn. Once signed andagreed upon,the surrogate motherwillmeet with the IVF doctor. As a surrogate mother, you will have to undergo certain medical tests to assess your condition. The tests takendiffer from clinicto clinic,butmostclinicsconductthe following: ➢Generalphysicalexam ➢Pap smear test ➢Vaginal ultrasound, where an ultrasound probe is inserted into the vagina to check for scar tissue, lining thickness, andpolyps ➢Hysteroscopy, where a small camera is inserted into the uterus through the vagina to check the uterine cavity
Gestational or Traditional Surrogacy There are two types of surrogacy, and you may be selected for either one. As a traditional surrogate, you will be the egg donorand have a genetic link to the baby. The sperm may be from the intended fatheror a donor. As a gestational surrogate, you will only be a surrogate and the egg and sperm will be from donors or the intended parents. This is the preferred option since traditional surrogacy can affect the motheremotionallyandalso cause legalissues.
Conclusion Surrogacy, while beautiful, can be a confusingand tryingprocessforthe surrogate motherand herfamily. You need the full support of your family, and your children should clearly understand why and what you are doing. Most importantly, you can make sure you do not get emotionally affected in the process of making another couple’s dreams come true. I hope the above article throws some light on how to become a surrogate mother? Being a surrogate mother is a lot to ask from any woman; do not rush the decision.