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January 2012 Daventry Voluntary and Community Sector Forum

January 2012 Daventry Voluntary and Community Sector Forum. What is the JSNA and who is it for?.

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January 2012 Daventry Voluntary and Community Sector Forum

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  1. January 2012 Daventry Voluntary and Community Sector Forum

  2. What is the JSNA and who is it for? The Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is for everyone who has an interest in and responsibility for improving services to better meet the health and wellbeing needs of the people of Northamptonshire, specifically providing evidence to inform the development of joint health and social care commissioning strategies to meet those needs. The JSNA focuses on evidence of need, evidence of what residents believe is important and evidence of what works.

  3. NCC Children’s Trust LINk NVC Corby Healthcare Local Councils NHS Northampton shire Nene Commissioning Participation in JSNA

  4. Demographics Daventry has a growing population - currently the resident population is 79,000, which is predicted to increase to 86,100 by 2020. Daventry currently has a younger population than the county average with 1 in 5 people aged 15 or under. Over the next ten years the age profile is expected to alter significantly, with the older population projected to increase. The biggest increase is in the number of people aged 65+. It is predicted that almost one in five of the county’s, and Daventry’s, population will be 65 or over by 2020. Similarly the number of people aged over 85 in the county is expected to increase by around 5,000 in the next ten years.

  5. The gap in life expectancy is 6.4 years for men, and 3 years for women, between Corby and South Northamptonshire Life expectancy in Daventry is 78.9 years for men, and 82.7 years for women.

  6. There are still significant differences in health and life expectancy across the county. Within Northamptonshire, 24.1% of the population live with a limiting long term illness. In Daventry men on average reach 65.2 years old disability free, for women it is slightly older 67 years. As at November 2010 there were 17,350 people claiming incapacity benefit or severe disablement allowance in Northamptonshire The most common causes of premature death (before 75 years old) in Northamptonshire are cancer, heart disease and stroke. These are mostly affected by lifestyle behaviours, but deaths vary unequally across the County. In Daventry heart disease was the most common cause of death in 2007-09 14% of the population, with stroke the next at 7% of the population.

  7. Social, economic & environmental Northamptonshire has a significantly rural population, with more than a quarter of its population living in rural areas. Daventry is one of the most rural districts with at least 80 per cent of their population living in rural settlements and larger market towns . Some rural areas suffer from a lack of access to public transport which affects those households without a car, many of whom are pensioners 14% of Northamptonshire’s population live in one of the 20% most deprived areas in England of which 4% live within the 10% most deprived. In Daventry deprivation is lower with no residents living in one of the 10% most deprived areas nationally. However approximately 2000 people in Daventry live in one of the 20% most deprived areas in England

  8. The county has a lower skills profile than average -13.9% of the population have no qualifications compared to the average of 11.3% across Great Britain. In Daventry the figure is lower at 10.2%. Across Northamptonshire, Wellingborough had the highest rate of working age people with no qualifications (21.2%) and Corby the lowest (8.1%). In September 2010, 6.6% of those aged 16 and over in the county were unemployed. In Daventry the figure was 5.8%, nationally 7.6%. In May 2011 in Daventry the rate of people claiming Job Seekers Allowance (JSA) was 2.1%, lower than the England rate of 3.7%.

  9. Children In Daventry, 10.8% of children live in poverty compared to the county average of 15.4%. Three quarters of the children in poverty live with a lone parent and half the families in poverty have a child under the age of 4. Children aged 0 to 15 years make up over 20% of Daventry’s population. In 2020 it is projected that there will be 15,700 children aged 0 to 15 years in Daventry. In 2009 there were 818 births in Daventry, of which 5 were stillbirths.

  10. Achievements and life chances of individuals in adulthood are strongly linked to experiences in their early years and at school. In 2009/10 at each stage of nationally based education assessments there remains significant variation in the attainment of pupils within and between schools across the county. At age 5 & 7pupils achieve above the national average but at age 11 pupils’ progress and levels of attainment fall below the national average. At age 16, for the first time, over 50% of young people achieved 5 or more GCSEs at grades A*–C including English and Mathematics; in Daventry the figure was 56.3%

  11. The number of children subject to a child protection plan in Daventry was 60 on 31st March 2011 with 51 children currently being looked after by the local authority. The rate of child protection plans in Northamptonshire (28 per 10,000 children) is now just below the national average of 35.5 in 2009/10. The number of looked after children continued to rise to 735 on 31st March 2011. There were 5,000 referrals to children’s social care services in the year ending 31st March 2011, an increase on the figure for the same period last year.

  12. Adults 23.7% Daventry’s population aged 16+ is classified as obese, almost 1 in 4 adults 14.5% of adults aged over 16 in Daventry are physically active, compared to 8.6% in Corby 21% of the 16+ population smoke, slightly lower than England at 22.2%. Within the county, Corby 35.9%, Kettering 24.4%, Northampton 25.5% and Wellingborough 25.8% have a higher proportion of smokers than the county average.

  13. In 2009 there were 6,055 premature deaths (aged under 75 years) in the county. Heart disease is the largest cause of premature deaths for men, with 582 men dying before the age of 75. High levels of heart disease are mainly associated with smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and chronic stress. For females the main cause of premature death is cancer with around 1 in 4 deaths. In Daventry the incidence of all types of cancers is 401.5 per 100,000 population, signifcantly higher than the national average of 374.0 per 100,000 population. The prevalence of diabetes in Daventry is 5.1%, which is lower than both the county rate of 5.29% and the England average of 5.4%. This is predicted to rise if the rates of obesity continue to increase at the current rate. In Daventry the number of early deaths from heart disease (50 per 100,000) is lower than the national rate of 70.5 per 100,000

  14. Older People One in ten areas in Northamptonshire contains higher proportions of older people living in poverty, with rates ranging from 31% to 53%. In 2001, over 8% of Northamptonshire residents who were over 65 did not have central heating in their homes; in Daventry an estimated 13.6% of households live in fuel poverty In Northamptonshire in 2009/10 2,320 carers of those aged 65 and over accessed either local authority information or services in the county. Across the county 2,057people aged 65 and over received residential care in 2009/10, those receiving community based services totalled 4,660.

  15. In Daventry the proportion of people that think that older people receive the support they need to live independently rose from 25.8% in 2008 to 28.4% in 2009. Falls in the elderly are a common cause of injury, and even death. Approximately one in ten results in serious injury. The most common fractures are fractured hip or femur. During 2009/10 there were 462 hip fractures per 100,000 people aged 65+, 73 of which were Daventry residents. By 2020, 38,107 people aged 65+ in Northamptonshire are predicted to have a fall. In 2010, 79% of people in the county were still in their own home after 91 days following hospital discharge, compared to 81% nationally.

  16. JSNA Challenges Supporting vulnerable children and parents Improving educational attainment Falls in older people Obesity within the family Smoking prevalence

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