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EPHEMEROPTERA. Two theories of flight. Entognatha. Archaeognatha. Hexapoda. Zygentoma = Thysanura. Ephemeroptera. Insecta. Odonata. Plecoptera. Embiodea. Pterygota. Zoraptera. Dermaptera. Grylloblattodea. ?. Mantophasmatodea. Orthoptera. Phasmatodea. Blattaria. Isoptera.

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  2. Two theories of flight

  3. Entognatha Archaeognatha Hexapoda Zygentoma = Thysanura Ephemeroptera Insecta Odonata Plecoptera Embiodea Pterygota Zoraptera Dermaptera Grylloblattodea ? Mantophasmatodea Orthoptera Phasmatodea Blattaria Isoptera Mantodea Neoptera Psocoptera Phthiraptera Thysanoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Rhaphidioptera Megaloptera Neuroptera Hymenoptera Holometabola Mecoptera Siphonaptera Diptera Apterygotes Strepsiptera Trichoptera Paleoptera Lepidoptera Hemimetabolous Holometabolous

  4. Phylogeny of the Paleoptera Entognatha Sister group to pterygote insects Hexapoda Archaeognatha Thysanura Insecta Ephemeroptera Odonata Pterygota Paleoptera Neoptera

  5. Phylogeny of the Paleoptera Thysanura Insecta Ephemeroptera Odonata Pterygota 1) Subimago stage Paleoptera 2) Costal brace Neoptera 1) Axillary sclerite doesn’t permit wing folding 1) No abdominal appendages in adult 2) No wings

  6. Hexapod Orders Ephemeroptera Ephemero - short-lived, ptera - wings Number of Species ca. 2000 Common names mayflies, shadflies Typical habitats Nymphs - aquatic, Adult - aerial Distinguishing characteristics -three tails (cerci) -non-foldable wings Other features -short lived -don’t feed as adults – no mouthparts

  7. Paleontology of Mayflies Modern mayflies Stem families 1) ≈ wings 2) Mouthparts in adults

  8. Ephemeroptera - Wings

  9. Costal brace

  10. Ephemeroptera Superficially look like Plecoptera (stoneflies) but… Ephemeroptera Plecoptera -abodminal gills -thoracic gills

  11. Ephemeroptera -originally terrestrial - then invaded water -first invade lotic streams -then radiate to lentic streams

  12. Ephemeroptera - Life History subimago nymph Egg laying imago (adult) Mating swarm

  13. Timing of life stages December Nymph September March Adult June

  14. Ephemeroptera - Life History Nymph Ecological Specialization Climbers Free-ranging Clinging Silt Clinging Burrowers

  15. Ephemeroptera - Life History Nymph Scraper Shredder Predator Feeding Mode Gatherer Filter feeder

  16. Ephemeroptera - Life History Subimago

  17. Ephemeroptera - Life History Subimago to Adult • add genitalia • wings clear

  18. Ephemeroptera - Mating

  19. Male Female in vegetation Giant Mayfly Mating

  20. Ephemeroptera - Egg laying Females lay eggs by: 1) Dropping on surface while flying 2) Place on stones underwater 3) Spread underwater 4) Rupture female’s body

  21. Ephemeroptera - Egg laying

  22. Ephemeroptera - Egg laying Hatching is temperature sensitive 100 75 50 25 • • • • • % eggs hatched • • • 5 10 15 20 Temperature (ºC)

  23. Ephemeroptera as Indicator Species

  24. Ephemeroptera as Indicator Species

  25. Ephemeroptera video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B7dB51cfxek http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBHBfck67D8&feature=related

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